This is how you start a show! (9/14/15 edition)

41  2015-09-14 by OrangeManhehe

(3:50 for mobile)

.. .. ..

ME: Did you watch the Miss America "paget?"

*silence.. silence... silence.. *

ME: Anyone? GOOD!

Stangle Jew: You know, what, my wife and..

ME: A bunch of gays in this room. Good.

Stangle Jew: I walked in, saw two seconds of it, and walked out, then went to bed.

ME: Yeah.. You didn't want to look at their SNATCHES?

Stangle Jew: Nmhmm... Well, they tend not to show their snatches on the show.

ME: I think they should show camel toe at least, keep us interested.

Stangle Jew: (dutifully) I agree...

ME: Because when they open their mouths, they are saying nothing, they're just babbling idiots.

.. .. ..

Opie can't stand to listen to babbling idiots! Neither can I, so I turned the show off after this.

Side note: why is NOT watching the "paget" gay? Wouldn't watching the paget be gay? He immediately got defensive, felt gay, and projected onto everyone in the room, LOL. Good thing he recovered and started talking about THEIR FUCKING TWATS! OHHHH!


Opie sounds like a gay guy who is trying to sound like a straight guy who doesn't know what straight guys find attractive about women.

'Man I was just watching for the HOT CHICKS! But women are so DUMB! Don't you wish they'd just shut up and show their ASSHOLES?! Oh gooood I just wish they would stick a bunch of things in their assholes so that I can jerk off my penis and cum all over my Louie XV armoire! Right, guys?!"

He fully solidified this with his bit on getting horny by looking at balloons. Because they resemble breasts, you see. This bit of genius was from when Anthony was still around, I believe.


Nobody really wanted to save that particular brand of idiocy.

It wasn't just Chip that was based on Opie, but Sam's forgotten character AJ Poopieschitz as well.

I'll never forget AJ Poopieschitz.

So he's stealing Fez's bit now that he's retired. Smart move Op. Can't wait til we hear about your fiancé in Niagara Falls Canada.

Cookie? Cookie?

Kiss? Kiss?

New conspiracy theory: Opie always wanted Anthony's meaty sausage a la Fez to Ronnie B, which is why the rift between them hurt him so much and he cried during his Greggshells response.

The "human garbage" tweet is exactly like a text from a scorned girlfriend.

Would also explain his Fez hatred. Closeted gay guys often have extreme hatred for other gay people.

Just like Joe

Later in the show when they're talking about Vanessa Williams:

Stangel: She grew up in our town.

ME: Did you get to see her sssnatch growing up!?

Random question, was Florentine in studio?



Nah... Opie just sounds like Opie opening up his dumb radio show. You are an obsessed retard but then again Viral Spiral is my current employer so lets just all go fuck ourselves...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't listen to the show anymore but reading this just got me enraged because I know that's exactly how that went down. I still come here to see if I missed anything worth listening to (like tits crying) but, I'm obviously I'm not missing a fucking thing. I hate you opie, you ruined my show.

ME: Because when they open their mouths, they are saying nothing, they're just babbling idiots.

Oh, the irony.

You beat me to it. I miss the old show so fucking much.

Their NFL segment was pure shit as well. Nobody in the room watched a game. Tits thought Seattle won and called Tampa QB Jamison Winston.

My Jets won yesterday! Cromartie broke his leg FUUUUUUUCK! That guy on the Jets ahhhh he didn't break his neck ahhhh what's his name ahhhh they strapped him down to a board ahhhh...

It's so nice not listening anymore so I don't hear about the Jets. All I wanted to hear them talk about on Monday mornings is something interesting from the weekend and I got wrong details about a game I could give a shit about.

this is why I only respect people who still listen, if only for 15 mins. we need to keep the opie trashing fresh and current.

Start from the beginning of the show and you can hear The Opester say how he LOVES the 90s alternative rock, but never really listened to Weezer and decides he should now.

How could somebody work in radio in the 90's and not happen to hear about Weezer?


Cuz he was ALL IN with the Nirvana sniff

Ah 90's Alt Rock.. How many years ago do you think that was?...Jim?

Fawk yeah, snatches!! Dvvv dvvv

Ugh, what a frat boy pansy. He has to over embelish on SNATCHES because he can't come to terms with how he sucked off his whole fraternity.

Well, I officially felt bad for a jew, first time for everything i guess.

Welcome to Opeschwitz.

I thought you were kidding.



Opie filling the D.A. now that Fez is gone.

This is frighteningly retarded and dull.

I hope Tits is still working on that resignation letter.

Anybody here still think Sirius will always re-sign him/never let him go?

Don't listen beyond those 30 seconds, you will suffer internal bleeding.

why are you still listening? ...

The reason all of us still listen to a few minutes of the show every once in a while, friend: To feel better about ourselves by hating Opie and sharing our hatred with this sub. For it is the hater agenda.

don't we have two decades of material to pick apart, surely you shouldn't have to endure any more suffering just to make fun of tits.

don't discourage these brave souls from going into the belly (tits?) of the beast to bring us these valuable shit-encrusted gems

" THANK YOU! I did the stats after that, after that, whole super bowl thing and it turns out that he doesn't punch it in as much as everyone thinks".

That football break was pitiful. You had a clueless Opie trying to initiate a discussion with 3 others who don't know / care about football.

If i want to see naked women i go on the internet or look in a neighbor's window like the rest of the world.

I know the show is terrible but this is bad beyond words.

Honestly I thought your transcript had to be made up, I was wrong. I don't know if I should thank you or curse you for giving that youtube link.

could you imagine hearing this live? itd be like striking an opie hate oil well.


Today was PAINFUL. That first break was a microcosm of what the show has been since Ant left.

I would trash the fuck if I found out one of my friends watched ms America

I'm glad retarded bobby so fanny big animal xD posting is over and this board is back to the real issues.

It's so nice not listening anymore so I don't hear about the Jets. All I wanted to hear them talk about on Monday mornings is something interesting from the weekend and I got wrong details about a game I could give a shit about.