The fans are loving the show!

4  2015-09-08 by mrta66


These have to be bought and paid for commenters? Right? I cannot believe a fanbase I was a part of could feature this kind of weaksauce, milquetoast positive fuckery. Fuck everyone of these fuckholes DIRECTLY. JESUS! Has the show really begun to attract this kind of soft as baby shit cocksuckers!? WHERE DID THEIR BALLS GO!? FUCK!

explain this. this makes zero sense.

battenthehatchesnjI: started listening about 6 months ago after being a Stern fan for 20+ yrs. Don't know what took me so long but I listen to you and Jim yak for hours and never change the channel. Thx for the entertaining chatter. I like it.

Explanation: Mental Disability

Dude listened to Howard in the post-Artie era for 5 years. I think that's all I need to say.

This has to be someone trolling him. Even at Howards worst, he is still light years better than opie's morning zoo

No, Howard Stern show now is very very boring. There is almost no comedy , the jokes come out quite mechanically, the funny crazy stuff is very very lightly peppered in.

Say very one more goddamn time.

It's way worse than what Howard Stern used to be, but I'd rather listen to it anyday over OpesterRadio.

I will agree that Stern is FAR more talented than Gel-paks but I could never listen to that show now , its not a real conversation, just everything about it is shit, there is VERY (whats that?) few good jokes or characters and the guests have these prepackaged-formulaic Stern type answers. At least Opie and Jim are actually giving real opinions and their guests are not going to mail in the answers. I mean at least Opie and Jim has Jim, and then also cool people come in. But that time it was just Opie and Sherrod, I will then say...Stern wayyy better.

I agree with you mostly. I just can't tolerate Opie on any level. So I miss out on good guests and little Jimmy too. To be honest I haven't listened to Tits radio in over a year or Hoo Hoo in months, nor Ant's show either, too damn boring. Sad to see the 2 greatest radio shows ever go down in flames. Very sad.

At least Howard doesn't smell like butthole.

That picture correctly has the amount of fans that love the show.

Those must all be fake other Opester accounts giving him all the complements. There is no way even one person on the face of the earth is happy to have Opie back on the air.

The Stangles working from their smartphones.

I agree. It is like an alternate universe

This is proof positive Opie is up to some shenanigans on social media.

He just got his teeth kicked in on YT for those awful Harry Hater videos. But, his Instagram/Twitter/Facebook followers love him?

He must spend 2 hours per day blocking haters, just to appear like he's well liked and popular.

Rubes everywhere

@carleeno: Feels like a People Have the Power morning tomorrow!!!! haha So happy to you back Opie. Keep up the great radio! Really loving the show.

I'm not entirely sure what he's saying but it sounds morning zooish.


In what, a wet t-shirt contest?

Ooh look, lens flare. Hes such a talented photographer


I agree. It is like an alternate universe

The Stangles working from their smartphones.