Will one of you video-making guys please make "loves the internet guy watches Harry Hater"?

29  2015-09-05 by smokinswindler


I was half way through making a loves the internet guy video of the reporter shooting but stopped because I realized Opie would probably like it and steal it for his channel.

Watermark it with the bald Opie twitter.

Watermark it with this subreddits link, he will avoid it like the plague.

haha both solid defenses

That sounds amazing. Please do it.

If he actually did that there's non-zero percent chance that PC crowd will notice and crucify him and you might be even responsible for his firing. Do it, you can be part of history. Make sure you use the shooter PoV too.

Please for the love of god finish what you started. I'm fucking crying laughing just thinking about it. I'd do it myself but I'm too stupid.

Please finish this.

You got your answer. Please still do it, and Harry Hater, with watermarks to here and to Bald Opie's twitter.

I'm laughing so hard at the thought of this. Please make that video.

i hope he follows through

I want to see OpieRadio emulate R Budd Dwyer.

why? do you need more masturbation material?


I'll do it brb APRELL FALLLS

If any O&A fans want to play Fantasy Football let me know, it is a good time and we have fun with it. Here is the league info. first come first serve. It is yahoo sports. League ID: 58848 League Name: O&A Pests

i hope he follows through