Opies fucking voice???

13  2015-09-17 by axeheadroad

I don't hate Opie as much as you clowns, but when the fuck did he change his voice?

Is he satirizing the default radio guy voice, or is this for real?

Just listen to 2013-2014 to now its undeniable.


He's imitating Florentine.

It was literally as soon as Anthony got fired. Florentine was in for 2-3 days in a row and suddenly Opie has a new voice.

Fawkin bruuutal

I don't hate Opie as much as you clowns

You'll crack. They always crack.

I cracked.

It's kind of like a lazy frat guy/generic radio announcer swirl of shit he's developed. He used to do it before briefly, like when setting up a clip or going to break. It came off like he was aware it was douchey and was doing it "for the bit." Now it's extended to even his conversational voice.

When o&j was on for a few months post-ant, they were unexpectedly thrown in a make-shift studio for like a week. I had already started to be extremely bothered by titty boy's fucking voice which i thought was from my new found hate.

On that show his voice sounded lighter, like in the past. I remember the radio god bitching that the temp studio mic's sound wasnt set like he liked it and someone needed to fix it. That confirmed rhe prick had it engineered some effect in order to sound raspier and more like a man.

This was before the offical new studio construction began, and was not related to his post-construction complain.

Isn't that how all cool, hip, young dudes talk?

Audio example?

I haven't noticed.