Patrice O'Neal's childhood pictures

231  2015-09-09 by taj_g


Jesus Christ. What a bunch of old women we are exchanging baby pictures. I'm disgusted by how much I enjoyed seeing these.

Made him even more real to me.



Such an adorable little arsonist.


I feel like a faggot for enjoying those

You are.

Me too.

He looks like an African dictator's child in his little suit.

I miss Patrice.

Patrice Mugabe

Lumumba Oneal

I feel bad for those white kids in the school picture.

Its an accurate representation of Roxbury.

The sign said Dorchester. But same difference, and I think he grew up mostly in Roxbury.

There aren't any white kids, just a few mulattos.


*white kid ...and why?

Christ I miss that funny bridge burner. There wasn't a single time he came on where I didn't laugh like a stoned test ape.

We're good people for being touched by these photos.

I don't know if that makes up for all the horrendous things we've done on this subreddit

Well this really just made me sad.

Awww shukka shukka shukka

I really miss his comedy, but more his view points on life and current events.

I hate that he's gone. Damn.

I miss him so much. Funniest one out of the bunch of these fucks

So cute... it's cold out here

stop making me feel :(

The feels on the bus go round and round

I love how he looks more like Patrice as a baby than he does as a child.

I don't like the one where he is allowed near the water fountain.

Awwweee ... lil Patreeky

There's been a hole in my heart since he died.


Settle down guys!


Fuck he was a big fella in school.

Cute lil nig.

Fuck man... miss Patrice so much.

Where did you find these?

oh shit, didnt realize this was still up. Thanks.

I don't like feeling this way on the sub. Cut the heart-tugging shit op.

I had the Philadelphia song from the end of the movie playing in my head while looking at those photos.

Jesus christ, that springsteen song?

No the song that plays at the end when the fag dies and there's shots if photos of him as a child before the AIDS. It's by Simon or Garfunkle I believe.


pow right in the emotions! Too early in the morning for childhood pics of dead people who i happen to enjoy.

Look at him all pissed off in the snow as if someone just told him it's cold out here

the feels man

hE's stILl aLiV

Now I keep thinking about when he said his mom would point and laugh at him. Keep smiling!


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I miss him like a brother (a blood brother).

fucking cold ass flat east coast. thank god for calif.

When I first started listening to O&A I'd skip through Patrices stuff because I didn't pay attention and I thought he was loud, rambling, and slowed down the wackiness of the other guys in studio. Now I skip through some of his stuff because I came to realize he's the best comedian/philosopher I ever heard and I don't want his material to end.

I literally love the guy.

He died man. I'm so sorry. Around 2011 I think

this was awesome, thanks. Man we was a funny son of a bitch.

More of those sexy children please. Heh heh heh

RIP, sweet prince.


He was a handsome baby. What the hell happened?

Where is his purple suit?



"what you guys doin? jokin around? insensitive, while his family needs money to buy a purple suit and giant coffin?"

Some shit Dave Attell said


Baby Patrice quotes is the bit

"Nigga you gotta stop puttin that pussy on a highchair"

Damnit I knew I shouldnt have tried to set the bit up

Your keyboard crapped out, can you type that again?

Yes no problem, Baby quotes...


Patrice was one ugly nigga

Nah he was perfect.

Imagine how ugly he is now.

If you think this is adorable, you should see his recent pics. I bet he lost a lot of weight, and he probably doesn't have diabetes anymore. Obviously kidding, saying this before the people with sandy vaginas get all uppity.

You weren't downvoted because you were insensitive, it was because you weren't funny.

How long does diabetes last after death?

No the song that plays at the end when the fag dies and there's shots if photos of him as a child before the AIDS. It's by Simon or Garfunkle I believe.

Lumumba Oneal