What happened to this chemistry?

7  2015-09-01 by bizzlbone


Anthony found twitter.

I swear to god twitter ruined society

Danny's cackle in the background...those were the days!

As much as I fucking hate Danny he was the one who suggested they play "Let's Get Retarded" which almost made me piss my pants

Their chemistry never went away, it was right there until the end. If none of the crap with Ant went down, they would still be doing it and even if they both secretly resented the shit out of each other, the show would still be funny. Shit, I wish Ant just went out like 10 minutes later that night, then none of this would've happened.

I agree. The chemistry was always there, they were just at times (like Ant has said before) lazy and complacent with their current spots. I know many people, especially on this subreddit, during the last years of the show...have criticized how it turned to shit toward the end and in many ways they're right, but the show was still better radio than 90 percent of what I have ever listened to at the time especially.

Fuck this makes me so sad.

Best line obviously from opie in the middle of funny and laughter. "Is Bob Kelly in a subway commercial?..please explain yourself on instant feedback". He really knows how steer that ship to funnytown.

Don't laugh so loudly, Ope.

Whatever happened to that white rapper, über pest, named Chemistry?

I agree. The chemistry was always there, they were just at times (like Ant has said before) lazy and complacent with their current spots. I know many people, especially on this subreddit, during the last years of the show...have criticized how it turned to shit toward the end and in many ways they're right, but the show was still better radio than 90 percent of what I have ever listened to at the time especially.