Jimmy gives a serious, heartfelt explanation to Lady Di as to why they don't take her calls anymore. As per usual, it goes in one ear and out the other.

49  2015-09-05 by youfuckmymother


As much as he annoys me I believe him when he says this. He was relatively quiet during her entire week as an intern and when he did speak it was literally repeating what he says to her here verbatim. It's sad

He is 100% correct in this breakdown of her entire personality and life. And I think the audience agrees, it's just sad at this point, and it's actually kind of scary how she doesn't listen to people who clearly want to help her. It's actually a good case study in people like this, they gave her opportunities and professional help and money. They gave her everything a person would need to "turn it around." I bet if she actually came to any one of these guys and expressed concern over her well-being they would support her indefinitely.

But no, she won't. You just need to just sigh angrily and realize she is going to die a fucked up, depressing, lying drunk.

Anthony too

The more I get into The Bonfire, the more I realize these people I used to listen to are broken and their brokenness is front stage now. The worst parts of all of them, they're extreme versions of that now.

And what's up with the callers on The Bonfire actually having interesting things to say? The last 4 or 5 years of O&Aand/orJ I never heard a caller add anything of substance. How is it that two stand up comedians can pick better callers than one radio veteran?

Practice makes permanent, not perfect. 25+ years of shitty radio just makes you better at doing bad radio.

Hey! Fez put in a lot of good years

There are a ton of great O&A bits based on completely shitting on people. Pat from Moonachie, Lady Di, Sandy Kane, Stalker Pattie, etc. The list goes on and on.

I can't understand why anyone would give a shit if these people want to be degraded on the radio. It's not like someone put a gun to Stalker Patti's head and told her to take her clothes off. All of these idiots were degraded voluntarily.



I can't wait until she's homeless again. This time she won't be able to just live off her looks and charm.

I don't think she had looks or charm the first time she was homeless either.

Oh literal youfuckmymother.

Well compared to now she did...


That's the joke

Welcome young man. Remember to learn from this.

See you around.

What time does blockbuster business closed.

About 4 years ago.

Jimmy doesn't have a degree.

She has to be literally the dumbest creature on earth.

Dude, Opie.

You're right, she is like a male Opie.

shes actually made me laugh though

Jimmy has moments of borderline Freudian genius. Like when he explained why certain ugly middle-aged women wear furs.

This is a guy who is well tuned in to shit headedness.


can't be fucked?



I'm still confused as to why this sub started hating on Jimmy.

First it was Ant, then Opie, now Jimmy. Are there any actual fans in this sub?

We all pretty much hate Opie all the time. Ant and Jimmy both take turns at being hated by us. I think it's decided by whoever is being the most delusional at the time.

Why listen? That's what I don't get.

A lot of people here just love to hate things. It fuels us. It's not weird considering their type of comedy attracts that same type of person. That's why Jocktober was one of their best bits.

The difference is now we hate something we used to love. It's just hard to move on after listening to them for the better part of a decade. But I bet the majority don't actively listen anymore. I know I don't. I've been sustaining off of old compilations of different sagas of the past.


Jimmy is the only one I like. I hate Opie for being an all around retard. Ant is both kinda. There are parts of Ant I like just as much as Jimmy, and then parts of him (Namely the part of him that has taken over his life once Opie was no longer around to filter him...) that I hate more than Opie or most people in general.

Jim can annoy me sometimes, but nothing near the hate I find myself feeling for Opie and often Ant too. Really has made me realize more than ever that the comedians made the show more than anything.

Sure, fans of old. I don't know what this is anymore.

Party Rock, my friend.

It's a little late for her to quit drinking. It's all she has to live for at this point. So yes, this is nothing more than highhorse condescending AA Jimmy.

Lady Di giving up on drinking in 2015, what's the point? Is her face going to clear up, she's going to find a husband, pursue a career? No, and she'd still be on federal assistance. Let her drink her piss water without the guilt trip.

Jimmy is always constantly sniffing... rapid weight loss... It makes me wonder

This is the first time I've seen someone other than myself notice his habitual sniffing. It's made me wonder also.


Obviously she loves to be on the radio, and she loves to drink.

I don't understand why he gives a shit. If she likes these things so much, let her do them. The idea that he won't let her be on the radio until she cleans her act up is condescending.

Heaven forbid anyone is condescending.

I think Jimmy's point is that it's painful for him to interact with Di as long as she refuses to stop drinking. And she'll never stop drinking, so he's decided to stop interacting with her. I don't see what's condescending about that. We shouldn't expect Jimmy to put up with Di if it upsets him.

I want to be entertained. I don't give a shit if it's painful for Jimmy.

Remember "baby bird?" That was so funny I was in tears. And it was completely degrading to Pat from Moonachie.

Jim Norton seems to have lost sight to how funny it is to shit all over someone.

And it was completely degrading to Pat from Moonachie.

Surely, you can't be serious. And I know your name isn't Shirley.

Good reference to a shitty movie from 35 years ago.

Jim Norton seems to have lost sight to how funny it is to shit all over someone.

Lady Di on the radio is a dead bit. Boring hack radio, an easy time killer.

Idk, I could listen to Sam and Anthony just ask her questions for like an hour. She has the same level of enthusiasm at all times. "Hey, it's Lady Di!" Or "Oh no no I don't have a house on the moon". Something hypnotizing about her autism

There are lots of ways he can entertain you without him having to torture himself. He doesn't owe you self harm. Jesus Christ you entitled fuck.

Lady Di is fucking obnoxious in the first place anyway. The regular I can think of that even comes close to being as awful as her was twitchles. Why would anybody want that retard on the show? Every time I hear her when I listen to clips or whatever i skip.

I'd rather listen to cringe radio with Lady Di than hear Tits and Paycheck talk about Bruce Jenner for the 10,000th time.

The funnies bit of 2015 was when Lady Di stayed with that intern at his apartment.

I'm kinda stunned that I'm the only person on this thread that doesn't give a shit about Lady Di's health. She's a grown woman, if she wants to drink herself to death that's not my problem.

She doesn't have a fucking right to be on the radio.

You could make a comparison between her and opie. The really frustrating thing is the denial. They're actually pretty similar in a number of ways. They're both under the delusion that they possess positive attributes. They both think they have people that are grateful to hear their voices on the radio. The harder you try to convince them of the truth, the harder they push it away.

But in Di's case, not only is there an easy fix (a bullet would be an easy one for opie), there's a reasonable one. Quit drinking and get some shit job to occupy her time.