is there something going on between Big Jay and Opie? if so, please summarize.

10  2015-09-05 by opiesucks

i dont listen much these days.... trying to catch up.


Opie came into the studio while Big Jay and Dan were preparing for The Bonfire. Opie was broadcasting on Periscope like a moron, and Jay kinda just avoided him (being that he doesn't really know Opie so he wasn't sure what to make of what he was doing). A fan tweets Opie saying "Wow, looks like Big Jay giving you the cold shoulder, what's up with that?" Opie responds "It does look like that. I did absolutely NOTHING to him..." Jay tries to squash it by saying that he just doesn't know Opie and there was nothing behind it. Opie responds "Say hi next time. I don't bite. :)" Jay later says that he found it weird that Opie would even dignify the shit-stirring fan's comment. Ant brings up to Jay how the "I don't bite" comes off as Opie thinking he's some powerful badass that Jay is afraid of. That's about it.

It was a race wars episode, not bonfire, so there were about ten more people in the room

They talked about it on LoS. I think that's what he was talking about (with the Ant comment)

good summary, didn't hear this sounds like this is a whole thing, cause of dumb opie. I really hope this blows up and management has to make the choice to stick with big jay over opie

Anthonys obsession with Opie is equally as pathetic. Move on already.

I like this gimmick.

No its really creepy watching Anthony obsess over Opie when Opie doesn't seem to give two fucks about what Anthony does anyone. Anthony is perpetually stuck in high school drama. Look at the whole Bill Burr incident. I've moved on from both of them though. It's all about the Bonfire.

Sometimes a name is worth a thousand words

Ant does some creepy shit but he didn't say anything negative about Opie until Opie made the statement that they both "wanted to move on to other things" when nothing and no one but Opie has indicated that's the way the wind blew. I agree he needs to shut the fuck up about him and focus on his new dumb show, but seeing a guy you talked to 4 hours a day for 20 years get a raise to make a show that is at the very best way worse than the old show has to hit some kinda primordial nerve in the back of his stupid wop brain.

I'm fine with Anthony addressing Opie the first time but for fuck sakes worry about your own show that sucks instead of what Opie said on Twitter today. Anthony sounds like a butt hurt ex girlfriend. He looks like he's broadcasting a shitty public access show at the moment. PFGTV anyone?

Oh and if he's upset that Opie got a raise and continued to work at sxm maybe Anthony shouldn't have acted like a dumbass on Twitter and why does Anthony care? He said himself he'd do exactly what Opie did if the tables were reversed. You're going to say something like that but continue to act butt hurt? Um okay. Remember when Anthony was fired what a relief he said it was, and how he can do his own thing now, and he's got plenty of fuck you money? You can't have it both ways.

"Ant brings up"

Honestly is everything he says about Opie invalid now? Or at least it seems like anytime he says anything about him, you'd probably have to filter it through bitterness similar to that of an ex.

Big Jay failed to realize that Opie "doesn't bite".

Jay believes people at O&A dont like him, for some reason. He believes the only reason he was ever on in the first place was Patrice. He also said he always got the cold shoulder from Norton and Florentine, said they run with the same crowds and have common interests and he doesnt understand why they arent "friends"

Opie comes into the studio while they are recording "The Bonfire" taping them on Periscope and distracting Soder. Jay ignored him and then said a few lines in jest about Opie. Opie then tweets "I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to him" or something to that extent.

Basically, if you asked each of them and they were forced not to lie, i bet both Tits and Jay would say they dont like each other. But i doubt theyll ever actually say that.

And it pretty much goes without saying but Opie now claims he was joking and was never really offended.

He is a beautiful liar.

Could have been a model...

Jay is also admittedly pretty insecure. It's just comics (and opie) doing what comics (and opie) do. I'm on the Big Jay bandwagon these days and I don't give a shit if he every interacts with Opie or Jimmy.

Jay didn't say anything about Opie. Someone on twitter tweeted Opie and said that it looked like Big Jay was giving him the cold shoulder since he basically didn't acknowledge him. Jay said a couple of things on the LOS with Sam Roberts, but it was more explaining it than trashing Opie.

Didnt he say: " Opie, hes here to sabotage my radio career AGAIN". Or something like that toungue in cheek? Im almost positive he did.

Soder said that and that's not the exact quote.

Why downvote a fact? I'm just correcting the post above me. Bizarre.

Booooo facts!

If any O&A fans want to play Fantasy Football let me know, it is a good time and we have fun with it. Here is the league info. first come first serve. It is yahoo sports. League ID: 58848 League Name: O&A Pests


said they run with the same crowds and have common interests and he doesnt understand why they arent "friends"

I don't get that either. Seems like they both were always hanging around with Patrice, yet they rarely ever mention each other at all.

All correct but Norton was on LOS and his 'beef' with Jay was squashed. They both said they never really got to hang with each other but there were no hard feelings

Opie on the other hand, in my opinion, is why Jay never got on O&A. I don't think Opie likes his salty humour!

Opie is a child. He's desperate to fill his narcissistic sociopathic needs and it's probably safe to say he's jealous for some reason or another.

I'll put it this way...If you never really listened to the show and only know Opie in today's context, would you like that douche interrupting your show with his stupid phone?

It's funny because this comes off as Opie barging in desperate for attention, in the same way he always bitched about his mother doing.

I'll never forget Opie's little interjecting comments (ME: Does it have to be about YOU today? During MY big day?) during the famous Jim Norton Hates The Mentally Ill rant. Because most of them apply to none other than Gregg Hughes.

Gregg has to know mental illness is genetic. And considering his mom went senile early, he may need to start worrying considering he just turned 62.

I'm pretty sure that much like Fez's mom, Mrs. Hughes is just a normal old lady with a psychotic son that frames everything incorrectly.

Big Jay probably didn't say anything because he was in total awe being in the presence of a broadcasting legend and the brilliant comedic mind that brought us "Harry Hater."

Imagine you go into work and are ready to do your job but you show up and they are training a guy to do your exact job. They don't say you're fired or anything but the new guy has the exact same job title and everyone is gathered around his cubicle now instead of yours.

If any O&A fans want to play Fantasy Football let me know, it is a good time and we have fun with it. Here is the league info. first come first serve. It is yahoo sports. League ID: 58848 League Name: O&A Pests

You should probably post this in its own thread so people see it.


look at this picture

click that link for submit a self post then write what you want

if you want to submit a link then click submit link and put the link there


Thanks but I'm good, not into the fantasy stuff but I'm sure if you make a separate thread people will be interested. If you have more questions just message me.

You are way too polite and helpful to be a mod of this place.

Ha I can be extremely cunty. I thought I was actually talking to this guy in a PM at first then I realized he was still posting in this thread.

It's nonsense that little bitches write paragraphs on reddit about.

Totally. Where are the babes at, so we can get some patch, amirite guy?

Soder said that and that's not the exact quote.


I'm fine with Anthony addressing Opie the first time but for fuck sakes worry about your own show that sucks instead of what Opie said on Twitter today. Anthony sounds like a butt hurt ex girlfriend. He looks like he's broadcasting a shitty public access show at the moment. PFGTV anyone?

Oh and if he's upset that Opie got a raise and continued to work at sxm maybe Anthony shouldn't have acted like a dumbass on Twitter and why does Anthony care? He said himself he'd do exactly what Opie did if the tables were reversed. You're going to say something like that but continue to act butt hurt? Um okay. Remember when Anthony was fired what a relief he said it was, and how he can do his own thing now, and he's got plenty of fuck you money? You can't have it both ways.
