What network will Jimmy's show be on?

7  2015-08-26 by StopApologizingUSA

Has it been said yet what network Jimmy is doing his talk show with? Love Jimmy but can't really listen to Opie Radio


Its a pilot which means it wont even necessarily become a show

Let's be real. It won't.

Correct answer.

if he's in competition with Dan Harmon it's almost pitiful

Kurt Metzger tweeted that he had to get back to work writing Jimmy's pilot, today. Is this a talk show or is it scripted?

It will probably be his old boring talk show with some okayish to good sketches. I don't understand how a guy who hasn't turned on a tv since the late 90's thinks he can make a relevant tv show.

probably something along the lines of jimmy kimmel I guess. good luck with that.

Wouldn't the show work better with Metzger as the host and Jimmy as the sidekick?

Of course it would, Jim has the charmisma of a dead earthworm.

IFC , but his pilot WILL NOT be picked up, lets be real

I think it'll be something different. I mean where else can we hear Jimmy interviewing people. Never been done before.

haha, honestly. His talk show idea is kinda shitty. He really thinks he can bring an EDGE or some shit to it... zzz

put a tranny on it

Wait what? There won't be a blinking show?

I know, Im bummed about that. I wish he'd take a crack at a scripted show. Honestly, I know it's not the most original idea, but I'd love a "Louie" type show about Jimmy, too. I mean why not. I almost wouldn't give a fuck if every comic I liked had one of those faux reality style shows, I mean...they work. 2 for 2 already, I love Louie and I love Maron. Why not "Jimmy."

Well he has no charisma, for one.

You don't need charisma to be a comic playing a version of themselves on a show. You already know what you're getting, it's not like he's trying to be a lead in a romantic comedy.

IFC is like, all alternative comedy. Maron, comedy bang bang, portlandia, garfunkel & Oates. Fred Armisen has 2 shows on that channel actually. It's so weird that they would pursue a show with the skin-head looking old guy who has hours of audio complaining about the libs. Doesn't fit at all

He should make the Chip Chipperson cartoon that he talked about on Legion of Skanks. Even if it's just on YouTube with shitty animation it would be way better than any talk show


That says a lot.

IFC, in the Twilight Zone.

He is uncomfortable to look at, the weight loss alone aged him about 10 years. Add in the compulsive and uncontrollable blinking/twitching. He really has no shot.


Did you know that Scorch has 8,000,000 listeners, all over the world?


I was so excited for the jim norton show on vice. it wasn't very good, and i'm not even sure i could tell you why exactly. it just felt very boring.

Damn, Jimmy can't give up on his Leno-envy, can he?

Perhaps with all the Caitlyn Jenner bullshit going on, he figures his tranny-centric offerings will succeed with the mainstream this time.

Boy, Jim really is trying like hell to get any other project going. He really hates that Opie Raqio. Hopefully this turns out better than the VICE show...but it won't.

The vice show was great

Was not

Yeah the baily shit was corny and the blinking was on overdrive but it was a good alternative to network shows

Get cable or netflix.

You're aware that there's an invention called television, and on that invention they show shows?

Well, the way they pick the shows on TV is they make one show, and that show's called a pilot. And they show that one show to the people who pick the shows, and on the strength of that one show, they decide if they want to make more shows. Some get accepted and become TV programs, and some don't, and become nothin'.

Jimmy starred in one of the ones that became nothin'.

I gave you an upvote, if it helps. No clue why you're getting hit for this one.

Nigga fell THROUGH that.

What do you mean

Get cable or netflix.