Let's ban Harry Hater talk from this Sub

0  2015-09-13 by unclepaul84

It was fun ripping on the first video. I genuinely despise Opie as a human being. I think we need to just completely ignore the Harry Hater videos. The Opester is trying to deflect the hate onto this "character". We should focus on destroying him being himself on the radio show. This is just a desperation try for Opie salvage his dignity. Fuck him.


these fuckin comments from u/unclepaul84... they're fuckin brutal. ya know what? if you want to hurt me, go right ahead if it makes ya feel any better. I'm an easy target. yeah you're right, I talk too much. and I look like I should have my own TLC show... ya know, I could be a cold-hearted hater like you, but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. well, you think what you want about me. I'm not changing. I... I I I I I I I I I I like me. cause I'm the real article. what you see is what you get. and you haters are all fat and ugly. PIGS! and one other thing, let me tell ya this. you'll never and I mean never ever ever, you'll NEVER be as cool as me. oh one other thing: BLOCK

I like where Harry The Hater is going. He's evolving. Does he have friends? Does he have any hobbies? I'm not sure. But I want to find out.

let's not. Harry the Hater dislikes and hate are the funniest thing to come from O w/ J since it started.

Gotta admit I flipped my opinion as fast as Patrice about Face Off. You're right Harry Hater is a distraction.

Yes, we're giving the board-op much too much attention. This is too embarrassing to acknowledge.

How about we ignore you instead