So what's up with Ants reality show?

1  2015-09-10 by Lilcumia

Has he brought it up since he 1st mentioned it? Where's Ari's show?


Its coming out the same time as the Patrice O'neal documentary and Jimmys new talk show.

Wow you'd think they'd want to split those releases up...

Yes I agree, one would think that they would indeed do that........

Ewwww! A TACS Movie Night Premiere Debut 1st Showing Exclusive. Talking to Von over the whole fucking thing.

there doesn't seem to be anything here

No need to worry. I'm sure Ant's cable access reality show will be up and running pretty soon.

Because of his history and tirades he won't get a reality show. Also, he won't get many great guests in his NYC studio because publicists know his history (Which I've been saying since he brought up the idea of a NYC studio)

In what world do you live in where self destructive d list celebrity's don't make good reality tv fodder?

Whaddaya wanna an Oscar or something?

It'll come out right when OnA decide to publish their books they've been writing for 10 years.

Well, Ant's won't be on BET. That's one fact for you

Oh look, Ant lied again. Are you retards really surprised?

No. Anything else keeping you up at night I can clear up?

Should I subscribe to the Anthony kumia network?

I'd say no at the moment. I did and I regret it.

He mentioned the reality show a few times on several different TACS episodes. Jimmy also mentioned it once, in passing, during his appearance.

It sounds like it is in early to mid-level concept development.

If I had to bet, it's A&E - the home of Wahlbergers, Storage Wars and Duck Dynasty. AKA really high standard television.

No clue about Ari's show.

I bet it's not even a cable network, just some stupid website probably.

Maah Wiiiiiigg!


You sure it's not for TLC the home of reality shows embroiled in pedophile scandals?

If I had to bet, it's A&E - the home of Wahlbergers, Storage Wars and Duck Dynasty. AKA really high standard television.

Please don't visit Vegas any time soon. There is absolutely no fucking way ant is getting a show on A&E.

If I had to guess it will be a channel you've never heard of or some "startup" Internet reality site. Or YouTube.

Don't rule out the possibility that it will be brought to you exclusively on the Anthony Cumia Network. He may have decided to do this reality show and shop it around with the idea that if (read: when) nobody picks it up he can always just release it himself on his network as a Friday show or some shit.

The amount of work that it would take to cut an actual (even shitty) reality show from hours upon hours of shots of a blacked out Moroccan gurgling red wine would require Ant to hire a team of professional editors and other related people. Not likely. The whole thing will just disappear.

I don't think it would be a reality show like you see on TV with a fluent story line built in. It'd just be behind the scenes shit. Cameras following Ant to CVS to buy cough medicine and shit.

They're shooting it/shot it, so it's def past early to mid level concept. It's in production and now probably in post production,

All I could gather from what Anthony said was that producers/crew came to the house and a few people interviewed him.

If they really did shoot it, Anthony did a good job of being quiet about it.

He's talked about it on the show, the episode where he has Dawn and Joe over there's camera guys everywhere. I think one of them almost stepped on one of the kids or something, and Anthony mentions how weird it is to have cameras on him 24/7.

Missed that episode - didn't realize they said it.

Hopefully it makes it to air. It would be interesting to see life at the compound.

You didn't hear? Anthony is the new host of The Pig Roast, the hottest Internet show of 2012.

Tee hee

" Pig Roast "

