Opie on Periscope talking about Marci Turk

2  2015-08-27 by Tell_Em_Fred


Can't someone just sum up what he said, I can't watch him walk on a beach

Sirius execs tried to get O&A on Stern's channel at one point. A lot of the HS staff doesn't like Turk. Opie tried to reach out to Stern to bury the hatchet, not to be pals, but to let the old shit go and Stern wanted nothing to do with it. Opie & Club Soda Kenny sometimes pass Howard and Ronnie in the hall. Opie knows Ronnie well. Opie says hi to Ronnie. Howard gets pissed. Club Soda and Opie laugh about it. Some other things as well...

Good for Howard, more and more I'm starting to lean to his side of the story.

That funny because I am a former long time Stern listener and I am starting to lean to the O&A side of the story.

Exactly. Why would Howard be interested in dealing with this ankle biting zilch

Howard does not walk around the halls of S/XM. God he is such a fucking liar. Howard does not even think of him

Howard has to get in and out of the building.

Part of his deal was actually access to the freight elevator to avoid the peasants in the hall. It was a big deal because no one gets that treatment.

Oprah would show up once a year and they put out the red carpet. But no way they'd let her in the freight elevator.

and presumably go to the shitter.

Stern has a personal bathroom adjacent to his studio that's locked and he's the only one with a key. They've talked about it on the show

Man, that sounds nice. I have to share the bathroom with my grandma.

Grandma shits are the worst.

When she shits do you try to hit her shit with your piss?

Does it get awkward?

So whoever has to clean it knows where all the blood drops and shit swipes come from.

Hidden camera anyone?

LOL at Stern patrolling the halls in thought like a learned man trying to figure out how to give back to the world. I bet Opie has seen Howard wearing locks and chains around his neck too.

Thank you!

Opie reached out to Howard to bury the hatchet. Yeah that sounds like an Opie move, wonder how many times he's tried to contact Anthony to smooth things over...

never before have I tried so hard to will broken glass into existence.

Yes. Embedded in AIDS shit.

Go for a quick boogy board Opie. That ocean sure looks non paralysing.

first thing in the morning do the twitter and periscope,check the kids later.

That's women's work sir!

That's the babysitter, nanny, personal trainer, personal chef, and chauffer's job! You don't think Mrs. Hughes does that either, do you?

I asked Jim Florentine about it. He said Opie shouldn't be watching the kids because he's not a chick. What is he playing house? That's kid stuff.

What is he, fouuurr?


at what point does he take a shit?

just another #OpieLie

Opie on Periscope


Did anyone ask him if the cratered sand made him feel like he and Anthony were sharing time together on the beach?

Ha ha ha

Howard better at least be fucking that older Kristen Stewart looking chick, that's disturbing to imagine Howard fucking anyone though...


If you are using a PC or a Laptop press the play button sir. If you are using a smart phone device you will need to DL periscope.


Couldn't make it through 2 min

I tapped out after 13 seconds

He said that Marci Turk does run Howard's show now, and that a lot of people on the staff don't like her.

He has a lot of balls to talk about people on staff not liking someone.

I hear they have to walk on Sternshells

Stern attended Hebrew school, where he was given the name Tzvi.

Tzvishells has a ring to it.

To be fair, howard is opie with more success and money, but even worse. Their personalities and general way of acting are eerily similar.

Howard's an egomaniac, but he's earned it. Opie rode the shoulders of ant and now himmy and 50 other comics.

But not much hair

Interesting little slams on Marci Turk. Now, could somebody please explain what the true reason for the Stangels being there is?

because Jewish...

Is there a fast forward on periscope?

Unfortunately no.

I'm unable to get any audio on it. Just doesn't work. I feel like I'm being saved by a higher power.

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What.....what is this?

What a lying sack of shit, he would do anything to be acknowledged by Howard

Who gives a fucking shit? Howard vs. O&A is over! Both Howard and Opie stink. To think that Howard is better than Opie & Jim Norton. They're both shit hacks, just that one of them was legendary, then a horsefaced cunt changed him for the worse. Move the fuck on, because I think Opie's wanting to do the same thing.

Actually I want to thank Opie and Anthony's collective undying shittyness in the past year or so for my reason to go back and watch old episodes of Stern's E show and channel 9 show. I remember how much of a fan I was back then. Sure he sucks now, but he was legendary back then.

Stern attended Hebrew school, where he was given the name Tzvi.

Tzvishells has a ring to it.