My hatred for Tits

22  2015-09-04 by unclepaul84

I despise Gregg Hughes. It's not just disliking Opie as a radio host. I hate him as a human being. Its a very personal kind of hatred. I was wondering if anybody else feels the same way. Do you hate Opie the radio host or Gregg Hughes the human being?


I fawken love big tits and tight cootaz, DVVT DVVT

Fuck Yea.

I always disliked him, but now I hate him because I hear him more. It angers me that he can be such a weasel and glom onto talented people and become a millionaire off it it and think that his shit doesn't stink. All while not being able to form simple sentences.

There was a moment on the show where one of his brothers called in and accused him of being cheap. His instantaneous response was - the way a 7 year old would scream it - "UUuuUUUUUH!!!!!!!!!!" It's the angry 'fuck you' version of nya nya nanya nya, and much more guttural and emotional than any of his "characters". Sucks I didn't save the clip or the show date, because that one second, one syllable natural reflex of a retard noise was, in my opinion, the truth and the entirety of Gregg Hughes.

yeah seriously, he's always been cheap. everybody knows he's cheap. there are historical radio records that provide plenty of evidence of him being cheap.

and yet, when called on it occasionally, he refuses to admit that he could have any shortcomings.

I would like to see him in an ISIS video on yiutube

If anyone follows him on Twitter, just look at his tweets from today. It's going to make your skin crawl. It is jaw-droppingly embarrassing. I love bashing Opie in here but in the back of my mind I had a piece of me saying "but he was on a show I've loved for many years". But he is too awful now. As awful as anyone else in pop culture. It's so sad

He sucks now, but O&A is my favorite radio show and I still listen to old clips all of the time. I loved that show and he was a part of it. It just sucks that it's over.

I don't even hate him anymore, I just don't care. Honestly, if I unsubbed from here I'd completely forget O&A exist.


I'm not letting him off that easy.

He ruined my favourite show, so I want him to be constantly reminded of what shit he is.

How did he run it

He didn't Stand With Ant, duh.

that doesnt fix the death spiral the show was already on, it just makes you feel a little better as if everything is fine.

He's just a shitwit. He's near moronic (in the old sense of the word - a spastic) He actually deserves pity, for he knows no better and cannot help his stupidity. He's Bobo, minus the minimal charm and with a shitload more luck. He's the loathsome Forrest Gump of radio.

I can handle the fact that he became rich for pretty much just being at the right place at the right time... That happens to a lot of idiots. What pisses me off is that I'm so much more aware of how annoying he is, and it completely ruined listening to even the old recordings of the show I once enjoyed.

I have been listening to old clips and cant stand him. I tried listening to the Louie ck "are you a lizard" . You have louie being completely goofy and great. Ant is being good playing straight man unintentionally doing a good job to balance Louie. Tits is pretty much silent until 11:35 on mobile

He asks the secretary of defense a question about......unions. fucking unions. To the Secretary of Defense. Hes really ruined everything.


I don't think they've played well since Jones retired.

If any O&A fans want to play Fantasy Football let me know, it is a good time and we have fun with it. Here is the league info. first come first serve. It is yahoo sports. League ID: 58848 League Name: O&A Pests

I honestly would most likely still talk to him if I saw him in person. Sure, he's an aging douchebag, but he was a part of one of the biggest radio shows in the country for two decades. The man has got some stories to tell.

The man has got some stories to tell.

Sure, working for the mafia and all.

I didn't say he was fuckin Henry Hill I'm just saying he knows some inside shit that we don't know, you can't even deny that. Think about all the people who have been involved with the O&A show

Hey just so you know, it's really weird to be this obsessed over someone you never met.


Oh ok thanks for showing up and shitting out that original thought you dumb mother fucker. Is that your signature there?
