Fed Up. Is Opie getting a taste of the sugar movie?

24  2015-09-15 by Dennyislife

He brings it up every day and has for a month. I only listen at work as background these days and the second he speaks about that movie i fill with rage. Today he said kids born today will live to 100 but then quotes that 'doc' most days saying this is the first generation of kids who will die younger than their parents. How fucking old does he think he's going to be?


Fed Up is a terrible documentary. It blames Big Sugar, and is too sympathetic to the fat parents who are abusing their children. I felt really bad for the kid who was desperate to lose weight but didn't know how. His parents were 100% responsible and acted like it was out of their hands.

The worst part is, it's not a good movie. It's a 20/20 news piece that is just longer. There is no narrative. There is no journey or arc. It's a CNN special report

This is the easiest way for autistic people to process information.

I watched it and took in some good info about how the body breaks down sugar and processed foods etc., didn't realize how bad the school lunches got. But the rest of the time I sat there disgusted at the piece of shit parents that do nothing to help their kids.

Think of the source, do you really expect them to force someone to take personal responsibility for something? There was a lot of good information in the doc though, especially for people who really aren't aware of it.

As dimwitted as Shelly can be, sometimes things do get through to him. I think Fed Up enlightened him as to how much sugar is in everything and what it does to people, so now he spouts off the information any chance he gets like a 2nd grader reciting dinosaur facts he learned that day.

I'd rather hear dinosaur facts.

E-Rocks a Dinozzzauuurree

ME: Jimmy, where we at with the Velociraptor. I really gotta go rewatch the Jurrasic Parks.

He would say that, and then shut down for half the show, because he'd remember a certain person that has a raptor by his pool. You'd be able to hear his butthole snap shut.

Ya know, Dinosaurs? They lived 65 million years ago! Fucking crazy, right?... sniff

How long ago was that Sam? 65 millions years?!?!?! FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCGGGGGGKKKK!

...now he spouts off the information any chance he gets like a 2nd grader reciting dinosaur facts he learned that day.


when i see two obese parents raising an obese toddler i want to throw boxes of spare parts at them... what was the question?

This idea that sugar is not good for you isn't news. No shit. This would be like if I made a documentary this year that told you that smoking isn't good for you. Everyone already knows. I don't understand why people are shocked by the information in this documentary. Nutrition labeling on food has been mandatory since 1990. Look at what you are eating. It isn't a secret.

Fed Up is an opinion piece. It is not a scientific lesson. It was made by the chick who did An Inconvenient Truth.

Al Gore?

When Nick Di Paolo was in earlier this week he interrupted a football coversation to bring up an Evel Kenievel documentary. It's like it's literally the only knowledge he has to add to the conversation.

Knowing that a room full of fat people and a mummified alien think sugar is terrible for you makes me pretty sure that sugar is probably good for you and I think I am going to eat more of it now.

Considering he waited and responsibly had children at 50 he has to think he's got some time left.


Then asking florentine: "where are you at on sugar?"

opie's intelligence reminds me of two characters in hitman blood money, one is a chilean drug lord and the other is a fbi snitch, in both cases all you have to do is throw a coin infront of them and run away so they give chase. you run the chilean to the edge of a cliff and shove him off and the snitch into the middle of the road where the fbi runs him over. opie is a exploitable glitch that yields easy silent assassin scores.

I thought all the radio guys did this.

Joe Rogan plugs Onit constantly, and Alex Jones is always encouraging listeners to invest in canned food/gold/etc.

He really needs to stop with the documentree talk. He created a show dedicated to them, keep that garbage talk over there. I don't need to hear about 3 new documentrees Opie has seen every single day.

but how else is opie going to self philate that inflated ego?

This is the easiest way for autistic people to process information.