That fat fuck Whitney Weigh More tweeted that she wants to appear on the show after they made fun of her.

0  2015-09-09 by Ant_Sucks

She's obese and has a reality show so we know she has no shame and craves attention. It's obvious she's trying to shoehorn some promotion for her show. Should they give her a platform? The old Opie would probably have told her to fuck off, but the new Opie agreed to have her on.

Will they make fun of her to her fat fucking face?


She not only has a tv show but a reality tv show watched by women so that means Opie is a huge fan & has seen every episode. So he'll have her on

The boys have always folded like the pussies they are whenever they've had guests on that they've trashed in the past.

I can't think of one instance where that wasn't the case.

I highly doubt the wild soccer moms and emasculated men of america would appreciate such negative banter on their drive to drop their kids at school

They should make her and that oxygen thief croland duke it out , sumo style.

They will be spineless cunts and be nice to her then talk shit about her after

How are Jimmy or Opie making fun of anyone for being fat? Opie got fat because he was living with a pregnant woman, and Jim has been skinny for 6 months because he's become addicted to the attention of losing weight.

more to the point they were sitting right next to the morbidly obese stengel golems the entire time

Why would they? Her weight isn't her fault, so the only reason she sucks is because she's getting attention when she doesn't deserve any. It would be dumb to give her anything more than briefly mentioning her and saying fuck that blimp and moving on.

I googled fat whitney twitter and oh my god is she a fat pig. She wants to go on O w/ J? wut up wid dat?

Tits and earthworm jim will say they respect her for coming on the show and not being afraid to come into that environment and defend herself and why would they treat someone who is being nice to them like shit. Blah blah blah. Jimmy would probably give her a little bit of a pseudo intelligent back and forth and opie would make some safe fat jokes at most. Either way I'd still let that large woman swallow my wiener.