I think Todd Pettengil hacked Wiki and changed the name. He would say "knuckleheads."

1  2015-08-27 by ApevonTarskin


This joke can actually be linked to MC Serch. I recommend going through that video, it's the best one they did before splitting IMO.

I'm from the streets!

...but later raised by my parents

Knuckleheads was actually coined by everyone's favorite wigger MC Serch

I don't think Todd Pettingzoo would ever do such a heelish thing.

"Hacked"? I don't think you understand how Wikipedia works

What an old-fashioned, weak insult. Next thing they'll be calling us nitwits, or buffoons, or DOPES.

Jason Collins was also on that list and the Todd Show was still the gayest thing trending that day.


My name is Floppycock McDoodletits, and I got hacked by your wiki page!