Sherrod is BACK today. Get fired up, gang!

7  2015-09-16 by arobben

Or should I say...he's BLACK. Fawk yeah


You left out the "L"

This post is an L


How many minutes did it take him to get in a good line about race?

Sherrod cannot possibly make whatever this is I'm hearing sound worse. This fake, forced laughter makes this garbage sound like the lowest rated morning zoo in Piedmont, North Dakota.

WOOOOO!!! I woke up and put on my traditional african hat and clothing and a foam finger and sat in front of my radio cheering!!!


is he black?

This is the first I'm hearing about any of this.

it's radio, so i don't really know. it's not like he mentions it.

Is he KILLING it.

Doing a good job for us

C'mon money, of course he is.

Thanks for the warning can't wait to not listen to the show.

That joke was easier to see coming than Ant at a playground.

haha sik user name

Wait...Sherrods black?

black as the darkest night

I'll fire up the cross on my front lawn.

OFFICIAL Comedian @Sherrod_Small, @VH1 @RaceWarsPodcast #OpiewithJimNorton, #OpieRadio, #RaceWars , #LieDetector @MTV @Fuse #SherrodsTwitterArmy #RedEye

What the hell does this status mean?

He's edgy so he's at your mother's house banging her.

My mom's dead, bud.


why Is vh1 tagged?

Sherrod hasn't been on in a while and he just happens to get a tweet asking him when he'll be on next and, coincidentally, it's the next day. Something smells fishy.

How much did he finally get SXM to pay him?

Maybe the Opester slipped him an envelope... Just a tasteeee

Wow I thought you said that he was BLACK for a second there.. What a shocking revelation that would be.