Some more insight on Jim's IFC pilot. Bailey Jay is still with the show & will include "advice show" aspects

22  2015-09-14 by xxmikekxx


ENOUGH WITH BAILEY JAY!!! We get it! Tranny! Has a dick! Jimmy likes trannies! Fucking quit!

We get it! Tranny! / Has a dick! / Jimmy likes trannies! / Fucking quit!

That's a pretty perfect chant.

We should occupy the meat packing district and let our voices be heard!

He's a one trick pony. Unfortunately his trick sucks and his show will yet again fail. He's out of touch with reality, as we all know.

Jim is fucking clueless about what people want to watch, and what he's good at.

Same old tranny and prostitute jokes will always equal the same old mediocre results.

Thinks he's good at standup and giving meaningful advice and all I want to do is watch the guy drink a Beer

I would never take advice from this fucking loser.

He's an idiot when it comes to fitness, his career, technology, nutrition, relationships, success, addiction, standup.

I was the biggest norton supporter forever, but he is such a pompous cunt these days....and no, throwing in a little self deprecating jab every once in awhile doesn't balance it out.

My best is when he talks about Apple making lateral moves and how Tim Cook stinks. Every move this fucking asshole fucking makes crashes and burns. Hey did a show on Vice with Bailey Jay and it was fucking awful. Great non-lateral move by making another pilot with Bailey Jay.

Jim has never had a real job and has ZERO idea how difficult engineering/coding or any of that shit is.


Like what Jim?


YUCK. He's such a fucking loser....and for the record I'm not an Apple fanboy. But it's ENRAGING when this JIZZBUCKET questions Apple, but he can't even get an iPad to work. A fucking 4 year old is smarter than him when it comes to technology, who the fuck does he think he is commenting on it whatsoever. I wish he would comb his hair with a SHOTGUN.

he said something similar about pain killers and addiction on the last advice show. they need to figure that out. but he did manage to take them without becoming addicted in spite of his crippling addiction. he is the worst.

the show closed with him addressing a caller who they couldn't get to because of time constraints. his advice was to stay sober until next week when he could hopefully answer the call. ugh.

You know what the right answer was?

"Hey man e-mail me and I'll get back to you"

If you're going to put yourself in the position to give advice, then maybe you should give a fuck about your fans then.

He could learn a thing or two from Dr. Steve.

Yeah, I think if Jim had a shred of integrity he would realise that the "advice show" format is just a vehicle allowing him to blather uninterrupted. It's not about helping people, it's about Jimmy being able to talk to someone from a position of (unearned) authority about something he is obsessed with but knows shockingly little about.

Probably helps him feel like someone who has it together, rather than a guy who has pretty much shaped his entire career around his sex addiction.

But hey, at least he's not an alcoholic.

That's what always gets me about people saying Jimmy would have been crazy not to take the paycheck. What the fuck does he even spend it on? All he does is edge, fuck hookers, perform stand up and do the radio show.

How can a guy with a life that fucking empty give advice to other people with a straight face? How can someone whose repertoire consists mainly of self-deprecation have so little self-awareness?


It bugs me that someone as broken as Jim thinks he has any right to tell people how to get their shit together.


Seriously though, well put.

I'd love to hear Jim fill us in on what he thinks Tim Cook's responsibilities are, since his work experience outside of comedy was probably 2 years at a Caldors.


Or you know the product development life cycle. Quality Assurance requirements. Acceptance testing. Or the difficulties of rolling out software/hardware updates to the entire planet.

No they're just holding back the technology and making lateral moves.

Fucking know nothing asshole.

He's been bitching about the iPhone since it first came out.

Oh yeah last week in the ten minutes I listened he was bitching about Cook and a few minutes later he asked if Apple's TV is "any good." Yes, the guy whose specials were on fucking Netflix doesn't know that the Apple TV was not actually a fucking TV. He sssssstinks.


Right...Cook is running the company into the ground.

He's becoming Boardroom Jimmy in real life.

I'm Board in his room Sporky when I listen

Gotta have fun :)

Jimmy, where are we at with the Samsungs?

Forget Apple, I just want to know if you can get the podcast stuff into the city.

Oh my god I forgot about that.

Jim is about 15 years older than me, so I get there is a generation gap and I grew up with computers and he didn't.

But if you're going to comment on technology like you know what's up, you should at least know the fucking basics. I don't know the first thing when it comes to building houses. So when the topic comes up, I don't give my worthless opinion.

Sure it's a radio show and you need to have opinions, but don't go on a rant absolutely trashing something you know nothing about.

But yea man, if you think you need podcasting equipment flown in via helicopter..I seriously question your intelligence. He's just not a smart guy, and that's fine. But he acts like a fucking scholar.

We get it Spork.

Doesn't he have stock in Apple..? Probably the reason he rages like a queer every time Apple is brought up.

He's off a lower stocks.


That innovation thing is what every applehater always says. Like it would be possible to make such an advancemet every year like the first gen iphone did to phones. Fucking idiots.

If you could make such advancements in technology then why aren't their competitors passing them by when they supposedly withhold all this amazing technology just to be greedy.

Jimmy is a moron.

Idiot savant, brilliant when it comes to quick lines but the rest is...


Advice shows, chat shows, political punditry...

Why is it that the only things Jimmy puts any effort into are things he sucks at? Jimmy has joked about it, but he really shouldn't be giving advice to anybody.

But then how would anyone find out that they need to "go to a meeting, man."

Also, is Bailey Jay an interesting sidekick? He could have got any comedian, even a tranny comedian if he looked hard enough. But he had to go with the one he jerks off to because of course he does.

Him and me both

Who wants advice from Bailey Jay? Can you not get anyone else to say "Like fucking be yourself motherfucker. I have a fucking cock motherfucker. You can fucking suck it if you fucking have a fucking problem with me motherfucker. Like fucking for real. I mean. Like. You know. Fuck." then desperately look around the room for applause that only comes from her boyfriend/hype man and Jim?

Her surgeon is fantastic, how did he manage to implant the thought process of women?

He is the one that should be on the show. Maybe Dr Steve can ask which fluids he switched. Fluids.

Bailey Jay must have something he/she's holding over Jim's head. Given how relatively open he is on air, I can't imagine what it could be.

But to keep including this energy-draining nobody who was useless on Jim's last "show" (and pretty much every other time I've heard/seen her) is insanity. Jim's show won't likely get picked up, and if it does, won't last the season.

Jim keeps wondering why his career stagnates... Well, the same old tranny jokes equals same old results.

I honestly think it's a combination of Jim being driven by his sexual addiction, as well as some conscious exploitation on his part. Bailey seems cool and all, but if she were an ugly born-girl, or an average dude, Jim wouldn't pay any attention at all (don't want to be influenced). But because she's hot, and has a dick, Jim's view of her is clouded. He also is fully aware that trans is very "in" right now and that greatly increases the chances of his project being picked up.

Why the fuck he tries to shoehorn that into a 1970's style talk show or a TV version of fucking Delilah is beyond me.

a TV version of fucking Delilah

I'm going back to bed, nothing is going to be funnier than that today.

If an idea has flopped in the past why continue to do it? Make a show with the brilliance you have in making funny fucking characters not shitty advice from someone who is more fucked up than the people he is trying to help.

You'd think Norton would have a friend or agent tell him that the tranny schtick was played out ten years ago. He's good at two things:

1) coming up with jokes faster than anyone

2) inventing weird characters on the fly

Doing shows about trannies and politics is a waste of his talents.

The tranny thing is him finally trying to cash in on a bit he's been doing for 2 decades. Thanks to Bruce Jenner trannies are a hot ticket. Lil' Jimmy probably thinks he will finally be able to get some attention for having Bailey Jay on his show if they promote it as Jim Norton and his Tranny sidekick. Also I think he isn't doing the characters as his main selling point because he's been doing his characters on the radio for years and nobody except O&A fans give a shit. He said he was trying to develop an animated show with his characters and nobody was interested so he was finally paying to have it developed himself. I'm sure he would do his characters if somebody wanted him to but apparently nobody does. The idea that the world needs another "late show" is mind-boggling though.

Oh it is a late show type? I'll probably watch it once or so to see how many times he blinks and fidgets.

From what I gather it is essentially his Vice show except now on IFC. Perhaps I am wrong about that but that was my understanding.

"The Advice Show...."

Twooo doo doodledooooooo...

Have you tried grinder?

Oh, so it's going to be like the show Vice just got rid of. Good thinking.

Nah man, honestly they still haven't updated him on that. The move they had recently kinda shook them up a bit so they're still settling, but he's sure he'll get us the information as he learns it.

A man who spends his time browsing craiglists back pages while edging and a tranny. Sounds like a couple of guys wise beyond their years and the perfect people to ask advice of.

You don't think their advice is valid?

Enough with this well hung chick...can he just blow her and move on already.

What Jim sees as edgy the viewing public sees as juvenile... but not the entertaining, money-making type of juvenile that his peers have figured out. None of his projects have legs but that doesn't stop him from trying again with the same cringy premise.

Honest question: does anyone listen to Jim's advice show?

What is to be gained by the listener?

Who finds it entertaining to hear Jimmy tell a bunch of truck drivers they're sex addicts.

I listened to one show for about 5 mins and turned it off.

I gave it a try when it first started. If you hate Pontificating Jim and callers doing third-rate Chip imitations, no one should ever tune in

The only episode I liked was when Rich Voss was with him.

I called in with a real problem once and he literally said "hey man that sucks, I don't know what to say..." great fucking advice Jim

I have given it a try about at least a dozen times because it's on while I'm driving home from work. It's the SAME show every time I've listened. These are the callers you get:

1) Substance abuse problems 2) Girlfriend complaints 3) Aspiring comedians wondering how to get started

Jim needs a manager who is not a superfan of his (and chip, edgar, etc) who will tell him that his material is shit and his show ideas are even shittier. An advice show with a tranny? The hipsters who watch shit on IFC don't want to watch Norton, who associates himself with non-PC people like Colin and unless it's a legit tranny beauty pageant, they will think that he's just objectifying Bailey. I bet that Cryo bullshit that Jimmy has been doing is some bit for his show.

This show will last 2 weeks.

Your estimation is off by 1 week.


Bailey Jay makes the most boring videos

What a fresh new idea!

I'll be sure to watch this.

For five minutes to see how shit it is & never watch it again.

I hope no scoundrels send fake questions to that email, with veiled references to the show.

That dude calling in as Fez was hilarious and it went over his stupid head until Erock pointed it out.

Bailey Jay is horrible and added absolutely nothing to his vice show aside from being a tranny.

His advice show is fine to listen to in the car and nothing else is on.

It's not something to include in a 22 or 44 minute worth of content in a TV show where good stuff usually ends up on the floor. It could work if there's a bit where someone needs advice and Jim goes 1 on 1 with them and tries to help them out (stuff like conan does) in a pre packaged bit.

If its just him giving the same boring advice (get sober brother, all girls love being dirty man, etc) then it's not going to work.


Cant wait for it to fail

Don't trannies usually hate Bailey Jay anyway? The reason for Jim's obsession is not political, it's sexual.

Know anything else goin' on in the the world of tranny politics, pitstained?

We get it, The Progeria Keeeeid wants to fuck Bailey Jay.

Why doesn't he just marry it and get it over with.

I was wondering why the "alt Comedy Central" of IFC would want a show with the skin-head looking old guy who used to shit on liberals & support the Iraq war constantly on Tough Crowd. But having the first "Trans" on a talk show is some good brownie points.

I just hope it gets picked up so people can say the most prominent woman on a late night talk show has a dick

You want it picked up for your own selfish faggot ends? Sounds like a self centered liberal faggot to me.

i think anyone who has ever wanted a TV show picked up in the history of TV was for a selfish reason.

Unless you knew most people like it.

If an individual likes a TV show they want it picked up. If they don't like it why would they care? Maybe if a show gave joy to someone they care about but that's still selfish

There are 1,000 TV shows out there. Wanting one to be picked up as a goof is not stealing money from poor children. No one gives a shit either way - it's not an important thing

I heard Vice was gonna pick it up for a second season and then throw it in the trash where it belongs.

Jim is competing against Dan Harmon this pilot season at IFC. Harmon has more interesting TV ideas in one episode of Rick and Morty than Jim will in his entire life.

This is going to be a huge piece of shit show!

I thought transexuals wanted to be treated like everyone else, so why am constantly hearing about this Baily Jay everywhere? Is she a comic? What is her thing?

What is her thing?

About 7 inches. Nyuk nyuk.

So her Shtick is her actual Shtick


Good for Jim, hopefully they buy it. It really doesn't matter what the 30 people who follow his career more than anybody in the world think he's doing too much. Most of the discussion that goes on here is worthless for any of these guys to apply.

So of course Jim has been joking about his relationships with trans ppl for his entire career, but I'm worried about how he's going to come off to a new audience since his treatment of the topic isn't exactly refined. Trans stuff is really hotly debated right now and this easily could come off in the same way having a midget sidekick would.

You're worried? Like what -- his meteoric rise is somehow going to be halted because of this?

I honestly think it's a combination of Jim being driven by his sexual addiction, as well as some conscious exploitation on his part. Bailey seems cool and all, but if she were an ugly born-girl, or an average dude, Jim wouldn't pay any attention at all (don't want to be influenced). But because she's hot, and has a dick, Jim's view of her is clouded. He also is fully aware that trans is very "in" right now and that greatly increases the chances of his project being picked up.

Why the fuck he tries to shoehorn that into a 1970's style talk show or a TV version of fucking Delilah is beyond me.

You don't think their advice is valid?