Daddy's drinking early on vacation....

0  2015-08-29 by fratboy_massacre



You are weird.

But . . . but I thought the studio was going to change everything. What happened?

It totally already did. You've seen the high-caliber guests, the professional polish the studio has, the state of the art sound and visuals, and Anthony never rants about race anymore. And here he is, actively working to make his show more accessible to guests. Everything is different now. Anyone can see that and if you don't, you're an SJW/liberal douchebag.

Hurry up, this sub is on pins and needles waiting for another psycho babble post on why Ant has his beliefs. Let's hear it Dr Melfi

the professional polish

No no no no Keith is Italian, isn't he?

Anyone can see that you're an SJW/liberal douchebag.

Well we agree on something

The double standard he has for "culpability" is really infuriating.

I think the saddest thing of this is that someone will look at this, not know who the hell Ant is, and then make fun of his penis size due to the gun he has in his picture. And not get the hilarity that someone who did a show in their basement behind a paywall suddenly qualifies as 'useful member of society.'


From the article:

"I am proud of the men and women that have worked swiftly to apprehend the responsible person who posed a significant threat to both law enforcement and the community at large,"

Nobody fucking proofreads anymore. Either that or the guy making that statement thinks killing police is a "responsible" thing to do. I can't tell you how many errors I read when looking at articles that are supposed to be respected sources.


2015-08-29 18:53:03 UTC

Grats #BlackLivesMatter & media for culpability in another successful murder of an innocent useful member of society.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

You know, I'm beginning to think that Anthony is a little bit racist.

He's not wrong.

He isn't wrong but he also didn't tweet out "Congrats StormFront for culpability in the shooting deaths of a handful of useful, contributing members of society." after Dylann Roof shot up a black church. Black guy shoots a cop = he was radicalized by the media. White guy shoots up a black church = he is just mentally ill.

Someone should tweet this to him and use a picture of a black person as your twitter picture. I'm sure Ant would love to hear this type of logic coming from "one of them people".

Except that is completely the opposite way these cases have been portrayed in the media.

I'm not talking about the media.. I'm talking about Anthony. If he is concerned about hypocrisy and consistency then he should have tweeted this same thing about Dylann Roof. He isn't concerned about that. He said that Dylann Roof was clearly just mentally ill. Now that we have a black guy who is nuts he wants to ignore the mentally ill part and talk about the racial component. He is doing the exact thing he accuses the media of doing: pushing 1 half of the story ahead of the other to fit the narrative that he's been preaching publicly for he last decade or so. Roof and Flanagan were both crazy, racist pieces of shit. Only Flanagan seemed to upset Anthony to where he had to tweet about the poor victims and their valuable lives being lost. The black people killed in Charleston didn't get that.

Agree, well said.

