Is Gregg capable of a Kaufman-esqe long-con hoax?

6  2015-09-05 by smokinswindler

I remember Gregg mentioning that he goes deep with the Andy Kaufman. So deep in fact, that Gregg can't even laugh at his stuff because he is to focused on "studying his technique". With the development of his newest character "the hater", Gregg has groundbreakingly turned the entire of concept of comedy on its head. If he is pulling some massive Kaufman-esqe hoax to be hated intentionally, I truly applaud him. He can't do any better than this video, it is absolutely the most embarrassing event to ever occur. How can one man be so oblivious to how he is perceived by people?

Edit: considering how he uses popular/trending hashtags with his posts and videos, I really think that he believes in the content he puts out. He wants new people to discover his content.


I'm going to take this stance from now on. All of his antics are just part of an infinitely nuanced hoax that makes a mockery out of all of us. That's much easier to handle and much less depressing than the truth.

That's what he'd have you believe lol. He wants so badly to be the genius.


Most of Tits social media personality is actually for the haters. He desperately wants to give the impression that the haters aren't getting to him so he amplifies everything that he is criticized for.

His childish Tweets,fuckwit Instagram ,stupid videos etc -man it's business as usual for Tits,nothin gets to him.

It's also convenient for such a talentless cunt because when something doesn't land, it rarely does land, he passes it off as a troll.

His therapist wouldn't be happy with him.

He's barely capable of tying his shoelaces.

The only way he can keep the Kaufman bit going is to die an untimely death of lung cancer. Let's hope that's the grand finale.

Like the movie 'The Prestige', he's living the trick!

This guy has been reading copy and newspaper articles on air for over 20 years and he should not have graduated middle school. I think if somebody wants to do the "really smart guy pretending to be dumb" thing, they need to demonstrate that they are smart first. Just like an aspect of somebody's comedy can be deliberate badness, but it can't be all it is. Opie is just dumb and unfunny.


Gregg is the character, "the hater" is a parody of character-making. duhhhhhhh

He isn't even capable of saying something funny at all, ever. So no.

Lol of course he isn't. He's a dope.

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