Opie has turned full heel. You can't hurt him.

0  2015-09-06 by Lilcumia

It was fun when he seemed to care what the fans thought about resigning or going against Ant. You send him a tweet he blocks. Comdiens he interracts with laugh at his jokes. Management is happy.


Listen to anytime anyones presented an opinion different than what Opie thinks he feels about the subject, and you'll notice he's been turned around more than Jim Norton has by transvestites

All you need to turn him on any subject is to have put ANY thought into your opinion. Bonus points if you can slip in some stoner logic so you can make him go "faaawwwwk." and hear him spout off the same drivel as his own for the next few days.

He's the dumbest stoner, but not actually a stoner I've ever seen.

"Fawwwwk, alright, alright, you turned me" as if it that holds any sort of weight

Words Hurt*

Opie is The Shockmaster.

But with bigger tits.


Why do you people whine so fucking much about being blocked on Twitter? Who gives a fucking shit? Chrissakes, between Opie, Ant, Derosa and the "blocked" fans, I've never seen such a faggy group of little queers obsessing like little teenaged girls about something as stupid as Twitter.

opie heat is much worse than "x-pac heat" ever was

They're both at about the same level. Sean Waltman has as many twitter followers, more favorites and retweets. I never imagine that a 20+ year veteran of broadcasting would be less popular than the most unpopular wrestler.

I don't like the X-Pac heat thing. It is blown way out of proportion. People act like he was the shittiest piece of shit to ever grace a ring and he had no place being there. His persona was grating and X-Factor blew, but he almost ways had fantastic matches with pretty much anyone. There are hundreds of wrestlers who got worse reactions and weren't anywhere near his level of talent.

Its sickening to say that Shawn Waltman is like Opie. Waltman was at least really good at his job and didn't need carried in the ring ever, even when he was super fucked up on all sorts of drugs and alcohol. Opie is petrified to do a show on his own and can't read at a sixth grade level.

I think it was more people being angry over the sameness of his in-ring routine. He had a highly choreographed routine that he was able to do drunk/stoned. The Bronco Buster was fucking terrible, and his "character" was always being himself - an insufferable bro that was an asshole to other performers. Sort of exactly like Opie. The Xpac Heat is just people hating the performer, not hating his ability or his angle.

Opie never went over. He had like 4 flashes of brilliance in his whole career, but he latched onto something bigger than just he is. Opie and Anthony are the Kliq.

Opie isn't a heel anyway. He doesn't have enough gravitas. Fez in his waning days of Ron and Fez was a heel. With the steak dinner, the shit with Shelbo, the fights with Opie and Big Jay.

My favorite was X-Factor, when nobody even cared enough to boo.

I loved that series. Though I wish Gambit was more of a prominent character rather than Angel.

No I believe you're thinking of X-men.

He's talking about the Thundercats, the cartoon about the mouse who goes to America to sing to the moon




More importantly, who uses the term "turned full heel"

That guy did to describe Opie.

Wakey wakey!