When Jim was on the road, which guest comic do you think Ant had the best chemistry with?

12  2015-09-09 by SkippinTurtles

Patrice and Ant clearly. Jefferies and Ant I would love to hear again. C.K. and Ant were great. Burr and Ant going at it was hilarious. Dice loved Ant. Jay Mohr and Ant were fast as fuck. Ant and Colin, so good. Opie had ZERO flow with every guest comic ever. Signed, Harry Hater.


Other than the comics, Ant had great chemistry with the staff. I can remember some great episodes with just Ant, Travis, Sam, and Erock riffing about dumb shit

The weird thing is, Anthony would rip into the staff - but it always came off as good natured.

Opie would just say the meanest, weirdest shit and play it off as a joke.


Talking about Elephant photos

Anthony: Oh, E-Rock - you were adorable as a child.

Opie: Yeah, you big fat mess.

Opie is Farva

The staff shenanigans are by far my favourite segments. I even liked the Aftershow when it was about what's going on behind the scenes.

could you refer one?


This show was one of my faves, not sure how to find the whole thing though

thank you

derosa (no joke)

Agree with this (not joking either)

Patricky, Stanhope would be up there but jimmy had him banned after he called him out on his silly sobriety.

I was listening to the Patrice o&a relationship stuff pre-black phillip yesterday. I never heard Ant genuinely laugh so loud and for so long.

He did not have him banned

He also didn't ban big jay or Gavin

Ant and Bobby were great.

Still are.

Oh, god, Jay Mohrs! I'd love to hear an Ant and Jay Mohr show. So many impressions and just quick wit back and forth.

Two hated bigmouths on their own that are sharper than most comics when riffing. That Jay Mohr youtube impression repertoire is what got me hooked on OandA so many years ago. Easily the best phoner friend of the show. The Gervais/Louis CK impression, the Iron Shiek rage, Colin and Colin, etc.


Jay Mohrs? His Colin impersonation is one of the funniest O&A things ever.

I've hated Jay Mohr since he stole Otto's lines then was a cunt about it

Yeah, "Rocketing YooHoo?" that pissed me off a lot too. It makes me mad because he can be funny on his own, and Jay was ABSOLUTELY shitty to Otto about that when Jay was the one in the wrong.


Patrice and derosa.

DeRosa and definitely Soder toward the end

This... he and Burr were too adversarial together. No chemistry.

they could occasionally pull off some chemistry but there were times where Burr would just speak to Opie or Jimmy because he was annoyed. Patrice did that a few times too in the beginning but him and Ant were pretty tight right before he died.

Nick DiPaolo and Ant were always pretty good


Sorry Keith, not doing your 2nd mic search for you. Go eat some thumbtacks, ya queer.

Derosa. lol jk

Derosa is the worst. THE WORST!

DeRosa. Working my way through the old episodes on Audible, it's striking how close they seemed. Makes me more and more see things Ant's way regarding the JRE incident.

The Slash and Axl of the comedy/talk radio world.

Yeah, "Rocketing YooHoo?" that pissed me off a lot too. It makes me mad because he can be funny on his own, and Jay was ABSOLUTELY shitty to Otto about that when Jay was the one in the wrong.