All of Jimmys specials are being pulled off Netflix at the end of this month.

18  2015-09-02 by JimmysLostFat

Sounds like they are all going over to Hulu as part of their new deal with Epix.

Poor Lil Yimmy


I honestly care more that theyre getting rid of Agent Cody Banks 2:Destination London.

Will I be able to keep up if I haven't seen the first one?

You gotta watch the first one to keep it up. (boo)

Did you seriously just straight rip off Pete Davidsons joke on the show? Couldn't possibly be parallel thinking, don't steal dude.

By "the show" do you mean Ow/J? Ive never heard him on there and dont even know what youre talking about.

I'm really going to miss not watching them

It's tough to watch his standup...with all that hunched over pacing and overacting. He said he was an overacting douche when he first started. Holy shit he must have been like a screaming chimp back then.

or an obese primate

Oh no! Now what am I going to not watch?

no joke, I gave the last one a honest try and 7 minutes in I was done. He's just not a good stand up when compared to competition that's one click away.

Watch Burr's to cleanse you palate. Best comic in America is Bill Burr.

I'm sorry you feel that way

You people are all the same

Let It Go

Yuck. What a quay thing to say.

No, I just think Burr's specials are hilarious. Better than Jim's and Louis' and stuff. I just watched 2 of them the other day so they were on my mind.

No thanks. I've had quite enough of his faux-masculine alpha male shtick and I've certainly had enough of his brainwashed fans and their sycophantic gushing. Bill Burr fans have officially become a creepy cult and you all need help.

Boy do you sound like a lot of fun.

You're just not a comedy fan. If you can literally say that Bill Burr isn't funny, just stop watching standup.

I do like Burr, but I can see what you're saying with his faux-masculinity. He's the most hen-pecked man alive with that bitch wife of his.

If you've ever listened to his podcast you wouldn't feel that way. Faux alpha male? What? Billy red tits says a lot of shit that makes those types look dumb


If you're an unfunny half faggot liberal, yeah.

Bill Burr's specials are hilarious, fuck off.

If you're a soft, plump pussy, yeah.

If you add fat then they're ant fans.

Watch out guys, we got an edgy one!

Is that competition shemale porn?

ISIS beheadings, many laughs were had.

I tried to watch it twice and didn't make it 5 minutes in.

Jimmy is a sweet young boy but it pains me to say that his last special was just awful I put it on and lost interest but still had it on in the background and was amazed he was still talking about anthony/twitter for so long I had to turn it off. I just felt bad because anyone who didnt know about Opie and Anthony would have no fucking clue what he was talking about especially 1 year after it happened.

Haven't been a fan of his specials but I liked his last one

Shit that sucks.

That's what genre his specials are in.

Oh boy we will lose all the topical humor the specials had in there respective years

Who the fuck has Hulu? I'm surprised that shits still around

I'm considering getting it. All seinfeld and South Park episodes is enough of a selling point alone.

I don't think the moohammed episodes are on there. Also I think they censor "fuck" on the hulu episodes, I don't remember I only had it for a couple months.

Just torrent them like I did. Then you won't be paying $15 per month and have to watch commercials.

Yeah, just torrent them. They'll look great on your 15 inch monitor. Oh by the way, Hulu is $7.99 a month not $15. If you had just finished high school you probably would have a better job and paying even $15 a month wouldn't seem like so much.

If Hulu brings you enough happiness to defend it with that much vigor on the internet your wife must be at least 400 lbs.

I never defended Hulu, but rather pointed out you didn't even know the cost of what you were complaining about. I've found that usually the guys like yourself who brag about pirating TV shows and NFL broadcasts to save money are the same guys who have no money and the only contact they ever had with a vagina was with their mother's.

You only think it's bragging because you don't know how to do it. And based on your comment you haven't even figured out how to get video from your computer to your TV yet. Ask one of your adult children.

That's all well and good, but the real question is this. Can I still catch Cutthroat Island on Netflix?

Netflix is getting rid of lots of stuff, Jimmy is just part of all that I would assume.

They were on Netflix? Oh on the US version maybe.

'murica fuck yeah

Ever since they got rid of Dazed & Confused things just haven't been the same

His loss. No one with any intelligence has Hulu... so maybe he'll get rich off this deal...

Netflix is fucking terrible. I have more movies on my DVD rack in my room than they have in their entire catalogue. They dont have a fucking thing on there, and if they DID have it, it's probably gone.

They sent me an email this morning saying they got Private Parts. You know, the movie from 1997.

Who gives a shit what year a movie was made. If it's good it's good.

That wasn't the point, the point is how the fuck do they JUST get Private Parts? There's about 300 other classics they don't have in their library either.

Well I enjoy movies in hd and in the current century so I guess we will have to disagree. Don't forget to update Realplayer sir.

That doesn't make any sense, but ok. Wtf do you mean "current century?" Do you think Im talking about only old movies?

You're a cunt

You're a cop.

Netflix has over 9,000 titles available streaming and over 100,000 titles in their DVD mailing catalog. You must have the biggest DVD rack in the world.

NINE thousand streaming?? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you actually touting that as a point for your team? Have you gone through the titles, do you know how many are straight to video schlock garbage?

I don't WANNA wait for the goddamn mail, why aren't these movies streaming? Who the fuck wants to wait for snail mail. Idiot.

I don't have a team, you fucking clown. I don't subscribe to Netflix. You made the completely false statement that you have more DVDs in your room than Netflix does in their entire catalog. I was correcting you with facts, because you are clearly ignorant about the subject at hand. The quality of the 9,000 titles isn't relevant, because your point was about quantity, not quality.

Trying to explain to you why Netflix doesn't have their entire DVD catalog available for streaming would be a waste of my time, because you are a dumb and irrational person. It has to do with bandwidth and cost effectiveness. Don't worry your simple mind with such confusing issues though. Enjoy your awesome collection of DVDs in your room like it's still 2005.

You're so fucking dumb you can't even grasp the concept of sarcasm; you actually thought I meant I literally have more DVDs in my room than Netflix? How the fuck do you even get out of your house in the morning. Fuck off.

You had to change your argument from "Netflix has a really small catalog!" to "Netflix has low quality movies!" when confronted with facts. The rhetorical tool you were using was hyperbole, not sarcasm. And I exposed your hyperbole to be misplaced by providing the stats on Netflix's very large collection. You are actually a dumb bastard, one of those people that is too stupid to realize it. You probably have a stupid family that distorted your sense of intelligence throughout your life.

You're like a Down syndrome Dennis Leary

You're like a down syndrome Carlos Mencia

yeah i would much rather go back to searching racks at blockbuster with a bunch of other idiots, and late fees.

theres plenty of classics and good original content, you probably just like shitty movies. plus if you have a computer and a usb chord and a brain you can stream any movie/tv show ever.


Let It Go

I don't have a team, you fucking clown. I don't subscribe to Netflix. You made the completely false statement that you have more DVDs in your room than Netflix does in their entire catalog. I was correcting you with facts, because you are clearly ignorant about the subject at hand. The quality of the 9,000 titles isn't relevant, because your point was about quantity, not quality.

Trying to explain to you why Netflix doesn't have their entire DVD catalog available for streaming would be a waste of my time, because you are a dumb and irrational person. It has to do with bandwidth and cost effectiveness. Don't worry your simple mind with such confusing issues though. Enjoy your awesome collection of DVDs in your room like it's still 2005.

You're like a Down syndrome Dennis Leary