Noticed something about Sherrod

2  2015-09-15 by gagusername

I remember way early on into O+J Sherrod came on for like his 3rd or 4th appearance. Jimmy did that thing where someone says " someone wrote me an email calling me a hack". Quickly followed by Jim saying "Oh good, you got my email". This usually gets a nice laugh and the show moves on. I've now noticed Sherrod using this bit/joke/whatever all the time. He uses it on Racewars and even O+J one time when Jimmy was out. Idk if Norton has the rights to this kinda thing, but it seems like a blatant rip off. Maybe I'm just looking for more shit to justify my hate for dumb Sherrod



You fuckers and your insider info. How can you possibly know his race?

Sherrod's been doing various versions of that line for a few years on Race Wars.

In fact he just did it on the last episode.

And the naming his new cd joke

Exactly--or something like "I didn't realize that was you" when someone recounts something horrible that was done or said to them.

Pretty much every episode. He used it before he came on O&J. If anything maybe Jim was just trying to mock him.

He's black?

I think you are, but don't let that deter your hatred


I hate sherrod but this is a pretty common joke lots of people have used.