Tits is even older than previously thought.

145  2015-09-02 by climbon321


Child of 8000 BC

I don't get it. Thats not even him. It's a wooden STATUE!!! Trust me its not even the same fuckin thing. Sniff.

Good catch literal baraksobamas!

These guys try to slip things by me allllll the TIME! It doesn't even bother me. Not in the fuckin least. Sniff.

All that age and not a shred of wisdom.

It's a good example of how demonizing all negative feedback as coming from haters stunts your personal growth

"I've been doing radio since 11,000 BC. sniff"

I adore how this place spreads out into the world.

Anything and everything shall and will be used against you you bully mother fucker. If you were a nice guy we'd fuck with you but this is something special just for you. God made you have tits! Take it as a fucking sign and STOP BEING A MASSIVE PRICK!

Bobby, Vos, they have limited brain power but bags of charm and humility. You have absolutely nothing to add.

Fuck everyone!

The fact that such an interesting, scientific article made me think of that hack made me want to treat a gun like a lollipop.



Ol' russian wooden carving opie.

we heard you

Fuck everyone!

The ancient text scrawled on that thing is probably what Opie sees when he tries to read.

Holy shit that is funny. Nice pull.


Also, what the fuck look was opie going for in that photo?

The "my lips can resemble an asshole" look.

Have to hand it to you, that's hilarious.

"Oh, Opie's not made of wood."

Thanks Lady Di. You have to go drink a big vat of beer right?

Oh no no no I couldn't drink that much no.

Do I have to go drink a vat of beer? No no no I couldn't do that

You made me read that in her voice you mean bastard.



no wonder he's balding!

That can't be him, it's as flat as a board.

He's a a flatso


Ol' russian wooden carving opie.

A comment so nice he posted it twice.

Fuck everyone!

Oh no no no I couldn't drink that much no.

Do I have to go drink a vat of beer? No no no I couldn't do that

It's a good example of how demonizing all negative feedback as coming from haters stunts your personal growth