Dani explains her relationship with Anthony Cumia.

103  2015-09-07 by AnthonyQueermia


Golly, what a quirky and fun girl!

"I'm a girl and I say whatever I want, deal with it."

I hate her

I hope she gets raped by a pack of nnnnnnnnincompoops.

What inexplicable downvoting. Mel Gibson references are a* in my book.

I thought you were gonna say NIGGERS!!!! Holy Shit am I a dummy!!!!

I am a girl on the internet, I can be a 3, but am an automatic 8 to basement dwellers, especially if I act slutty.

I love older men who treats me as an object, and re-enacts my first sexual experiences with me, I miss Uncle Joe.

Ahh I wish I was 9 again.

She's so different


With witty banter like that, no wonder so many people follow her on twitter.

Yea but is Sherrod black???!!!

I think so. He doesn't really discuss it that much.

Am I the only one who finds her unattractive...?

The lack of color and shape aren't doing her any favors.

Neither is that abortion of a personality.

But if she got a tan, put on 15-20 lbs, and just shut/grew the fuck up, she'd be quite attractive. A catch, even.

It would still take some doing to scrub and scour the Cumia lech-stank off her, though.

So she would become attractive if she literally became a completely different person.

obviously ant likes em young, but she looks pre-pubescent in that profile pic! ugh.

No, she looks like a normal girl that most people on here would settle for. At least in that pic. In others she does not look okay. That is why fans find ant's choice odd. Some might even call it "WEIRD CHOOSE"!!

no? we make fun of her all the time on this sub for being a weird looking unsexy child

I, for one, would like to see her twat.

As Patrice would say, that has nothing to do with it.

The fact that I'd fuck her and the fact that I find her unattractive are two separate things.

Patrice was a sage.

Dani Gojumpoffabridge


2015-09-07 08:25:12 UTC

Hi my name is dani and I love disgusting things. Okay goodnight

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How Ant can put up with her i will never know.

The body and mental capacity of a child, what's not to love?

she probably pegs him

That'd get me to put up with a lot of nonsense...

I was there once but she was just too much of a cunt, I could only put up with a year. (and she was a lot hotter than this broad, which isn't hard I guess) Unfortunately now I edge all night before I can sleep like our friend Jims Norton.

She's hot, but at the end of the day I can't fathom how a 70 year old man like that can be in a relationship with a teenager. It's just so creepy. Can he actually relate to her? Well he said it himself, arrested development.



Who fucking cares

I really don't give a shit who Anthony dates. Sometimes this sub gives me the creeps.

Why do dimwits on this sub care about a radio personality relationships? Creeps.

Because they don't have relationships of their own. Or lives for that matter.

they? says the guy who has an Opie throwaway account on said sub.


i don't know why you're attempting to exclude yourself

Black Lives Matter tho

Take it easy He didn't do nuffin

Hey watch it.

Pest lives matter.