Looks like the Anthony Cumia network is about to get a sports show

9  2015-08-26 by YouAintGotToLieCraig


Comparing Islam to the Nazi Germany. I'm kinda with him.

If I have to hear "religion of peace" one more time in the news. If they were in charge, I would be pretty much killed as I don't believe in a God. Us heretics are put in the same column as the gays and the jews.

So what I'm trying to say is you can see how Joe Derosa thinks the way he does because of his heritage.

I'm kinda with him.

I'm 1000 fucking % with him. These companies are so terrified of Muslim backlash that they are literally proving every single "Islamophobe" correct.


More than 42 MILLION Muslims 'support ISIS'

The study, based on four recent polls, reveals the shocking level of support for the caliphate around the world.

I bet his wife has really had it with him this time. First the hundreds of millions of dollars lost on a mediocre video game and now this.

Thank you. I was hoping someone would mention this.

Curt Schilling did nothing wrong.

Let's protest the ESPN studios!

I do like the fact that Schilling is still a dick, and didn't apologize. Furthermore, he shouldn't apologize. He's spot on.

Dude, Curt Schilling is my new hero. 100% spot on.

A Sunday Morning NFL show would be fun during the football season. Fantasy football call ins and all that jazz.


What is it with conservatives and memes?


I am extremely offended by Curt Shilling's ignorant statement. Nazi Germany never had the numbers and support that ISIS and Extremist Islam have among Muslims. In some nations the amount of people who support honor killing a gay son or a wife that cheats on her husband approaches 90% of the population. ISIS is just a symptom of a disease that already existed in the Muslim world.

I love how demonized people made him for the tweet. Acknowledging murder is worse than murder now.

Yeah that's an ignorant comparison The Muslims were in charge for hundreds of years. As long as you paid taxes they left you alone. Shit they saved thousands of jews from the christians. Comparing them to Nazi is a fine display of ignorance

The analogy is not comparing Muslims to Nazis. It's comparing Muslim extremist to Nazis and Muslim to Germans. Reading fundmentals my friend.

Are you actually trying to defend the actions of a failed imperialist conquest of Western Europe? Do you think they would be so "tolerant" of the Jews if they stopped paying their special tax for being a "Jew" or if those Jews decided to start trading with the Christian Kingdom's that resisted Muslim conquest?