Betrays his more talented radio partner of 20 years, then hawks merchandise to make a quick buck off of said partner's name. What an absolutely detestable boob

10  2015-09-14 by ShipSteerer


Who the fuck would be caught wearing that shit? I hide the fact that I use to listen to these cunts

Yep. Someone asked me, "What was the name of that thing you told me to look up ages ago?" and I just went "Uhh, I don't remember..."

Spineless weasel.

And proud of it!

It's amazing how ironic that picture is

In what way?

Because the only person on the shirt contributed the least to the humor of the show.

I can't believe you actually answered.

This sub only likes irony when it gets it.

DV niggas

It's just one of those things. If I would have seen that it was you before answering I probably would have caught the sarcasm.

Fair enough. You were trying to be helpful.


As much as I hate him I do still enjoy him being such an idiot. Makes me laugh. All. Day. Long.


NO ONE is buying this in 2015, embarrassing to say the least

People buy Opie's sunset pictures and Anthony's stupid Alzheimer's shirts; of course retards will buy this.

What makes him even more of a cheesedick is that he outright lies when he doesn't seem to need to:

ME: Was working on 20yr Opie and Anthony shirts when all hell broke loose.

What a load. It's a shitty design that anybody could have thrown together in 5-minutes. He even Opiefied it with the back-logo: "20 Years" in "I Guess This Looks Cool" font. WTF does "20 Years" symbolize?

Now have a look at THIS "campaign". It's his first attempt at marketing this crappy tee. Notice the date? "Last available on 5/29/15"

You're right, they were $8 cheaper too. Needed to gouge his dwindling fan base for some extra pocket money for Lynsi & the river kids I guess.

He's a loyer.

He's loying.

I really don't understand how Opie can continue to use, "Opie and Anthony" branded merchandise, without giving Anthony a cut of the profits.

Either Opie owns the name and the licensing rights by himself (shitty work on Bob Eatman's part for Anthony) or he's just selling these things willy nilly, and giving zero fucks.

SXM owns the brand, I'm sure Opie had to run his little idea past them first. It's probably negotiated into his contract. Or he's paying SXM a percentage.

I like the idea that he's trying to squeeze every penny out of his cash cow now he knows the time is ticking away.

Fucking retarded cunt.

From what I recall, Opie owns the brand. SXM does not own O&A as they were opie, and and jim were contractors. If SXM owned the brand, he'd have to use the SXM logo on his merchandise and most likely it would be sold on the SXM website.

You're probably right

Why is Jimmy always an afterthought? where the fuck is he on the shirt? Just like a few years back when they made that 20th anniversary intro for the show and then forgot to put Jimmy in it.

what about the stangels?

Oh, I don't like them

Yeah? Well the jerk store called.

They made some friends along the way....


Right exactly! That horseshit was so clumsily thrown in.

Buying an OandA shirt in 2015 is like buying a Lost shirt in 2015. You're paying to look like an asshole

But people would actually know what Lost is.

He's attempting to grandfather in a t-shirt. You couldn't make this shit up.

And it took him 14 months to figure it out.

How can pocket money be this important?

lynzi gets his paycheck and his spending money comes from merch

In truth we know she gets the cash ( minus Opie expenses ). It's his 'gift' to her to keep her busy and involved in his 'career'.

I'm sure she's 'proud' of her children's 'father'.

Why wouldn't you make the "20 Years" text style match the "Opie and Anthony" one? I can see why this took 13+ months to design.

Exactly. It looks stupid. They should get Dani to art direct.

Do people wear radio station or show shirts? I remember them dwindling in the late 90's. My brother had a Mancow one in 96-97.

I would have worn a Stern shirt back in the day. That's as far as I woul go.

I really do enjoy how awful everyone looks coming out of Anthony's firing last year. Every single person involved in this show looks like a complete and utter fool in their own way.

Even E rock?


What a bunch of bullshit. No matter how mad it makes you or how much you cry about tits, Anthony is the reason Anthony got fired.

so true, they were under contract and cant just not show up

Howard would have if Robin got fired.

prolly not tho but the top gear guys did

Well Robin wouldn't put herself in a position to get fired anyway, but hypothetically if she was you really think Howard wouldn't walk? Come on.

i never listened to howard but based on all the shit i read about him he seems to love the paycheck above everything else

20.69+4.00 (shipping) X 316 = $7802.04 Anyone know Teesprings cut?

Anthony needs to get a lawyer and sue tits for half of the 36 dollars he is gonna make

"Half of 36 dollars? Wait wait wait, hold on hold OOOOOON I got this! I was a math wiz in college!"

Then again, the other guy steals content and bits from the old show so they're kind of even.


Still waiting... I'll give you a head start, not jocktober. Opie jocktobered the Todd show last year.

Somebody here pointed out that Opie has the mic and is "rockin the crowd" and Ant is standing around doing nothing. Fair representation of the partnership, right?

That design screams zero effort, just like his radioshows.


If Opie had boxes of these dumb shirts in his house, I could understand him trying to offload them, but these are made to order shirts. Opie is a truly loathsome individual.

Calling him that is an insult to boobs. Boobs are awesome.

are you 12?

Late 20s, why?

You heard the latest Nirvana album, brotherman?


I would buy it just to take a shit on it and mail it back to opie radio studios

This is SURREAL...

u/anthonycumiashow comment?

Since, reddit turned on him, he ain't answering shit!

We turned on him for a half a second. He did bitch shit, we corrrrrected him, we moved on, and like him again. We are focused back on the traitorous, hollow minded cunt Opie.

I would expect Ant to have something to say about his name on a shirt, based on a legacy he helped to build, being sold by his backstabbing partner (cough Divide and conquer will never work on us cough), with him getting NOTHING!

Ant Comment? Time for you to stir the shit up again you Libyan suicide bomber.

we moved on, and like him again.

When did that happen? I did not get the memo.

What, he's been tweaking that design for the last 12 months?

Betrayed how, exactly?

Anthony ruined opie and anthony by not being able to control himself. Sure I don't think he should've been fired but in today's culture, he should've known better. Instead he wrote racist stuff and got fired then he shit all over opie for the subsequent year non stop.

Opie might suck but anthony is the one more at fault for what happened to O&A and the loyalty too. I highly doubt anthony would've broken his contract and quit over opie being fired. Especially after finding out how much he hates opie and how much he "suffered" Having to work with him.

Exactly! He runs off and starts talking shit on Twitter like a fucking girl. And he still acts like that taking shots at what has been a situation that's long over. Nobody in their right mind thinks he should have been fired but fuck him for being little whiny twat all the time.

I don't understand why people that make lots of money constantly feel the need to make more.

What else are you going to buy? Is the added aggravation of advertising, manufacturing and shipping t-shirts worth adding I dunno...$100,000 to your bottom line? You're a millionaire man. Relax.

Once I got to the point in my career where money wasn't an issue anymore, the goal was then to reduce the amount of time I spent working. Not add on to it.

That being said, maybe he needs more money. What do I know. I'm just some Mo on reddit.

Linger Longer. Waddle Doodle.

worth adding I dunno...$100,000 to your bottom line?

Pahaps less than that...

Yea, I was being generous.

worth adding I dunno...$100,000 to your bottom line?

Pahaps less than that...

prolly not tho but the top gear guys did