Opie and Jimmy are fucking morons

40  2015-09-02 by [deleted]

Listen to this call:


Jim Norton's argument method: over simplify your opponent's message and yell it back like a total fucking cunt. Christ what an infuriating phone call. Just a bunch of talking over people trying to sound like they're intelligent. Stick to mediocre comedy fuckwits, politics do not suit you.


They make Anthony look like he has a degree in political science

Degree? They make him look like a fucking Senator.


I've never liked Jim talking politics on the show.

it's about as accurate as him talking about the future.

Or music. Or movies.

Opie Radio has made me less of a fan of Jim Norton.

Jim needs to stick to what he knows best.

Getting pissed on, edging for four decades, and getting footjobs from transexuals.

I was such a fool to get married and have kids. That sounds so much more fulfilling. Damn it!

I've never heard sucking a tranny dick called a footjob before.

When they're packing heat the way Jimbo likes em you'd understand

When i hear jimmy talk politics my brain hurts

Jimmy comes across as ALMOST OpieHatableTM. His hypocrisy is stinking the room up. He pigeon-holed gays just as egregiously as he accuses Liberals of pigeon-holing minorities. Still, Opie stomps-the-cake by parroting (sorry for all the avian references) EVERYTHING that Jim says; repeating and unnecessarily expounding on Jim's hyperbole.

Jim does all sorts of things with peoples holes. But it's very inappropriate to pigeon-hole.

Is it really that outrageous to think that gay people are probably more inclined to vote based on gay rights issues than others?

"outrageous" is just more hyperbole. Regardless of sexuality (and any other anchoring classifications), intelligent adults make informed and calculated decisions based on priorities. Meanwhile, a sad majority of contending politicians know to play to the lowest-common-denominator. What have gay-rights, abortion, racial disparities, gun control, illegal immigration, and the like REALLY have to do with our daily lives? Fuck this popular pablum that Jim is guilty of doling out: he's worse than some of these politicos because he's become a hypocrite: he plays whatever side suits his agenda.

Oh...and OPIE SUCKS!

intelligent adults make informed and calculated decisions based on priorities.

Yes, and gay people tend to give gay rights a higher priority than the general population.

Ugh. You're all missing the real star of the idiocy pageant here:

Opie: "Jimmy's answer was great."

Caller: "It's an awful answer. If he chooses people based on two issues, then we're missing out-"

Opie: "Unfortunately, that's how most people vote. I don't think they look at the candidate as whole, so I kind of agree with you, but that's just how it is."

Opie's opinion is identical to the last person he heard speak.

Opie's opinion is identical to the last person he heard speak.

I'm going to get this statement tattooed on my forearm (like Brother Wease).

yeah the shooting the guy down but then taking his opinion because the caller's confidence was greater than theirs was hilarious. if only the caller didn't go full religious retard at the end of the call to ruin everything.

A high school drop out and a mass comm major hit the hard issues...

Jimmy finished HS.

I thought he dropped out?

I'm pretty sure he did drop out. He made a joke about him and Ant being HS dropouts on one of Anthony's shows.

I stand semi-corrected:

From Wikipedia

Norton dropped out of high school in his senior year. Following a failed suicide attempt by slitting his wrists at age 18, he entered rehab, for alcohol abuse. A couple of years later he attended Middlesex County College, and a year later he obtained his GED, after being sober for around three years.[5]

PS: "Middlesex"...HAW! #appropriate

Nope, he was in rehab maaan.

Jim is a fucking idiot. I personally know gay conservative people who vote Republican every time. They are small business owners who care more about taxes than they do about irrelevant (to them) marriage laws.

I'm a fan of Jimmy's politics as far as when he looks at both sides of every issue and doesnt worry about conservative/liberal - but the caller is right.

If you listen to these two dolts they'd tell you neither has lost an argument on air.

You don't have any gay friends!

Jim: [dismissively] Yeah...you'd know.

And Jim would?


Jimmy's always annoyed me with his condescending opinions on addiction and addicts.

I like their tough guy bit where they try to put the caller on the spot about Ben Carson's other positions. The caller says he likes Carson's healthcare plan. O&J mock caller because it's only a "plan". Riveting radio boys.

it literally made no sense to me. it made me realize that Jimmy really lives his world through the shitty anecdotal evidence he collects. although i prefer that fault than Ant's "play it by the books, argue the statistics" phony bullshit

So what is wrong with his response? I would have said the same thing. For example, if someone believes a woman should not be entitled to an abortion even in cases of rape? There's nothing more to talk about. I don't need to know that person's policies on any other issue. That gives me enough insight into their character and beliefs.

I agree with you there but there was an opportunity for Jim and Opie to admit that they don't know anything about the economy or foreign policy. When the caller mentions that Carson has a good plan for the economy they just start yelling "I don't give a shit about a plan, no one cares about plans!!" Maybe they could bash Carson's idiotic, religious viewpoints while praising his financial ideas? Would be more nuanced than them just yelling at someone to hide their lack of knowledge.

Maybe they could bash Carson's idiotic, religious viewpoints while praising his financial ideas? Would be more nuanced than them just yelling at someone to hide their lack of knowledge.

Why do they have to praise his financial ideas? Maybe they disagree with those too....

People can have different opinions of what matters most. It seems Jimmy puts more importance on social issues, and doesn't care about (and apparently doesn't necessarily agree with) Carson's economic/health plans.

Why do they have to praise his financial ideas?

I didn't say they have to do that. If they knew about his economic plans they'd have an opinion about them but Jimmy loudly declared he didn't care about them.

Maybe they disagree with those too....

Listen to the call again. They declare ignorance about it and say the country is the same way.

People can have different opinions of what matters most

You really think Opie and Jim sat down and decided they cared about gays more than economics? Absolutely fucking not. It is easy for simpleton dipshits to pontificate about gay issues. Talking about economics is much harder. Opie and Jim would never share an opinion about it because they have no opinion and even stated that in this call.

I didn't say they have to do that. If they knew about his economic plans they'd have an opinion about them but Jimmy loudly declared he didn't care about them.

They probably don't know about his plans. So what? Again, they can dismiss Carson immediately based on his religious position. What's the problem with that? This isn't a show to determine who has the highest IQ. They don't have to discuss the most difficult topics to prove how smart they are... They just have to discuss the topics they find important.

Listen to the call again. They declare ignorance about it and say the country is the same way.

I did listen to the call. They said they were tired of listening to plans (which means they don't care or trust them), and Jimmy said he didn't mind Obamacare, which means he wouldn't put much importance on removing it.

My point stands: they don't have to praise Carson's ideas.

You really think Opie and Jim sat down and decided they cared about gays more than economics? Absolutely fucking not. It is easy for simpleton dipshits to pontificate about gay issues. Talking about economics is much harder. Opie and Jim would never share an opinion about it because they have no opinion and even stated that in this call.

I think Jimmy has a threshold on how much of a religious nutjob a candidate can be, and that's why he dismisses Carson. That's a perfectly legitimate position to have, regardless of whether he could argue about the economic topics or not.

More importantly, the caller himself couldn't speak intelligently about the economic issues either, nor does Jimmy's alleged inability to speak about the topic mean the caller was right about the issues...

Jimmy said he didn't mind Obamacare, which means he wouldn't put much importance on removing it.

Why make that assumption? It's far more likely that he says that because he is completely ignorant about Obamacare. He said he just wants people to have healthcare if they can't afford it. Obamacare is NOT that all encompassing. So if Jimmy wants everyone to have healthcare there are some issues he would have with Obamacare (if he knew anything about it). See what I mean?

Why make that assumption? It's far more likely that he says that because he is completely ignorant about Obamacare. He said he just wants people to have healthcare if they can't afford it. Obamacare is NOT that all encompassing. So if Jimmy wants everyone to have healthcare there are some issues he would have with Obamacare. See what I mean?

It's not an assumption. I'm taking exactly what he said. He said he didn't mind Obamacare. He said he wanted people to have healthcare. Yes. Obamacare does not guarantee that every single person will have healthcare, but it does significantly increase the odds. The number of uninsured has fallen every year since Obamacare was implemented:

The percentage of uninsured Americans climbed from the 14% range in early 2008 to over 17% in 2011, and peaked at 18.0% in the third quarter of 2013. The uninsured rate has dropped sharply since the most significant change to the U.S. healthcare system in the Affordable Care Act -- the provision requiring most Americans to carry health insurance -- took effect at the beginning of 2014. An improving economy and a falling unemployment rate may also have accelerated the steep drop in the percentage of uninsured over the past year. However, the uninsured rate is significantly lower than it was in early 2008, before the depths of the economic recession, suggesting that the recent decline is due to more than just an improving economy.


Instead of naively believing that Jimmy thinks Obamacare must insure every single American, why don't you believe he knows it doesn't but likes it (or tolerates it) because it has reduced the number of uninsured?

God I hate these people. all of them including the caller and the fans.

Jimmy doesn't bother me nearly as much as Opie does on this call.

EDIT: Jimmy just said "I don't care about Obamacare" after blathering about abortion for 10 minutes. He's worse than Opie now.



This enraged me when I heard it live, I don't want to steal opies bit but it put me in a 2 hour bad mood.

Sorry but that caller was wrong, and Jimmy was right (well, as much as I expect a comedian to be right about these issues).

First, the caller insists that gays are interested in everything just as much as everyone else. What he doesn't realize is that that is a testable hypothesis: If what he's saying is true, we should expect homosexuals to vote with roughly the same pattern as heterosexuals (since they are interested in the same things). Instead we see homosexuals vote overwhelmingly in favor of candidates that support LGBT issues. This confirms Jimmy's view point: Those issues are key issues to homosexuals, and if a candidate does not support those issues they are not going to get the support of homosexuals. Jimmy was right.

Then he starts talking about Ben Carson's plans. So what? What he fails to realize is that people don't have to value the same thing he does. Just because he puts more weight on removing Obamacare doesn't mean others do too. He essentially thinks his definition of a "good" candidate is the only possible one, and berates Jim for having another. That's not how it works. Jimmy, it seems, puts more weight on social issues and Carson doesn't meet his standards. What's wrong about that?

He calls them out for only being able to talk about gay issues. Talking about gay issues is easy and everyone does it. People rarely discuss the challenging ideas. The caller wanted to talk about how that is a problem. I think the caller is well aware that people don't value the same thing he does and in fact he states that is a problem. And he's right! Most americans just talk about easy low hanging fruit which is why they sign sub-prime mortgages and don't understand the financial world they're operating in. It's pathetic.

By the way the voting polls don't find out if people are gay or not. So you're pulling this:

Instead we see homosexuals vote overwhelmingly in favor of candidates that support LGBT issues.

right out your ass. If you're not, by all means, link me a poll I can verify.

He calls them out for only being able to talk about gay issues. Talking about gay issues is easy and everyone does it. People rarely discuss the challenging ideas.

No, he calls them out on only talking about gay issues. Not "able" or "unable". The caller doesn't mention their ability or inability, only their willingness.

Talking about gay issues is easy and everyone does it. People rarely discuss the challenging ideas.

So what if you think that's an easier idea? So what if you think discussing the economy is a more challenging idea? This show isn't about tackling the tough questions, is it? It's a dumb radio show. They discuss whatever they find interesting.

I think the caller is well aware that people don't value the same thing he does and in fact he states that is a problem.

The fact that he declares it a problem is what's an issue to begin with. That requires him to believe that his prioritization is the only correct one. Well, it's not. I can easily value social issues more than economic ones, and base my voting primarily on those. You think those issues are "easier"? So what?

By the way the voting polls don't find out if people are gay or not. So you're pulling this:

"Voting polls"? What? You mean at the voting booth? Of course not. But that's not the only way we could answer the question, is it?

PRINCETON, NJ -- Gallup's landmark study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans finds that 44% identify as Democratic, 43% as independent, and 13% as Republican. That compares to 32% of non-LGBT Americans who identify as Democratic, 39% as independent, and 30% as Republican.


I'm not pulling anything out of my ass. LGBT individuals skew Democratic. They do not reflect the same pattern as the general, non-LGBT population, which proves they have different priorities on average.

Most people in this thread seemed to listen to the call correctly. You and one other dipshit do not know how to comprehensively listen apparently.

So then by all means show me where I "listened to the call incorrectly". Go ahead. Or delete your account. Either one.

That imbecile caller could be the dumbest human being I've ever heard speak (next to opie). What an absolute fuckin DOLT. I hope his family of idiots found him dead face down in cowshit this morning. People like that are so unbelievably stupid. Jesus it is frightening to know they are out there as actual citizens who get to vote. Fuck.

because he asked why jim only cares about gay shit?

Not OP but what annoyed me is he said religious people are inherently happier than people who are not religious.

That's what Scienceā„¢ says. Religiosity=happiness is a highly consistent research finding, even when controlling for level of "spirituality," churchgoing-equivalent social networking, family size, "cognitive style," etc.

But there's no strong evidence for causality. Maybe being happy makes people religious.

And what people's self-reported "happiness" (or anything people self-report) actually signifies is an open question (that isn't asked anymore, because that kind of Scienceā„¢ is a cushy fukken gig).

Iron law: Anyone arguing with Jim is right.

i would believe that though, they got some imaginary best friend to talk to who they think is going to save their mortgage and homosexual son. i get scared as shit about death sometimes and i sometimes wish some pedo in some robes could be enough to ease my mind

idk some guy you imagine is always watching you and judging your every move until your last breath to see if you can join his clubhouse or suffer for an eternity? dosent scream "happy go lucky thoughts" to me

You mean gays having the right to get married and people having the right to get abortions? And not about the "important" issue of stupid fuckin taxes? Fuck James, that dimwitted cunt.

And how is Jim's explanation of his problem with Carson "repetitive yelling"? He specified that his level of religious conservatism was too high to consider voting for. And he's right. Carson quote: "I don't believe in evolution...I simply don't have enough faith to believe that something as complex as our ability to rationalize, think, and plan, and have a moral sense of what's right and wrong, just appeared."

Jim even mentioned the fact that this was a neurosurgeon. A fucking doctor said that he doesn't believe in evolution. Even Bush said he thought evolution and God were compatible.

If anyone supports a candidate for leader of the free world who explicitly states he does not believe in the theory of evolution, he should immediately be shot in the center of the face no questions asked.

not defending ben carson, he's a dummy. but the caller did point out how jim's be all end all decision on every politician is his view on gay marriage. not foreign policy which could literally be a matter of life and death for thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. not the economy which dictates the quality of life for all of a country's citizens. not healthcare. not social programs. not anything but whether 1% of the population can have a fucking piece of paper that lets them pay a little less in taxes together....

decision on every politician is his view on gay marriage.

And abortion.

not foreign policy

Fair enough, but he's an isolationist. I don't agree with his isolationism. But he's made it clear he's sick of the subject and feels helpless about it. It makes sense that he wouldn't be "enraptured" by any candidate's foreign policy views. Unless of course they were isolationist. Of which there are no candidates.

not the economy which dictates the quality of life for all of a country's citizens.

Sorry to break the spell but the idea that the economy can be manipulated is 100% bullshit. All of economics is horseshit. The only way to help it is to go to war. The primary way to tank it is, well, Jim's proposed isolationism.

not healthcare. not social programs.

You mean niggers stealing the white man's hard-earned cash. Sorry to breach the unbreachable, but I've listened to enough Cumia rants, and have enough ability to read between lines, to know that's exactly what the gripe is about. Denying it is goddamn bullshit. I don't care how far out of your way to go to dissemble. It always reeks overwhelmingly of deceit.

not anything but whether 1% of the population can have a fucking piece of paper that lets them pay a little less in taxes together....

It's hardly as low as 1%. Either way, what if there was a law that said Jews couldn't get married? How well do you think that law would be received.

And abortion. but its not the be all end all. he doesnt criticize politicians or endorse them based on abortion, he just shits on them when they're bat shit nuts and say rape and health should be considerations

Fair enough, but he's an isolationist.

again, he doesn't ever base his decision on a candidate on foreign policy. the only thing he ever mentioned for not voting for christie was for gay marriage, and even though he LOVED everything about ron paul he ultimately said he wouldnt vote for him JUST because of his views on gay marriage.

Sorry to break the spell but the idea that the economy can be manipulated is 100% bullshit.

Way to overcomplicate shit. hong kong, japan, and singapore dont give two shits about war and they are economic power houses and china is the most isolationist country we've ever seen in terms of trade.

You mean niggers stealing the white man's hard-earned cash.

No, not welfare you racist lib, but the ponzi scheme that is social security and how it needs revisions to be viable and at the very least some sort of privatization. and also hw healthcare is expensive is shit and how obamacare did nothing to address the cost and just gave out free shit- we still need to reform medical insurance to allow for more competition for better prices. when there's one insurance agency in a state due to regulations, do you think the prices are going to be fair??

It's hardly as low as 1%.

ok the us census borough puts it 3.8% regardless, a piece of paper and a little less in taxes shouldnt be the driving force in someone's presidential choice.

I got to admit, you make some pretty good points.

Sucks about China. And it sucks that we can't get our populace worked up enough to be forward-motivated. China reminds me of these new good podcasts, Bonfire especially. They don't care if they look like hacks from time to time with some of their forced energy, they're just driven to get it done. Whereas O&J have made it and are rotting in decadence.

not defending ben carson, he's a dummy. but the caller did point out how jim's be all end all decision on every politician is his view on gay marriage. not foreign policy which could literally be a matter of life and death for thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people. not the economy which dictates the quality of life for all of a country's citizens. not healthcare. not social programs. not anything but whether 1% of the population can have a fucking piece of paper that lets them pay a little less in taxes together....

Opie's opinion is identical to the last person he heard speak.

I'm going to get this statement tattooed on my forearm (like Brother Wease).

yeah the shooting the guy down but then taking his opinion because the caller's confidence was greater than theirs was hilarious. if only the caller didn't go full religious retard at the end of the call to ruin everything.

Jimmy said he didn't mind Obamacare, which means he wouldn't put much importance on removing it.

Why make that assumption? It's far more likely that he says that because he is completely ignorant about Obamacare. He said he just wants people to have healthcare if they can't afford it. Obamacare is NOT that all encompassing. So if Jimmy wants everyone to have healthcare there are some issues he would have with Obamacare (if he knew anything about it). See what I mean?