What the fuck

79  2015-09-17 by arobben


Nice... a fat Criss Angel

Criss Bagel.

Chris Angel. Food cake.



Good one, Chip.

Packet of Criss.

Criss Stangel





Fuck me, that's hilarious.


He's fatter and gayer than rosie o donnell

Remarkably, his tits are still smaller than Opie's.

Crisco Stangel

Haha awesome!!!

What I would give to drop this fat fuck into the Opie and Anthony show with guys like Vos, Patrice, Jefferies around...

Mustn't forget Otto.

He's definitely been getting trashed daily, I'm waiting for the moment when he finally snaps and says something "unforgivable" to the opster.

That's a pretty nice wiiiiiiiiiiiig!

Yeaaaaaaahhhhh. Lets see the lifts!

Extraa strengthh lifts for thaaat fatt fuckkkk.


Yeah those are highlights from being outside in the sun.. sure.

You know how these jewy jewbags are - too much time in the sun and their hair becomes straight and gorgeous with blonde highlights.

Outside in the sun, taking a few Rays and catching some waves. Just an average day for a young bro-dude.

Hey looks like Peter Griffin after a shitty joke writer's pitch.

That reminds me of the time I started a garage rock band.

(Flashback to Peter, wearing a goth wig.)

That whole photo is bizarre as fuck.

KD Lang's Fat Dike Twin likes to Bro down with the fellas bra-less...

Te-Te-Boi Gregg liking them nips for sure!

I just like you used the term "bro down."

This guy is more hateable than Roland. There. I said it.

At least Roland just knows that he is Roland and doesn't try to hide it. This guy is like trying to pretend he is some cool young bro dude and he is constantly trying to hide the fact that he is fat.

Say what ever about Roland, but that fuck is good at getting guests.

Sometimes the simplest thread titles are the best, solid belly laugh....What The Fuck indeed.

I laughed out loud

Opie should redo the bit they did with Stalker Patti's wig.

Let's pretend he has the greatest hair in the world - does he think it offsets his diabetes ridden body to the point that it's worth focusing on?


I hate how he thinks that his hair is great. Sure, it's a full head. Even if it's real, it looks fucking retarded. It looks like he straight irons it every morning and it's long like a bass player in My Chemical Romance or something.

Reminds me of a great Otto and George line: "Why do fat chicks dye their hair blonde? What's the point? That's like putting whipped cream on dog shit. It looks a little better, but I'm not gonna eat it."

He keeps his wife's cock ring between his b-cups.

Hey peteah. (Bawston accent).

Looks like a fat latino backing dancer.

Jews are often weird creepy faggots. Fatso here being a prime example.

Looks like he wants to be the jew version of Morrie from Morries wigs…buy em because they don't come off!!!

"I'm not even that fat GUYS! Stop picking on me Pete!"

Fucking fat lump of shit whines like a fucking faggot when he gets slammed. Just take the beating stupid.


Haha, has to do the ol' "wedding ring on a necklace because my hoagie fingers are too fat" routine

Something is seriously wrong with that man.


Who is that lady and why isn't she wearing a bra?

This dude thinks he's Frodo with that necklace

Looks like a fat black chick in the thumbnail

I watched this on periscope. I felt like I was watching a Charlie Brown cartoon

That wig went from a horse's tail to that fat fuck's head, always near a horses's ass.

One nipple goes one way, the other nipple goes the other way. And this guy's sayin "whaddaya want from me, Mr Hughes, sir?"

Nice head of fake hair.

He looks like a fat middle aged cop undercover as a high school student in the 90s


Poor Jimmy, he has to see this every day and not fucking destroy him. Not to mention Nagel, he used to get destroyed every time he did something different to his hair. They paraded him around the building and this unfunny 'hey gang I'm funny too' fat cunt gets to wear this inner city weave looking style and go untouched unless Pete is in studio

is that Sammy Hagar?

This is Bob. Bob has bitch tits.

I know, they all have bitch tits on there...well, except Jimmy, he is just a bitch.

This fucking dude should be bashed daily.

Opie still has hotter tits

He's a fag right?

he's married to a female and has kids. but yeah.

That fatter Stangel loves this attention.

I know most of you don't listen anymore but he giggles with glee when Pete Davidson rips him apart.

I wouldn't put it past either one of them to be doing all this bullshit on purpose knowing full well you guys eat up anything about them.

Shut up, Justin you fat talentless fuck.

I'm not fat, I type like a skinny person.

And this is after he started a sugar free lifestyle.

Post this to Facebook, so I can give them titties 4 thumbs down.

Why is fat Nathan Drake on the radio?


What does this faggot do?

All I've seen them do is be fat and Jewish. I'm not seeing the value here.

I'm actually somebody who's quasi-defended OnJ, but the Stangels are seriously radio cancer.

Maybe they do something useful behind the scenes, but they belong nowhere near a microphone.

Justin Diabeebs.

He must be "transitioning"

Why doesn't he have a neck?

Them's titties.

I haven't heard the show since these guys came on - do they talk about how fucking ridiculous his hair looks?

He looks like a pumpkin wearing a toupee

The most hilarious thing about this is, we all know Opie only makes fun of him because it kills him inside that he can't have hair like that anymore.

remember opie making fun of Todd for that frosted hair?

Yeaaaaaaahhhhh. Lets see the lifts!
