F*** Obama for changing the name of Mt McKinley

73  2015-09-10 by TheHarryHater

this fuckin Obama, let me tell you somethin about him... he wants to change the name of Mount McKinley back to its original name Denali. let me tell you something Obama, NOBODY WANTS THIS! NOBODY!!! you're a pompous ass, that's what you are, you're a pompous ass. you stupid libtard! eugghhhhh what are you gonna do next, wipe the faces off of Mount Rushmore? huh? huhhhhh?


Harry, what do you think about Tom Brady?

it's total bullshit that Tom Brady doesn't have to sit out those four games for Deflategate. what they should have done is taken away his Superbowl ring, kicked him out of the NFL and made him pick up elephant shit at the circus!

You got anything on that Hillary Clinton? Maybe something about her emails?

she ummm... that Clinton woman is uhhh... really a piece of work!

dude, can you give me like a half hour? I gotta get this take right

Classic Harry

Ahh, oldie but goodie, the comedic stylings of Harry Hater, gone too soon.

Hee hee hee...I love the Internet!

Wait, we're doing something else now, aren't we?

Her weeeg! Her weeeg!

Good one, Harry.

fuckin' homerun harrison

Hmm... you make some good points Harry.

Welcome aboard, friend. I'm sure we'll all have some laughs together.

Haha, classic Harry. Always dropping knowledge like hammers.

Harry ftw

He claims that this came directly from a FB comment. How would he see this comment? Wouldn't he have to be friends with the person who posted this?


His exact words were "it came from a facebook post I had been reading." Just take a second and think about how retarded he sounds.

its like he thinks what's gonna be be funny for his little kids will be funny for adults.

Oh. I get it now.

Hold on!! hold on!! Who is this Harry Hater guy?? He's absolutely killing it for us today. He's vurry good at comedy.

Oh, Harry.

Harry, you're such a card. I can't wait to see what you're going to hate next.

I love it that the biggest mountain in North America is now just nothing but another example of Opie's retardation to us.

On the way to going viral for sure. It's at almost 14k views.

Ahahahaha Harry stinks

He's the voice of actual Facebook posts

Don't lie, you read that on Facebook.

Viral Spiral is going to come after you for infringement.

transcript of Opie's next hit viral video?


HARRY! he got this from actual Facebook posts

Careful, The Stangles might try to get you shadowbanned for doxxing their scripts.

Tell em how you really feel.


That sounds like an Ant Rant more than anything

McKinley was a fucking terrible president, he led us into the Spanish American War based on the prodding of Jingos (old time term for what we would call chicken hawks today) like Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge, and the business interest he represented.

He is the reason why we became a colonial power, and began meddling in shit overseas we have no business fucking with.

Everyone wants to shit on Obama, but there is a reason William Mckinley was the second American president to be assassinated, he was a shitbag.

McKinley was the 3rd American president assassinated. (Lincoln and Garfield were 1st and 2nd)


His meddling in overseas shit resulted in Spain fucking off back to Europe, Asian trade being emphasized and the Panama Canal being possible. He Annexed Hawaii and should have been allowed to make Cuba a state. McKinley was the best. His meddling allowed the United States to become the only nation in the world able to have a sizable naval presence globally which is still the reason we control trade.

The only people who don't love McKinley are communists and faggots that are afraid of being too successful. You are a shitbag and I am a shitbag but William McKinley certainly was not.

You are a shitbag and I am a shitbag but William McKinley certainly was not.


thanks for giving us a perspective from someone who actually experienced his presidential tenure



Did someone inform Nelson Dingley Jr?!