What is Ants stances on drugs? Blacks/Freddie Gray=bad,lives not fit for society. Whites/Him/Joe/Legion of Skanks=totally fine

0  2015-08-29 by Lilcumia

Can we have and open and honest discussion about Ants views on drugs? Has anyone asked him about this on Twitter? Does he secretly think LOS, Joe and every other comic that takes them are stains on society? Suprised he even asked Artie Lange to come on his show.


My educated guess is Ant believes partaking in drugs=ok. Violence, death, destruction in black communities because of drugs=not ok.

So you think he back-traces the weed he smokes with the LOS guys to make sure it didn't come from a violent drug dealer or does he just complain about that stuff but ignore it when it comes to him and his friends?

No / Yes / Yes. Is it a shock to any O&A fan that Ant is a hypocritical, self-righteous blow hard? Did I pass pop quiz?

Well I'm grading on Charles Murray's Bell Curve so I'll need to know your race/ethnicity before I tell you how you did...

Yeah with respect, you're too intelligent, logical to be posting on this sub; especially about Ant. A lot easier to troll those 5 Benjamin wannabes.

I'm not really trolling... I'm just fuckin around.

Misunderstood, was talking about me trolling the 5 Benjamin wannabes

Oooh my bad... I thought you were telling me I should be trolling the Benjamins ha.


Ant used to be a huge stoner and sell coke with his brother out of his apartment. He's also said on many occasions that he's opposed to the retarded strict drug laws we have. I don't know where you got the idea he was anti-drug. He just doesn't like black people lol

I don't know his view on drugs. In my 3 or 4 years of listening to O&A and now TACS, it's never come up.

Without trying it out myself I'd suggest googling the following verbatim: cumia "death dealer"

At least, that's what I assumed was the centerpiece of the OP's point.

He used to freebase and I'm sure people are at least smoking weed at his mansion. I also remember him talking about how great Vicodin feels so my guess is he doesn't care about drugs one bit.

With all the talk about taxes he does I'd bet he's pro-legalization too.

The guy who smoked fucking crack when he was in his 20's is anti drug?

nobody is the same person they were 3 years ago, 15 years ago, 30 years ago, etc.

give me one example of someone that is.

You realize that most street dealers are in their 20s or even less right?

bill clinton

Didn't Gray sell heroine? That is a whole other class of substance.


He was ripping niggas off.

i think he keeps quiet about it now, given the new company he keeps. but i think awhile back he turned pretty hard against drugs, because he had quite a rant against marijuana and the people that smoke it some years back. he gave a pretty good impression that he was REALLY tired of drug/pot people.

i was kind of surprised but then again he is a curmudgeon now.

He's said on LoS that hes in full support of legal weed.


I think you have to be pretty stupid to not immediately see the difference between personal drug use and gang violence over crack dealing.

bill clinton

You realize that most street dealers are in their 20s or even less right?