Why wasn't Opie in the "Top Five" cameo?

7  2015-09-14 by pitstained

I was just thinking about this and can't remember anyone really explaining it. Why was Opie the only member of the show not present during their brief appearance in Top Five? Even fucking Sam made it in the background. Was this never brought up on the show, ever?


dunno,it was rated R so it couldn't have been the tits.

He was there. You see him on screen for about .5 seconds, so he was there for the shoot. The editors should win an academy award.

He was apart of it, he got cut out because he offered nothing of substance, which apparently his talent.

Probably was holding out for some pocket money to be in it

Because Chris Rock didn't want to punish the audience

they said they shot 5 minutes of script and they used 5 seconds, probably got edited out.

Because the movie sucks as it is, no sense in making it worse.

Sherrod was even in that pile of shit.

it was really bad, I was shocked at how bad it turned out.

Never be shocked at how bad something can be if Sherrod is involved.

Is Sherrod the black one?

Thats the rumor.

If Opie, Anthony, or Jimmy are involved, it's going to be terrible.