So the Thursday before Labor Day is now considered vacation?

13  2015-09-03 by That70smoke

the excuse last month was August is when all radio guys take vacation. I guess doing no show prep and raising your step kids can be tiresome. Rest up opster, hope you're refreshed next week:(


I dunno DICKHEAD cuz I wasn't there that day, FUCKFACE!

good call back


It's a hard job being the number one media destination in entertainment but someone's gotta do it and sometimes that burden can take it's toll on you. Wishing the Opster a fun and happy four day labor day weekend.

Best part is a RADIO guy taking off for LABOR day. Aside from handing yuppies their 3 irons Opie has no clue what manual labor actually is.

He worked for the mob legit tho.

Why would he perform manual labor? He's not a Polish immigrant.

You from the UK?


Hey, the beach in the Hamptons won't shit itself.

ME: yeah more and more people are taking thursdays off before labor day I'm seeing it a lot more these days.

It really is bullshit. And if he wanted to turn labor day into a 5 day weekend, then don't take a fucking 2 week break 3 days before. What a dumb plan.

Oh but it's okay, him and two unfunny fat jew fucks talked about documentaries last night.

I always take off Thursdays before a Monday holiday hoo hoo

Just wait, they will be off tomorrow as well. 2 week vacation, work 3 days, then 5 days off.

oqie is indeed a lazy fuck. but howard is even lazier. both don't mind keeping the listeners guessing if the show is live or not.

For people who don't like the show, you guys sure do complain a lot when they take off.

stop listening you dolts.