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16  2015-09-16 by hkpp

This cheap white trash fuck really doesn't understand how these museums operate? "I get in free all nice. It's free!" Asshole cunt. He needed a Stangle to explain it to him, and even then, he was adamant that he was doing the right thing because he's paid in the past. Fuck. He sucks. And his son is going to be an awful, rich cocksucker in about 10 years. Yuck. Disgusting pigs.


Why would a millionaire lie about taking advantage of something meant for poor families? What a complete halfwit. Enjoy the dislike button, tits. I was indifferent to his stupidity not too long ago but now I just want to watch the show turn into the steaming pile it is before it's canceled. Fade away, idiot.

Turn into?

The thing about Opie is he's a compulsive liar. He may have legitimately paid but lied about it to appeal to the working class which is even more infuriating.

He probably does pay but is just making that up for the air. What I can't figure out is why you would tell a story about yourself that just makes you look bad at the end. Opie just doesn't get how to be likable.

Tits does this all the time. It's one of the things that's lingered with him his whole career. During one of the WNEW broadcasts he talked about how he's never banged a black chick, and a few years ago during a discussion he talks about how he banged a black chick at Geneseo once. He's a shit head.

Leading to the famous exchange of:

Guest: Really? How'd you go about picking her up?

ME: Oh you know, just being ME:

Is that the same one that scared him cuz she was gonna be good in bed?


I've said this before but, he never understood it when Ant and Jim made fun of people in Twister for being douchey because in his heart of hearts he strives to be a generic 90's shithead.


I think if you pretend to be something long enough, it's what you become. The Actor Gregg Hughes has never seemed like a nice guy, it always came off like comedians were given an off-air TALKING TO if they didn't walk on the ol' shells.


I dunno. I've never really heard anybody who met him say he was shitty, besides ant obviously.



every producer they've ever had, apparently. ed asner. homeless people. anybody he's ever made a money bet with.

yeah i'm sure he's not SO bad when he's off air. but being stupid doesn't change when the mics are off.

some people have said that opie was the nice one off air and ant was the intimidating one, but others have also said the opposite. so i'm willing to say they are both assholes off air.

so i'm willing to say they are both assholes off air.

And that's fine, if an entertainer is shitty. IF THEY ARE ENTERTAINING.

But if someone is talentless and uninteresting to listen to, and they're shitty, then it's irritating. I don't listen to TACS anymore because Ant is going downhill, but at least he's a "hasbeen" and not a fat titted "never was".

I actually agree with Ant on some issues, mainly immigration and gun control, but it's just not entertaining to watch a 60 year old man angrily agree with himself in front of a green screen.

But he was a dick off air when he was doing really good radio, who cares. I'd love for him to turn around but I do not see it happening at this point. It'll be interesting to see him in 20 years that's for sure.

But, back to Opie, if someone were good with editing they could take the audio of landmark Opie Bit "Hasbeen Corner" and make him interview himself, the audio where he was crying over Greggshells, and maybe that'd be funny! I dunno! I should do it! I suck!

Two fat heebs in show biz had to explain to Opie that he was being embarrassingly cheap and rude. Everybody on the show is so hateable.

I dunno. I've never really heard anybody who met him say he was shitty, besides ant obviously.
