Opie banned me from commenting on his Facebook

7  2015-08-31 by ActionBlackson

I guess calling him out for all of his hypocrisy about Howard's 4-day work weeks hurt his feelings.


Above all else, real

Anthony blocked me when I said he is getting old now.

Listen his back hurts from lugging his luscious moobs around..

I tweeted that fuck once reminding him he shouldn't call other people fat with those delectable D cups on his chest and he blocked me.

leave it alone!

Who the fuck still subscribes to Opie's Facebook?

I liked arguing with the dorks that stick up for him on there.

Admit it, you are secretly hoping for the return of Shaq balloon


Are you really surprised? What else would you expect from a 50+ year old cunt?

Not at all surprised. He's the worst part of his own show.


Opie blocked me for the extremely tame comment that he shouldn't bitch about people (Big Jay) not stopping everything and kissing the ring just because he acknowledged their existence. Thin skinned baby.


There you go, great example of what a fuckin dickhead Opie is. I'd like to rip his tits off and shove them down Jimmy's emaciated throat.

He was always a dick.

ME: Nice try with the hate.

Words hurt

(if you're a pussy or Opie,Anthony,Jim)