Does it enrage anyone else when Jimmy tries to diagnose people?

2  2015-09-06 by krackee

Apparently Norton is a trained psychologist because he is constantly saying people have aspergers or autism or narcissists. It drives me nuts when he calls someone a narcissist when he is the one who has to talk on the radio for 4 hours a day and then go on stage at night to talk to a room full of people all while desperately trying to get on tv.


Sounds like someone's got a case of the Sunday Mondays.

School, college or Retail job?

It takes one to know one.

He does have a lot of experience working around those type of people. If any one can spot it, Jimmy can.

You forgot to mention he will give a diagnosis that someone is a psychopath at the drop of a hat.

WOW...He tells people they narcissists and autists? I have NEVER encountered anyone like that before.


Why does this hurt your feelings so badly? Everyone does that kinda shit but just because his profession involves public speaking you mad?

Maybe enraged wasn't the right word but the way he thinks he can sum someone up in 5 seconds annoys me. I know I do it too but really I'm just jealous these guys make millions to talk on the radio for 4 hours.

Yes, there was a guy the other week on his advice show who was getting childishly giddy about the excellence of Black Phillip's Teachings, only to be admonished by the man who spends ~$1000 a week on sex workers that "Patrice's philosophies about women weren't always right, be nice".


I think it was the last advice show before the newest one, Logan has it.

