Cameras on Opie

36  2015-09-16 by jataylorlfc

everytime he drops one of his useless additions (e.g. 'you think') the camera flips to him, he looks like a dirty fat old yellow lemur.

the angle pointing upward, he is like a lonely, idiotic spaceman, in his capsule half dead, depleted faculties,

this was useless i know, but i needed to pop out this turd of my mind.

He is uncomfortable to watch, uncomfortable to hear. Hes toxic to this show.


Hahaha. And sometimes when the camera flips to him, he's leaning back in his chair like a chill dude in space, just shootin' the shit with his crew, enjoying tossing the ol' comedy ball around. He wants a lil' taste of space exploration. lil taste, lil taste.

HA. His fake laid back demeanor, fitting in like a pedo at a skatepark.

Just chillin droppin sweet opinions and witty wry lines.

Steering the spaceship directly into a black hole.

Speaking of which, what's Sherrod been up to lately?

Leading the cool kiddos around like the Pied Piper. He innocently announces he has a sweet place filled with video games just around the corner if they want to come around and get a lil taste.

Rye lines?

tss'I get zooted off dos.


yeah thats what I wrote ^

While Artie, Metzger and Norton are busy being funny, the lonely (yet cool) space man looks on

in space no one can you hear you sniff

unfortunately they can still hear this

Ha ha ha. Am shitting and that made me squeeze unexpectedly.

BaldOpieRaqio could have a field day with that photo

what about regulatopieraqio?

Ground control to major tits

I don't know if it's just me, but every single picture I've seen of Kanye West I always think to myself "Is he retarded?" There's something about his face when he smiles it's like he's trying to hide the fact that he is autistic or retarded or some shit... I feel the same way about Opie.

It's like Opie wears his stupidity on his face. people always shit on Vos for being dumb but it's painfully obvious to me... especially over the past year that Opie is truly the biggest idiot in the room, Erock conducts a better show than Opie ever has.

It's true, like there is something missing. Its like someone put a dogs brain in a humans body and now its talking.

Maybe Opie's just got Old Timers. Kanye -fuck knows.

"lonely, idiotic spaceman" Thank you for the laugh, sir.

check out my empty soul maaan

When they were listening to Maron's show, that fucking board-op bore said "that's creepy" about a dozen times.

Opie's being cyberbullied :'(






Absolutely very very hateable.


Your post needs more Comma's IMO


My heavens.

Man did he just walk on into that one.

Leave him alone he's an innocent lamb.

Your commas need less apostrophes YFI

I don't get it.

Ha ha ha. Am shitting and that made me squeeze unexpectedly.

what about regulatopieraqio?