Nick DiPaolo In Studio (09/14/2015) Slams Liberals, What a SHOCKER!!!!

14  2015-09-14 by Johnniebutters


Now we're supposed to hate Nick DiPaolo? Fuck off

DiPaolo is entertaining every single time

I've always hated him. I never understood why people want to listen to Ant talk to a mirror.

Well good for you.


I find myself writing more and more DiPaulo jokes inadvertently as I become an older, angrier & more conservative white man surrounded by minorities. I'll be like "Shit, that's a total Nick DiPaulo joke." They really go over well in LA, let me tell you. That fellow has really rubbed off on me.

Nobody asked for a peek behind the curtain shit head.


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You're so fuckin cool, guy.

So you're a completely unfunny, unsuccessful Nick Dip? Sounds like a dream!

Yeah, cool guy! That's me! You TOTALLY zinged me! Awesome, bra.

I'm just repeating to you exactly what you said with a little of your delusion stripped away, you miserable dope.

Totally, dude! I absolutely deserved that, thank you for the honesty. I'm sure you're a total badass so I'll tread lightly.

Deserved what, you retard? You aren't being persecuted, I'm just saying what you're saying without the part where you pretend you're an actual comic. No wonder you're so despised on this sub with this delusional, bitching attitude.

It's all good, bro. You're just telling it like it is, I appreciate it. Keep it real, always.

Im not despised here, the only negative press I get is a very well organized attack from some nasty, nasty people. The upvotes for most of my posts in here speak for themselves, you're welcome to roll through my history, playa.

I notice you here all the time, reliably at the bottom of the thread. Nice rip off of Opie's logic though!

Well it was a joke, I was quoting him.

Nice try on the hate, tho

That was was nice to hear the other two flip flop and flubber their positions after...made them look like morons.

In today's edition of Schoolhouse Rocks For Brains, we learned that not only should Americans have to pass a civics test in order to vote, but also that "five un-elected lawyers shouldn't be making laws that affect the country". I know this is far from an intellectual show, but Jesus Christ, at least have more knowledge than an eighth grader.

does anyone, other than Travis, actually have more knowledge than a 8th grader on there? The sports talk I heard this morning couldn't have been more forced and fake.

What's wrong about that? It does only take five justices to shape the law of this country. However, whoever it was that tried to make that point is a complete and utter retard.

That would be Mr. DiPaolo on both points, although both are enshrined in our Constitution. The justices are literally the last stop on the constitutionality train while legislatures pass far shittier, unlawful, biased, and injurious "laws".

Why the fuck am I making these points in this sub with you shitlairds... Go hug a train.

And yet you listen knowing full well he's going to make you angry. Congratulations, you're Nick DiPaolo with a different ideology.

You don't have to listen to DiPaolo to know what his talking points are going to be: a political snoozefest, just like Anthony nowadays. And before anyone shits their pants over this post, no, I don't like Colbert or the Daily Show either.

You're still "A liberal NYU faggot."

Good, it will be funny to hear Opie completely change his postion on everything until a liberal comes in studio.

Hearing dumb fucking comics pontificate about politics is just as bad as hearing politicians talk about what's funny. All of these morons should really shut the fuck up about it.

'At least he's the President' wtf? thats Jimmy's best recourse to a discussion fucking ideological idiot and his selective outrage at the governments cheery picking of federal law.

ME: "I played every sport BUT Soccer."

Opie the slot wide reciever, putting up numberrrrsss in the passing game. Opie the puck handling defenseman. Opie the left handed specialist reliever. Opie the dime dishing pointguard, crossing fools over like A.I. And showing love to his nigggaaaaasssss.

Why the fuck am i subjecting myself to this? I just wanted to hear Nick and Jim argue politics in a funny way like some '02 Tough Crowd shit. What. The. Fuck.

Coulda been an NBA Linebacker model by night, legendary music jock by day.

Nick is funny, but his obsession with liberals is annoying. People like him and Anthony bitch about the constitution and their rights, but they support laws like stop and frisk. They both claim to not be racist, yet they constantly talk about black people/welfare/immigration. They grow up in republican households with narrow minded parents, and they grow up to be narrow minded conservatives. And then act like they are a unique voice

The thing that pisses me off most about Ant and Nick isn't their opinions, it's their cowardice. When someone does some anti-gun shit Ant screams about them being lib cunts and how much he hates them etc, unless Amy Schumer does it then he won't dare say a word, not even have a dialogue with her or point oout why she's wrong.

Nick talks about how political correctness is ruining comedy and how he hates feminism, unless it's his pals Andy Kindler or, again, Amy Schumer doing it. Again, not a word of disagreement from him.

It's almost like Ant is/was friends with Amy and Nick is friends/peers with Kindler and Amy also. You take this shit too seriously. Take a breather.

Friends, sure. I'm sure his "friend" Amy will be on his show to defend him at any moment now.

Nick being "friends/peers" with Kindler and Schumer is kind of part of the problem. Three pretty talentless people who can only exist in the comedy industry because they are friends/peers with other people and wont actually be judged on their abilities.

Yeah he has an obsession with liberals but looking at it from his point-of-view I get why he does. Liberals are the biggest enemies of comics these days (it used to be conservatives) and Nick is in an industry where being an open conservative has hurt his career. You probably wouldn't make this same post about a liberal comic who has an obsession with republicans, and that happens way more than the reverse. You're biased also, don't act like you aren't.

Of course I'm biased, everyone is. I just choose not lash out at everyone who has a different viewpoint. If a name is mentioned, the first words out of Nicks mouth are "fucking liberal idiot". Yeah I have strong opinions, but I don't rant and rave about how the other side stinks without even hearing them out. Ant and Nick think if you have a left leaning opinion on a singular topic, that you now represent the entire faction of radical liberals. The same thing they get pissed about when liberals call them racist teabaggers

Yeah I just had a conversation (or debate maybe) with some people on the TACS sub yesterday about guns in America. They made the point that the problem isn't guns, it's illegal guns. So I said "well would you then be in favor of mandatory life sentences for people who are caught with an illegal gun. This would make gun dealers less willing to sell guns illegally because they know that if some asshole is caught with an illegal gun the cops will say 'tell me where you got this or you're going to prison for life' and the person will most likely cut a deal and turn over the seller. Because of this supply of illegal guns goes down and demand goes up which drives the price thru the roof and then nobody on the streets can afford to buy an illegal gun. (this was demonstrated in Australia)." None of them were OK with this sort of law because "you are an authoritarian fucktard if you think that's a good idea!" but then the same fuckin person who said that said stop and frisk is the right way to go. Wait a second... it's authoritarian to have strict punishments enforced on people who you know committed a crime but illegal search and seizure without a warrant and probable cause isn't authoritarian? These people are not principled. They just know what rules and regulations Fox News and the NRA say are OK and they agree without even connecting the dots.

Do u have some kind of obsession with guns every time I see a post by u u make the same retarded comments

Really? Maybe you only notice the ones about guns because guns seem to be a sticking point with you?

Fuck off Jeffries

There's a second E in Jefferies and I'm pretty sure he never said anything at all about mandatory minimums for illegal gun possession and I'm against gun bans and he isn't... But I did mention Australia so I guess we are the same guy.

I've seen it spelled both ways

They would argue that Stop & Frisk is okay because the cops still needed probable cause. Which is such horseshit, because everyone knows that cops can and will just make shit up to stop you for. They are anti-big government, unless it's only effecting people that don't look like them. Ant has changed my thinking on a lot of stuff, but he has become a right wing crusader. You can't even mention a left leaning politician without these people calling them a libtard or faggot. What has Obama really done that pisses him off so much? Obamacare forced people who were living without insurance and costing the taxpayers millions to buy their own insurance. He killed Osama and increased drone strikes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't raised federal taxes once, and he hasn't passed one bit of gun legislation.

Whatchu mean these people?

The blacks.

Thank You! Someone finally gets my point. Maybe you have to actually listen to it to understand it.

Or be a liberal dipshit who can't enjoy comedy from people with different perspectives. We all have to sit through mindless pontification from all the lefty comics, you have to deal with it too

Reverse the political leaning and name me another comedian who jumps on it as consistently and with as little attempt at anything resembling humor.

"Where is Brian Williams these days?"

"On msnbc"

"He'll be back on msnbc, it's a network of liars. Suckin satan's cock over there."

"He's gonna get some big ratings for them because everyone wants to look at the liar"

"(laughs) 'everyone wants to look at the liar'. Go to the white house for that."

I love lib smashing, but Nick isn't very good at it, if "good" is defined as funny, clever, or original.

Jamie Kilstein, Janeane Garofalo, Andy Kindler, Ted Alexandro, pretty much anyone who was ever on Air America. Also most mainstream funny comics throw liberal bullshit in their acts all the time. Carlin, Hicks, Louis CK, Patton Oswalt, Amy Schumer, Hannibal Burress, John Oliver, Jon Stewart, I could go on.

I might give it a listen today then.

Even though Nick does make the show more enjoyable than usual, trust you'll be disappointed by the show overall.

I fully expect to be. It will be fun to hear the two uninformed, spineless worms try to defend their position before folding to one of nick's slightly superior, but still retarded, arguments.

That's a good thing.

Partisan hacks on both sides are obnoxious twats. That goes for those of you in here who are getting triggered and asshurt over Nick.

And I'll just add that Nick is immensely respected by comedians, most of whom are liberal, so that trumps your shit opinion. He's hilarious. Sorry. Keep getting offended if you want.

Nick says "Christ" a lot

Don't see a problem. Libtards like OP are fucking idiots.

Stop trying to make this a sub where we hate all good comics just because they go visit Norton in his cell

Nick is a boring one trick guinea hypocrite who sucks off Kindler. I don't give a shit about the patriots and his predictable opinions are boring. The pussification of America from the liberals continu- GOT IT. That's some funny stuff for the millionth time.

Troy picks Weezer as the opening song- what a fucking needy fake hipster douche face. First its ICP/Kottonmouth Kings esque Rock-Rap, then a lead singer in some douchey metalcore band like 5 years after people stopped liking metalcore. Now, in 2015, you really feel the need to pick "Say It Aint So" to play... Ugggggh. What a faggot. Hes like a 40 year old High School freshman.

Does he mention Bernie Sanders?

He had a great line about him that I will now proceed to ruin: "I hate his content, but like his crankiness."

I can't believe that dope ventriloquist believed Bernie tweeted that Karl Marx quote.

Nick DiPaolo is fucking hilarious and is unashamed of his political views and is sickened by what shit the liberals have done to modern society. So yeah he's going to slam liberals, fuck em

I think people get more annoyed by the fact that it doesn't matter what the person says, if it comes out of the mouth of someone he deems liberal he automatically disagrees and goes ballistic. Anthony did the same thing. They're close minded curmudgeons.

Exactly. Extreme liberals and conservatives are the fucking worst. Automatically oppose each other without warrant. I remember Republican Senators saying how the Iran nuclear deal was a 'bad one' prior to even a deal being made. This is why Trump is doing well. People hate what politicians have become, which is exactly what Anthony & Nick have also become.

Opie is a retarded Scorch with more money and a family. The minutes until stroke mouth came in were like listening to girlfriends of bisexual faggot football fans trying to discuss the sport.

u mad OP?


ME: Loving the Bruce Jenner talk

Where is the rest of the show faggot?

Glen Hansard for third mic.

Hahahahaha! He said GOO GOBBLERS HAHAHA!

Nick's hilarious when politics isn't the subject. When it is, he's the following with one word changed.

I don't mind it because I know why he does it. He saw Anne Coulter's success with her constant, unrelenting trolling, and he figured his career could use a boost - obviously there's a market for that kind of thing out there.


Dipalo has the perfect opinion on the patriots. "JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE SUCCESSFUL EVERYONE CALLS THEM CHEATERS". Yes Nick, it's a class issue. Not an issue that their legacy is completely tainted to everyone except boston douche bags.

He's right. The only people complaining about the Pats are sore losers with shitty organizations

Or, ya know, people who saw them get caught twice cheating and once winning a superbowl with an obscure rule.

I mean it's not like they made up the Tuck Rule, it's a legit rule and if I was a coach and was in a bad spot I would think of anything I could to get myself out of it, and what they did wasn't even unethical. I'm not even a pats fan I just love how people get so angry about them because their coach is strategic and wants to win. I wish Chip Kelly was more like that.

Yes, taping signals from an unauthorized location, I mean they probably should have executed Belichick on the spot. It speaks to the stupidity of the sports viewing public that people still have zero clue what the rule was.

Youre right, those deflated balls really made a difference when Bellichick outcoached the shit out of Harghbaugh by running plays with 6 offensive linemen, 1 of whom always declared as a receiver and all Harbaugh could do was cry to officials as Julian Edelman throws A TD pass.

Then those deflated balls REALLY WERE the difference in that 45-7 game against the Colts.

And they are cheaters because the perfectly assessed the situation without using a timeout in the Superbowl with under a minute left by calling a play they ran a million times in practice. And the undrafted rookie from a D2 school was definitely cheating when he stepped up and made the greatest play in Superbowl history, singlehandedly winning them the game, BY CHEATING!

Not sure anyone is saying they win because the cheat. They win because they have great talent and a great coach. That doesn't change the fact that they are cheaters. Did you see the recent info on spygate? They were sending employees to break into hotel rooms and steal playbooks. Along with some other crazy shit. Of course they win because they are a great organization, but they are still cheaters. Also I'm a Packer fan, so I'm not just a jealous hater who cheers for a shitty team.

Youre a Packer fan? What do you think Vince Lombardi did in his hayday? He may not have had access to technology the Pats did in the 00's but do you not think he employed "spys" to snap pics and get access to playbooks. This type of shit goes back to the day the game was invented. And people only bring it up because they win, same shit happened to Red Aurobach and the Celtics.

Bill didnt pull this shit out of nowhere either, He learned under Parcells (who i love) but Parcells was the most sneaky, dirty, asshole coach there ever was. Would love to see them start snooping around those Giants teams who won the SB. Trace the lineage of the Parcells/bellichick coaching tree and all 32 teams fall under it.

Your basically saying all teams are cheating, so we agree that the Patriots are cheaters? Also, your making some pretty big accusations as far as Vince Lombardi goes and without any evidence. If cheating is so widespread, why are we only hearing about it from this once franchise? Don't tell me it's because of their success and the Commissioner is out to get them. The NFL benefits when they have a dynasty like New England around. They fucking cheated dude and they got caught multiple times. You can say it didn't matter in the games, but they did cheat.

So just because you suspect other teams cheat/cheated in the past any teams caught cheating in the present/future are in the clear?

That's EXACTLY the mentality these patriot ballwashers have. Patriots did nothing wrong necause others might have done it.

you're absolutely right. nick is another right wing dingbat who's entire world view on every subject is shaped by politics

I don't get your post, so he hates liberals, I hate most of them aswell. Double standard cocksukers who become right wing when it comes to Israel (See Sam Harris, Bill Maher). At least the right wing are consitant in their bullshit.

Sam Harris said we should Nuke the middle east, a real progressive liberal right?

Sam Harris is actually incredibly intelligent, read his books. Also, watch him make that faggot Cenk Uygur from the Young Turks look like a bitch, I'm surprised they haven't taken it down yet because it's pretty embarrassing.

I want to believe that he's not a complete moron, but after having read some of his books, it's difficult. End of Faith and Moral Landscape are both terrible.

Free Will and Waking Up are both great books. Also Lying which I have to read for my philosophy class is another good one.

I'll have a look at them.

Harris seems a little bit confused about Israel, his bias shows. Same with Cenk and Muslims. It's natural to do it, but I reject the notion of Harris as umbiased source on the matter. How ever people make exuses it still makes you wonder. He is a great thinker, but he has to be above his own ethnicity to really impress me.

Bill Maher makes fun of Christians and muslims non stop, but on the topic of radical judaism and israel he somehow ignores it, even in his documentary the topic of judaism get sparred and the other religion gets it hard. Sam harris (allthrough alot less) still exhibit this type lf behavior.

What infuriates me about Cenk is pretty much the same, the obvious bias and the leaving out of facts that does not support his narrative. He is still a very nationalistic Turk as Harris is very much an Israeli (well no left winger in israel talks about a first strike nuclear option so I guess its an American left thing)

Both people you used as examples have something in common, can you spot what it is?

Bill Maher was raised Catholic. Just saying.

Well I am happy Ben Affleck called them shifty Jews as an example of their racism. Ofcourse later Ben Affleck had some unpleasant history magically revealed by the media about his family history...

But I can't say it's because of their ethnicity, look at Chomsky, Greenwald, Finkelstein, Stewart etc etc.




He can't go a minute without saying Fucking Liberals... That's my point. WE GET IT, and i'm glad Jimmy gave it to em.

Norton actually had a spine about something?

no he really didn't

I think people get more annoyed by the fact that it doesn't matter what the person says, if it comes out of the mouth of someone he deems liberal he automatically disagrees and goes ballistic. Anthony did the same thing. They're close minded curmudgeons.

Youre right, those deflated balls really made a difference when Bellichick outcoached the shit out of Harghbaugh by running plays with 6 offensive linemen, 1 of whom always declared as a receiver and all Harbaugh could do was cry to officials as Julian Edelman throws A TD pass.

Then those deflated balls REALLY WERE the difference in that 45-7 game against the Colts.

And they are cheaters because the perfectly assessed the situation without using a timeout in the Superbowl with under a minute left by calling a play they ran a million times in practice. And the undrafted rookie from a D2 school was definitely cheating when he stepped up and made the greatest play in Superbowl history, singlehandedly winning them the game, BY CHEATING!

He's right. The only people complaining about the Pats are sore losers with shitty organizations

There's a second E in Jefferies and I'm pretty sure he never said anything at all about mandatory minimums for illegal gun possession and I'm against gun bans and he isn't... But I did mention Australia so I guess we are the same guy.

I want to believe that he's not a complete moron, but after having read some of his books, it's difficult. End of Faith and Moral Landscape are both terrible.

Harris seems a little bit confused about Israel, his bias shows. Same with Cenk and Muslims. It's natural to do it, but I reject the notion of Harris as umbiased source on the matter. How ever people make exuses it still makes you wonder. He is a great thinker, but he has to be above his own ethnicity to really impress me.

Bill Maher makes fun of Christians and muslims non stop, but on the topic of radical judaism and israel he somehow ignores it, even in his documentary the topic of judaism get sparred and the other religion gets it hard. Sam harris (allthrough alot less) still exhibit this type lf behavior.

What infuriates me about Cenk is pretty much the same, the obvious bias and the leaving out of facts that does not support his narrative. He is still a very nationalistic Turk as Harris is very much an Israeli (well no left winger in israel talks about a first strike nuclear option so I guess its an American left thing)

Nobody asked for a peek behind the curtain shit head.

you're absolutely right. nick is another right wing dingbat who's entire world view on every subject is shaped by politics

So you're a completely unfunny, unsuccessful Nick Dip? Sounds like a dream!

Totally, dude! I absolutely deserved that, thank you for the honesty. I'm sure you're a total badass so I'll tread lightly.