A young Ronny B interviews Elliot Offen years before Stern on Ron& Ron

10  2015-08-28 by [deleted]


"Young Ronnie B" always looks like a 12 year old chubby kid dressed as a "Grown Up" for Halloween.

John Goodman with minor downs syndrome.

Hey thanks pal


Goddamn I miss old stern.

I love the "You are THERE" camera-technique. Opie'd be proud.

young Fez at the end holy shit

So Fez was a total gimmick? That guy doesn't have a gay voice like Fez.

Gimmick that became real.

was that really fez? what the fuck, i wouldnt mess with him, looks like a drug lord

Great clip. I've always been fascinated with Elliot Offen. I wonder what his deal is. Bi-polar? Schizophrenic? I get this feeling he's from a wealthy family and went off the rails.

Psychopath with a meth problem. Read about his light bulb fraud in the 80's, he made millions and was regarded as a slick talking genius by police, he can absolutely act normal and even charming in order to swindle people. Then there's the way that he treated his wife and daughter around the same time, abusing them and kidnapping his daughter. His completely uninhibited behavior, violent tendencies, lack of empathy, megalomania, etc.

And I get the sense that he runs around in women's clothing in order to provoke "discrimination" against him, he had a completely frivolous lawsuit against Holiday Inn a few years ago because they told him to cover his ass in the lobby.

Interesting. Didn't know about his light bulb fraud in the 80's. I'll have to read up on that.

Did you ever hear the one where they had his daughter on? It was actually really sad. Guy is a total mental case and a con artist, he's been locked up a good handful of times. If I remember too, his daughter was really pretty and somehow seemed totally well adjusted and had her shit together and completely embarrassed by him.

Yeah, I vaguely recall that. One thing is for sure, the guy is radio gold. Wish he was still on the radio.

I liked the Jesus Twins better, but yeah Elegant Elliott was always a good time.

I highly enjoyed the Jesus Twins as well.


Who is elliot offen?

I don't want your life

'OFFEN, moron!'