He's everywhere, I can't avoid him

13  2015-09-13 by bizzlbone


I love Rick and Morty! Too bad sams gorilla face had to ruin that photo

I had to look up that interview between him and Justin Roiland, Sam of course opened with "what's the haps?" making everything awkward within seconds

The hardest working man in show buinlsness and still nothing to show for it....poor sam

Just don't think about it OP

What is this? I love me some Rick & Morty but also don't wanna watch a 20 minute video unless it's worth it, and also do not understand how this ties in to O&A

Did it not go directly to 2:07? It was supposed to link there, just click to 2:07 and you'll understand

It did, I was just being a lazy cunt when I posted that worthless message. Rick and Morty is the shit, I fucking love it

wubba lubba dub dub!

Do adults still watch these fucking cartoons?

times where /r/Iamverymature needs to be a real sub

It's about quality, not maturity. I listened to years of sophomoric O&A. The thing is, that show wasn't ALWAYS garbage.

I will ALSO capitalize certain WORDS for EMPHASIS.

It's a completely average and mundane thing to do. I don't see why you're poking fun at my sentence structure, sir.

Well I mean it's on Adult Swim...

Ew, what a cunty and douchey comment

Typical the guy that still watches wrestling replying with a whiny comment.

Edgy username bro

You should go comment with more "giggity" jokes.

Anthony looks like Quagmire in that pic, plus he's a borderline pedo. It's a great joke

/u/telepepper comment?

He stinks and I don't like him.

Easily one of the saddest and most pathetic comments I've ever seen a man leave. Jesus Christ you are a loser

For me this is easily the most pathetic and saddest comment I've ever seen;

So I think you're the loser.

Damn you just made me hate this guy

Dude how the FUCK would you even find that comment? Hahahhahaha. I don't even know who the fuck you are and you literally just posted a year old comment. It's the craziest shit I've ever seen

a year old comment

4 months ago

Invest in a calender shitdick because you suck at this.

Bro. I'm not gonna do research to argue with someone with no life that I've never met or heard of. I don't know anything about you, you are obsessed with me. These are facts. Kill yo-self

You keep calling me bro and posting with this unwarranted confidence like an unaware retard. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out you were actually this guy;

Didn't click the link. I'm afraid it'll be too edgy and offensive. I can't believe you're so crazy that you call yourself "g-g-gaycunt (can't believe I wrote that) you're like soooo offensive and insane. And when I say insane I actually mean a demented stalker that is obsessed with strangers online. A real low life creepshow.i would pay money to see you just cuz there's no way you're not a hideous fat fucking loser with an awful job. Anyone even middle class successful would never be such a loser online, and actually stalk anononous message board users. You having my post from "4 months ago" is fucking demented. You need to see a shrink or just kill yourself. When you do end up offing yourself I beg you to put my username in the note as the reason why so I can get internet famous and also tell your parents how much of a fucking faggot loser they raised

Obviously got to you when I held up a mirror of your retarded personality by using your own post history against you. Why else respond like a troll kid with tl;dr speeches, multi posts and telling me to kill myself. You just look desperate and stupid. I just feel sorry for you now.

Go calm yourself down with some wrestling or whatever other faggy shit you're into and try not to be such a loser.

Nah, I'm laughing at you. You're a real creep. A stalker with no life, creeping in the shadows.

Yeah that's what you're saying but your cry baby responses are telling me you're actually an insecure loser that's trying way too hard. You also seem to have some mental retardation because you write like a shithead 13 year old kid playing call of duty. Sort yourself you're a real mess.

Says dude with multiple burner accounts that stalks people

This is my only account. And as for stalking, your post was probably the most pathetic display I've ever seen and it was posted on my second day using reddit. So I saved it because people got a real laugh at seeing what a loser you are when I showed them.

Go cry some more because yet another person on the internet exposed you for being the loser you try so hard not to acknowledge.


And then I'll fuck your dad afterwards just cuz I can

Kill yo-self

Is that a Steeleworldwide refrence?

Lmao the fact that you know that this dude has beef with me is pathetic. How in the ever living fuck would you know this? I've never heard of you in my life and to my knowledge have never talked to you before, yet you know things about me and even know who my internet enemies are. Wtf is wrong with you?

Part of being an adult is being able to enjoy things without being ashamed and oh god I sound like a brony fuck me.

Well at least the show you enjoy is actually aimed at adults and not 8 year old girls (suuure)

ME: Where are we at with clopping?

Alright, I'm that faggot Florentine. Maybe I didn't phrase the sentence well. It's not about maturity, age or whatever.

My point is, the stampede of these shit adult and children's cartoons just seems like a phase that should've already passed. They're not funny, they're just cheaper sitcoms with even more Hollywood snark in them.

They're not funny

Says you.

Well, that was a funny movie. So I won't call you a complete asshole.

Oh, I see. Yeah, if you don't find it funny you don't find it funny. The way you phrased it made it sound like you were Florentining.

I hated R&M at first but it grew on me. But I don't worship it like the rest of Reddit bc im 2 cool 4 that

you're on a sub dedicated to show that made dick jokes for 20 years. get over yourself

I just said that.


I defy you to name a better show than South Park.

It is undeniable that South Park is the one that stands head and shoulders above shit tier adult cartoons like Family Guy and American Dad.

I don't mind a cartoon when the animation is intentionally shitty, like south park's. It's barely animated at all. That tells you they realize animation is stupid, and they're only using it because they have to, as a way to get the jokes translated. It works even better than live action in a lot of ways. It's abstract, it doesn't try, so you don't focus on it. You mostly just hear the jokes as they're written.

It's when it's all wacky and goofy and zany and flowing, with arms stretching 20 feet and 2 foot long tongues vibrating in their mouths when the characters scream while they're suspended in the air. That's the type of thing that makes me feel like I'm in a mental institution filled with fully dressed and in-character clowns.

I don't know if it's a maturity thing or a stoner thing or what, I just don't like it.

It's just you trying too hard to seem more mature than everybody else by avoiding legitimately funny shows just because they're animated. I've never met someone who actually watched Rick & Morty and didn't enjoy it. In the words of Jim Jeffries, you're repressing yourself

Nice try, but you're just wrong. I didn't have anyone to impress when the first season of the Simpsons came out. Everyone was watching it, and I was embarrassed if anything that I didn't like it. Shit, even my "heroes" at the time Anthrax and Public Enemy were known to gather and watch the first airings in the bus/trailer together when they were on tour. Nope, it's a genuine explanation about my taste, trust me.

Then don't say people with different tastes are just immature stoners, no matter how true that may be

I made it a point to say I didn't know what it was.

But I gotta be honest, I picture them high in their parents house a tiny bit more easily than I see them chairing board meetings.

I mean it's not like it's for 40 something year olds lol, target audience is usually around 19-25. Mostly college kids watch it, typically while on some type of substance.

It's likely a stoner thing, but I don't judge stoner humor anymore. You can't really judge them, it's not fair. You have to be high to ever want to see some of those shows. And that's fine, it gives you something to do when you're high. I guess that has some kind of a value. I just can't see how people find this shit funny otherwise.

Archer, Rick & Morty, the first 4 seasons of Family Guy. I can go on.

Archer is a great show too. Also ATHF, Boondocks, Metalocalypse, pretty much any cartoon on Adult Swim honestly

You guys are crazy. Legitimate scholars have called South Park the best satire of any medium in human history. Family Guy?! Archer?!! Metalocalypse?!!! I'm officially in the twilight zone.

My opinion > faggot scholars. I love South Park, one of my favorite shows. I also have a broad taste that allows me to enjoy other shows as well. That's like saying Seinfeld is the best show, fuck everything else. But you're right about Family Guy, that shit's terrible.

I didn't say you have to hate those other shows. I like every show you guys mentioned, including early family guy. It's just that South Park is easily on the top of the mountain. I love AC/DC but I know they're not better than the Beatles. South Park is the Beatles of adult animated TV.

Wouldn't the Simpsons be the Beatles since they were the originals

That's why I added adult in there, I'm talking about R rated programming.

You wouldn't consider the Simpsons an adult oriented show?

Not in the same vein as South Park, Family Guy, Rick and Morty, and the like. You can pretty much separate it by shows that say "fuck" and those that don't.

I guess, but I'm sure pretty much any of those shows would consider the Simpsons as the original boundary pushing animated show. For the time period that it premiered, it was definitely edgy for a cartoon.

Did it not go directly to 2:07? It was supposed to link there, just click to 2:07 and you'll understand

It's about quality, not maturity. I listened to years of sophomoric O&A. The thing is, that show wasn't ALWAYS garbage.

Didn't click the link. I'm afraid it'll be too edgy and offensive. I can't believe you're so crazy that you call yourself "g-g-gaycunt (can't believe I wrote that) you're like soooo offensive and insane. And when I say insane I actually mean a demented stalker that is obsessed with strangers online. A real low life creepshow.i would pay money to see you just cuz there's no way you're not a hideous fat fucking loser with an awful job. Anyone even middle class successful would never be such a loser online, and actually stalk anononous message board users. You having my post from "4 months ago" is fucking demented. You need to see a shrink or just kill yourself. When you do end up offing yourself I beg you to put my username in the note as the reason why so I can get internet famous and also tell your parents how much of a fucking faggot loser they raised

And then I'll fuck your dad afterwards just cuz I can