Sady Doyle still whining about the fact Amy hasn't fired Kurt

3  2015-09-07 by TheGeneral_27


Tumblr really could be the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.

The Internet and social media in general have just given fucking idiots the feeling that everything they say matters because they're vindicated by other idiots online so they think that bullshit translates to real world validation when in actuality it's just one big circle jerk

I agree but there's another side to it. When they read stuff they find offensive written by anonymous trolls - and to be fair, there is plenty of brutally awful shit out there - it changes their entire lives because there's no way to get back at them. They're anonymous. It permanently changes them into bitter awful human beings who can never shake the feeling of being pwned by the simple power of anonymity. They're always going to be trying, and not succeeding, and that's why it's gotten so ridiculous. The longer it goes on the more desperate they get to feel that satisfaction of "winning" a very old argument.

The same thing happened with 9/11 truthers. Their early, big theories all got expertly eviscerated multiple times, in public view, and they were never able to get that egg off their face. So they simply made new theories. There's an unending stream of them that they come up with that allows them a new way every week to feel like they're the pwn-ers now. And of course they're ever more ridiculous than the last. A lot of them are so silly it's impossible to debunk them, which is just how they want it.

It's the same theme - it's all about not being able to get egg off your face. With the feminists, it's more extreme than anything because it couldn't be easier to piss them off and "win". It's the simplest formula there is. Literally anyone can do it in about 5 seconds.

It's a close second to Twitter.

I can't even fathom sitting down and writing a pathetic, narcissistic screed such as this. I would never be so presumptuous to tell someone I don't know (I'm guessing she doesn't know Amy) who to be friends with and who to work with. Talk about privilege! She wants to purify comedy from the misogynist shitlords! Please, please, listen to ME! In Orweillian terminology we call this 'wrongthink'. She wants to purge the 'wrongthinkers'.

This Sady gal is a loser. She will always be a petty tyrant loser whining on Tumblr. She has zero comedic talent and I bet that chews her up inside. I'll continue enjoying both Amy and Kurt's work and forget I ever read this nauseous blog entry.

What a sad, sad pathetic existence this women must have. When nothing you say is ever challenged this is what you become.

Isnt this the Cunt who Kurt refesues to mention by name (who everyone thinks is Lindy West but he corrects them by saying West is a million times better than her). But yet she says hes been attacking her for 3 years?

We really need to stop crucifying people who are in the right and actually care about making people laugh (Ant, Jimmy, Florentine, Kurt, Fuck: even Sherrod and Opie at their very worst are at least TRYING to entertain) and take down uppity twats like this. Its obvious too that she is lurking here as we speak, we supplied half of the arguments in this shitty piece and its not even disguised well.

It takes a particular type of asshole to make Opie and Sherrod look good.

let's not get carried away with calling opie an entertainer

She specifically calls out the whole New York Tough Crowd scene as the source of her woes. This woman is our antichrist.

Amy better just ignore this cunt

He should be fired because "it's the right thing to do." Entitled cunts like this that just want a soap box to get attention for themselves are ruining comedy.

I despise that chick from Girls only because it allowed ugly lard bags like this to think they have something interesting to say and think they can be good looking if they dress like Brooklyn morons

All these frumpy spinsters popping their pussies in front of the unwilling citizenry and thinking they're Rosa Parks.

Amazing line, who said it? I forget

Her asterix about Patrice read to me like "I have to say nice things about this guy or I'll sound racist". Patrice is literally this lady's biggest nightmare come to life but she has to add a qualifier because he's black

I am aware that a lot of people love Patrice O’Neal, and that he said some really smart stuff. He also said “I don’t like what women are,” but whatever: I don’t know enough about him to know what I really think. The point is, he’s become an MRA/PUA hero since his death, in a way that might horrify even him. And it’s that specific type of “comedy fan,” that circle, that I’m describing.


"I don't know enough about him" but I know enough to say he might be horrified at something.

The point is, he’s become an MRA/PUA hero since his death, in a way that might horrify even him.

How can someone be this deluded, he would love it.

It's probably what he was talking about in his ummasked when he said "there's an underground man movememt."

Not only there, he said it on O&A too. He was predicting it before there was even a name for it, this was years ago. I forget how many times exactly but I think it was also the driving force behind the Black Phillip show.

Dammit why do I always never read the comments when I post shit

it was at the bottom. might have been an edit, not a comment though

Yeah I just posted the same quote thinking I was gonna be the first to smash her for it and then I saw yours and felt ashamed of myself

Would this forum be considered a MRA/PUA forum?

They use it the same way we use SJW. It's imprecise and applied to anything they vaguely dislike.

I constantly see feminists invoke the MRA/PUA argument. It's like they're big bad boogeymen or something. I couldn't even tell you one MRA and the only PUA I am aware of is Roosh because feminists in Canada tried shutting down his talks.

I don't even know what the fuck PUA stands for

Pick Up Artist

Basically Roosh V types, who are absolutely assholes, but the term is applied to anyone you don't like.

Also see: MRA, "reactionary", right-wing, liberal cuck etc

Reactionary is the new #1 buzzword for anyone who doesn't bend over and accept "third wave feminist" bullshit.

Wouldn't liberal cuck describe them?

They're all interchangeable depending on the situation. Even right-wing/liberal. It's just a way of shutting down someone when you aren't smart enough to engage their argument.

of course

Only if we disagreed with her.

Im sure kurt will handle this calmly and rationally.

I don't know why you made this thread about an imaginary person who doesn't exist.


Does this cunt really expect Amy to fire the person who writes her best material?

If I see the word problematic again I'm gonna go postal

The biggest irony of all, is that if you are saying you like Shumer's comedy you are praising Kurt as a writer of it. If you don't like it, why are you so concerned about her staff?

"This isn’t “comedy” in the way you probably think of it, unless you live to turn over rocks and get nauseated by the things living underneath them. It’s the stuff that gets linked on R/RedPill with “Jim Norton DESTROYS the feminist lie of rape culture” or “PATRICE O’NEAL: The bitch of any animal is weaker (PLUS: Hear how a lie led to O’Neal being convicted of rape).”*"

Fuck this stupid self-righteous cunt


She wrote even more:

She wrote that it hurt Amy's show that she took Kurt's advice to remove the real life rape statistics at the end of the "Friday night lights" sketch. Which would've been a serious moment.

The whole acclaim of that sketch was that it got a point across using only comedy. Having a somber rape statistic ending, with a somber tone like a sitcom's "very special episode" would've made the audience roll their eyes, confuse them & would've been way less powerful.

The thing I think these SJWs will never understand is regular people don't take shit that seriously. They think if they seriously present fact that all these people will be mature, respectful & learn their lessons. It's not true.

In high school, when we watched a movie about the holocaust, the Jewish kid got a bunch of holocaust jokes his way. We watched "roots" & the black kid would get Kunta Kinte jokes. What Amy & Kurt did was far more effective for her own cause than anything she would do

Not to mention the "stat" they constantly quote is 1 in 4 are raped at college, cause people would still sign up if that was even close to truthful



A feminist blogger who accused Kurt of harassing her way back in 2013 and has been trying to get him fired ever since.

yuck what a fucking mess

Is that Skrillex?

Did Ray Charles cut them bangs.

She looks like Aunt Gayle from Bob's Burgers.

a birdfaced jew bloggertwat with potato skin? HOW COULD THIS BE?!

Come on man, she's just "subverting society's beauty standards!"

They're all ugly and no one wants to fuck them so they complain about men being assholes. You'll never see a 9 who is also a feminist blogger.

Whats more harassing saying "mean" things or actively trying to get someone fired?

The link her post lads to (click the chain icon in the top corenr) is also infuriating. Saying Metzger "harasses women online". To highlight harassing women as being some particular sort of evil. Everybody gets harassed!

Still probably the people here more than her fans can appreciate the cringe-humor in Metzger's text as he tries to look cool: "I just talk how I want and i don't give a fuck. Im not like the other "white boys" haha. I came out of the philly black comedy scene."

I loved how Jay called that out on LOS: "In fairness, you do tweet like a dildo."

The one thing that keeps me sane when reading about SJW cunts is that they inevitably cannibalise and destroy their own.


White [feminists] need to shut the fuck up


It's nice to know that she doesn't think too highly of herself. What kind of person would even read all of that?

They really do use the creepiest fucking picture of Kurt though haha




I didn't even notice the content of the post, did anyone teach her formatting?

lol she paid $50 for that tumblr theme

The author makes the mistake a lot of embattled commentators make. She calls criticism abuse and then cites it as an evidence that she and the others who he criticises are right.

It makes them feel more right the more they are criticised, and makes them incapable of discerning accurate criticism. It builds an echo chamber which could rival a Pakistani training camp.

That what happens when you dont have a relationship with dick. It fucks your brain all up with rage and makes you disassociative.

She's not wrong about MRA's/PUA's and the like being dogshit awful; but this is like the 2015 version of blaming video games/heavy metal/rap/Marilyn Manson/Eminem or whatever from the 90's for people being pieces of shit.

Oh I don't know guys, I think she raises some good points

She thinks Bill Burr and Dane Cook are horrible? The cunt has no sense of humor. And BTW, hating on Dane Cook is just hacky at this point. He was the biggest comic in the world for a time, yet now everybody acts as if they never liked him. FOH, the dude did what he did well, but everybody pretends that they're better than that kind of humor. I still have a Dane Cook CD. Sure, it's a little cringeworthy, but it's 10 years old and I liked him back then. Faggoty hipsters who look down their nose at anything that isn't "smart" comedy aren't gonna make me feel bad for finding him funny at one point. /rant

Edit: typos

Dane Cook is garbage, Mr. against the grain. People liked him when they first discovered him because he was different or they wanted to fuck him. His act got stale, his thievery was exposed, much better comics blew up and eclipsed him. Thus no one gives a fuck about him anymore. It's not to be cool, his act is tired and behind his modern contemporaries. But if that makes you feel better about laughing at shitty comedy, blame it on the kewl hipster public. The hilarious thing is, this post was the most hipster shit I've read here in a while.

Yeah, millions of people were wrong but you're the right one. You are the arbiter of comedy. Thank you for enlightening me, I mean, it's not as if comedy is subjective or anhthing., and it's not like he wasn't the biggest comedian in the world in 2005.

Duh its good cuz it was popular. Ok, Titanic and Avatar are the best movies ever. I can't help that I used to like Dane Cook and cant laugh at him anymore. He got eclipsed. You're the one obsessed with how the public views him. But no YOU are the arbiter of comedy.

Everyone was right then but everyone is wrong now. Ok, hipster.

Avatar is objectively bad, because on a scale of 1-10 I rate it a shit.

It was good cuz I found it funny, as millions of others. And I wouldn't say obsessed, I made one comment. I'd say you're obsessed because you are so angry about my opinion.


It's shit because I don't find it funny anymore. As millions of others.

Oh god, when the tards around here start putting emotions into posts that aren't there. Severe autism detected.

I don't find it funny anymore either, but you're sperging out right now. Just know that.


I call you an autist, you reply with aspergers. 10/10 comeback. You've gone full autismal, just know that.

LOL, you're so emotional. I never even had a problem with you, I just said Dane Cook was huge and everybody loved him, now it's "cool" to hate him, and you lost your shit.

says LOL to show how cool he is as opposed to emotional

LOL ok, hipster. How transparent and autistic.

I edited my comment before you replied, but of course you were ready as fuck to comment back before I could. Anyway, you remind me of one of those guys who claims to hate fags and calls everyone a faggot only to be arrested picking up a tranny. Autist autist autism autist.

Haha that post really fell apart into a crazy place. I like trannys and have no problems with fags. Who are you talking to right now? Where do you think you are?

Autist autis autism autist

Wow, that's some serious autism. You're "spergin" out.

OK, you've won. Happy now? It's really not a big deal.

What happened to you were done? Winning? Ok, thanks, psycho boy.

You want to leave but your autism just wont let you.

Its not that I don't agree with one or two of your earlier points, but you lost it when you called hi a hipster and nothing he said implied that.

I read "hating on Dane Cook is hacky" as pretty hipster. The opinion is invalid because it's so played out and popular.

which would mean its not hipster

Nah, it would be pretty much the definition of the word. That opinion is so mainstream. That's hipster talk, no one else would care.

The hipster cliche is that they are into things no one else is into. The opinion is so mainstream...hipsters aren't into the mainstream.

Right. He's not into the opinion that Cook is garbage because it's so mainstream.

You wrote his "opinion is invalid because it's so played out and popular", and I am saying that is not very hipster like. Anyways, its hardly indicative of anything his opinion. This is a lot of shit for nothing.

I didn't say his opinion is invalid because it's so played out. I said that he thinks that that opinion is invalid because it's so played out. I can see where the misunderstanding is coming from. Or maybe you're right idk.

Yeah. Really this whole place is a lot of shit for nothing.

As he edits every post. Lol you seem pretty worked up, just breath.

You're projecting pal. Anyway, this conversation is going nowhere, so later.

Later on, autistic hipster.


Is it Vicious Circle? I feel like everyone has that somewhere

I have Retaliation.

Dane is the Limp Bizkit of comedy. First came out and was legit good and everyone loved. Then the content quality significantly slipped and the world realized they are kind of douchey and turned their backs. Then they became punchlines/easy targets. But the fact still remains, they WERE pretty damn good

That's exactly what I was thinking earlier. People aren't gonna admit they liked either, just like a few weeks ago when someone said Opie probably listened to Limp Bizkit, everybody said the band sucked and I commented that we all probably listened to them back in the day.

Nah. He got popular because he was the first to figure out how to sell himself with social media. And because he targeted a very tight demographic known for two things: shit sense of humor because they're all between 18 and 21 and never had real jobs or real problems, and for being all over social media any time something new came out.

It was a phenomenal business model but the material was never anything other than dog shit. The delivery was downright malicious. Flailing around like a jackass to subliminally terrorize a crowd of dipshits into thinking what he's saying was funny.

I don't know man, I believe it was Vicious Cycle that came out that was legit funny. I will admit I fit that college age demo you mentioned and so did all my friends that were enjoying it, but I remember it being legit funny. It got a mixture of played out fast and the material got significantly worse and then he just fizzled out drastically. But that first big special was funny at the time. Are you saying that at his peak you weren't a fan?

I thought it was so-so after the first viewing, then I picked up on the crowd-pandering when I watched it again a week later and got turned off. When he repeated said pandering (all the goofy physical crap) in the next special it made me nauseous, because this time I knew what to watch out for.

Another thing that really bugged me is that there was a "best comedian" poll on cringehumor that included him, and the votes he got caused him to dominate it by a ridiculous margin. All the people who were defending why they voted for him came out of nowhere. They weren't regulars to the site, not one of them. Obviously someone had posted there was a poll somewhere and they all went to cringehumor to spread the word of the savior, like missionaries. They were doing Dane's marketing for him and happy to do it. There's a component of phoniness/dishonesty/illegitimacy in there somewhere that just always bothered me. Also the fact that there just wasn't a whole lot of actual cringe in his material. So what were these intrusive cunts doing on our site? Fuck off dicks!

yuck what a fucking mess

Yeah I just posted the same quote thinking I was gonna be the first to smash her for it and then I saw yours and felt ashamed of myself


It's shit because I don't find it funny anymore. As millions of others.

Oh god, when the tards around here start putting emotions into posts that aren't there. Severe autism detected.

Whats more harassing saying "mean" things or actively trying to get someone fired?

lol she paid $50 for that tumblr theme