Opie predicted Obama presidency when nobody else would

27  2015-09-10 by hkpp

He seriously just claimed (go to 10:00 of today's show) to be one of the first to call Obama a legit candidate back in 2007. I remember that clearly. He just liked screaming OBAMA!!!! every five minutes like he had Tourettes. How does he not see that he's a mental case narcissist?

Classic Opie narcissism: Any time anyone asks a rhetorical question in studio, he is compelled to reply, almost screaming, "I DON'T KNOW!!!"


Trying to keep track of his awfulness is just exhausting

It's much easier to just not listen.

I don't listen

Opie has such a great political mind. That whole they're all the same in the end. really opens up the discussion. sniff

I take the George Carlin stance of not voting for anybody. That'll show 'em /idiot

Opie's really taken the "the only way to win is to not play" approach to the majority of his career. Nice to see it's rubbed off on ol Middle Of The Road Jimmy. Cause you know, if you think about it, it's the corporations, man.

Carlin is too good for us to allow ourselves to even let him share thoughts in our mind with Opie. Complete separation is needed.

He's right about that, though. There's literally no difference between a far right moron and a far left moron, right down to their reaction to that statement.

Whether he's right about that or not, he's only citing that stance as a means to cover his woeful ignorance on all political issues. "It doesn't matter, they're all the same," is just something he can say to sound principled when he actually has nothing to say on the subject.

I'm sure you 100% right on that. However, the message is still true, and many people who used to give a shit about politics, but became disillusioned with the whole thing, have come to the same conclusion.

Like I said, it has nothing to do with that stance itself. I think we're just shitting on Opie's transparent adoption of it as a shield.

The left vs right thing doesn't really hold any water anymore. Far left will act with outrage against anything atop the pyramid, while far right... doesn't really exist anymore. If you're talking about religious conservatives, they usually take the same approach as lefties but are middle of the road conservatives. Beyond moderate conservatives they don't really get to have a voice.

Roger Ebert can actually claim this. He mentioned a senator from Chicago on the Howard Stern Show way back before Obama was popular nationally.

That's why God took his jaw away.

christ dude....

Sorry, that's why christ took his jaw away

Stop you're going to make Jimmy cry.


I'm sorry i did that - God Imus



Roger Ebert, who died today at the age of 70, will always be remembered for what his work gave to the world of film, but his interests were in no way insular. As a prominent voice in American culture, Ebert took the same measured and empathetic approach with politics as he did with movies, advancing progressive causes when he felt he had the understanding to do so, often with the same keen eye. In 2004, for instance, he told Howard Stern, "We have a guy that's going to be in the Senate from Illinois named Barack Obama, who's going to be, I think, very important to the future of this country."

Audio: https://atebitvegan.wordpress.com/2009/01/23/roger-ebert-mentions-obama-on-howard-stern-first/

Skip to 1:40.

Obama gave the keynote at the 2004 DNC, as a relative unknown. It was obvious then that he was being groomed for much bigger things.

Opie was just trying to annoy ant w his shouts of "obama!"

Next he'll be saying the cake stomp was a stand against diabetes.

Who needs Nate Silver when you have Opie.

Who needs Tucker Max when you have Opie.

What is it with him & being "the first". Whenever there is a breaking news story is Twitter goes nuts with getting things before the news. He even claims to have inside sources (but he's wrong half the time).

What benefit is there for this? Does he want followers on the basis that he is a breaking news source? How does that help in his career of allegedly being a funny person?

Being funny is just one aspect to his goal of being the most beloved man in America.

This line almost forced me to make my first post in this subreddit because of how fucking absurd it was.

I'm glad someone else did.

By 2007 anybody who watched C-SPAN could see the presidential succession the Democrats were lining up: Hillary—Obama—Weiner.

Then some shit happened.

And Opie could legit take credit for his part in blowing up the "Plan B" version of that project.

But he's retarded.

"They played my video on Fox and didn't say my name!"

Classic Opie narcissism: Any time anyone asks a rhetorical question in studio, he is compelled to reply, almost screaming, "I DON'T KNOW!!!"

Narcissism plus low self esteem. He just innately assumes someone's going to pick on him for being stupid if there's something he doesn't know. Of course he is stupid, but plenty of them are things you wouldn't expect someone to absolutely know offhand.

Opie is so prolific! He predicted Obama, he invented a number of idioms (douche chills, Face!, the list goes on), and he innovated the development of male breast tissue. HOO HOO JIMMY

East side dave was screaming FACE years before jugs


didnt everybody kinda know in 2007 that obama would win?

This is the same Opie that told Kurt Metzger he personally killed at least 60-70 mice in his brownstone?

Even if that's exaggerated though, say it was 40, that's not unreasonable if he had an infestation and put out traps every night to get 2-3 a week. Especially in an old Manhattan brownstone.

I didn't know about Obama until 2006 when I was like 14 or something. I even remember first discovering him... Opie was at the very best, 2 years before me when people who weren't in middle school saw him at the DNC.


Sorry, that's why christ took his jaw away