It's Labor Day Weekend Bros!!

17  2015-09-04 by unclepaul84


Shaped like an overflowing bag of shit.

Shit pours out of his mouth everytime he opens it so I think you're on to something.

LOL! He's holding hands with a GUY!!! That's FUNNY!!! FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY!

hahaha seriously what is he... GAY? Yuck!

You didn't need to photoshop his head onto a comically small yet still obese body.

This is what came up when I opened this on my phone:

I can only assume it's a stangel.


The irony of this walrus having a Superman tattoo while wearing an Ironman tank is astonishing.

Fuck this guy

I'm just glad he's in good health so he can entertain us for years to come.

Looks like artie lange if he were a fag.

He's the jewish Beetlejuice.

Check. Out. The. Empties. Man.

He looks like how a frat bro would dress their 16 year old girlfriend's rape baby at the lake.

Each time I see a photo of this fuck I'm convinced more and more that he has some sort of physical disability. His body/head/arms/everything are so disproportionate


Blue moon is what he'll look like when he's on the floor having a coronary.

Belgian white is the nationality and race i wish he was so he wouldn't have the jew confidence to try comedy.

where the fuck is his neck

Are you funnier than a 5th grader? NO

Requirements to work on O&J: Fat and Chinless

Why does he think its okay to wear a tank top when his body is so offensive?

good god almighty. Just depressing, he's trying to come off as a buff fresh-out-of-college bro

Fantastic hire, Opester. I knew he looked familiar.

The Grimace has let themselves go

The holocaust never happened, but it should have, and it will.

I hate that crook of the lip he does

What. A. Fag.

It's a Jewish Jock.

Time to get fat and wacky

Are him and Roland related?

He really is an odd looking fellow.

Where the fuck is this man's neck? And whos the guy hes holding hands with?

Oh fuck I thought this was Roland until I read the comments. They really are all the same

The only remotely thing this man has done that was funny is tweetingpassover or whatever the fuck simply because I didn't know what all that goofy jew shit was

is that superman's hand?

He dresses like I dressed when I was 17.

He looks like a really short pedophile.

A comedian in his natural habitat