How mad was Opie this morning that Facebook is adding a dislike button?

33  2015-09-17 by [deleted]

"You people have fun with your new dislike button on facebook." You can hear the worry in his voice.

Also why does Opie feel the need to lie about everything? I listened to the first half hour, and Jimmy told a shell story about throwing hundreds of them in a sewer, so Opie "also had a shell story" of collecting what he thought were just hundreds of shells, which he had in his possession for some time, then went out to eat and came back and thought the room was broken into cause the shells were scattered, but it turned out they were alive and moving around.... So hundred shells didn't move at all that whole time until he left.

Also what's up with him saying the zooseum? Does he actually think he kid says that, and that is not just dumb word he is trying to start. Just like how his kid some pictures of the man zoo from history, and said "look at the monkeys."

This is from just the first 30 minutes of the show.


So, this idiot tried to craft a "shell collecting" story wherein he collected LIVE clams thinking they were "shells", only to have these mollusks, which require seawater for motivation, and at the VERY LEAST, damp beach-sand to crawl/bury-themselves a few inches, motor randomly around his home whilst he took leave of them?

Gregg's shells are the best shells.


His stupidity is boundless

As are his breasts.

Until they encounter my mouth.

I once brought home live mussels from the beach when I was a kid. They just died and stunk up the place.

Maybe hermit crabs? I didn't hear his story so i don't know

That was the only reason I listened today, I got a turgid erection just thinking about the damage we are going to do to the O&J Facebook page this Jocktober.

Jocktober is comming...

I liked when he was all about hating it until Jimmy and Troy(?) told him who cares. "But they're just going to be downvoting family vacations and shit." - Opie..HAHA

Opie has opinions until everyone else tells them they are shit, he then does a complete 180 and agrees with the opposite of what he said originally. He really is incapable of original thoughts for the most part but even when he does he doesn't have the conviction to stick to it.

Jocktober is comming...

The dislike button is just in time. Last year we didn't know the score. This year we do.

I sure hope you guys don't post inappropriate images on O&J's social media pages!

Yo do have an idea about the time stamp of that? I listened to today's whole show on YouTube and I swear to fuck there was a cut out/gap and I didn't hear it

EDIT never mind I found it and I will go fuck myself.

Within the first 30 min

Just in time huh? Beautiful.

This is so brilliant. It's like he's on Death Row now.


just like it came and went last year. this sub is all talk and no rock.

Tits: Saammmyyyyy what's new on the Oqieradio facebook page? sniff
Sam: uhhm....we had to go into phase 4

They're just enabling the haters maaaaaan!!

I feel like he's had more than one story about his kid saying, "look at the monkeys!"

I just heard the show from 6-5 with Chyna today and in the first two minutes you can hear Opie stealth try to prove through questions to Chyna that social media or the internet is "just for haters;" you can hear his voice get low and bitter until he catches himself and snaps out of it.

The dislike buttons are going to be a nice touch.

I'm imaging that shell story with all of the grotesque verbal inflections and fake laughter of the made-up flu shot story and it's making me wish somebody would drill a seashell into his eye socket.

"You people have fun with your new dislike button on facebook.

That's adorable - thinking we need his permission to hate him. Way to validate your own narcissism, Tits!

Finally! The dislike button will be the final nail in Opie's jump to suicide.

The "dislike" button will just turn into Opie's new "bit".... you're SUPPOSED to dislike the stuff he posts, dummies!

EDIT: I'm not actually calling anyone dummies, I'm just imitating what Opie would say

Anyone else thinking he'll have 100,000 likes by fake accounts on every post now?

Leave it alone!

Oh boo hoo, old fag. That's how culture is now. If you're going to be "all in" with social media, then you're just going to have to face the facts that you leave yourself open to any asshole, anywhere, at any time, for any reason, to shit on you in the most asshole-ish way possible. If you're going to show the entire world your stupid vacation photos or what dumb shit meal you're making for dinner or whatever other nonsense that pops int your head for 0.5 seconds and think the world needs to know, then you are going to have to deal with shitbags who want to fuck with you either because they don't like you or because it's funny of they're bored or whatever.

It's not hater culture. There is no hater culture. It's social media culture. And you either accept that this is how it operates or you don't get involved at all. If you don't want the possibility that people will shit on your dumb photos or god awful Youtube videos then don't post them. Show them within the privacy of your own home, retard. I feel like any time someone tries to say the word "hater" the keyboard should send an electrical shock through their fingers.

Also, let's remember that Opie is in his 50s and talking about this shit like its a matter of life and death. He's old enough to be a grandfather and he is worried about the haters. He's a sad, pathetic, old nerd with his panties all in an uproar over a culture that he is not a part of.

#SunsetPix #ComicalTeeShirts #FunnyCoffeeMugs #SignedMerch #twat


Just wait until he wakes up one day and finds 80% of his twitter followers gone because Twitter removed all the fake accounts.

They're fucking with the system this is oppression