Sick fuckin burn

8  2015-08-25 by mrta66


That's such a weird, irrelevant slam, too.

"The show stunk." "Only premature ejaculators say things like that!"

He's a child.

and worst of all I think the term is two pump chump

3 pumps is not premature at all as far as I'm concerned. That is a pretty decent run.

Especially when tits is a cuck and gets zero pumps he's envious.

I mean, I got off. Mission accomplished in my book.

Sex with a girl is a race to orgasm and I am undefeated.

hahaha he can't even get that right

One pump chump, keeps the assonance.

Only premature ejaculators say things like that!

It's actually a funnier burn written like this.

which is why Opie didn't say it

You think very lowly of children. My 4 year old asked me the other day out of nowhere "I wonder what comes after Earth and after people? Cause I won't be around to see it."

He's a fucking retard, plain and simple.

but have you ever really thought about water?

Don't you ever wonder what makes salt water taste so salty?


Haha watching that shit right now man funny fucking show

He has this weird thing where he gets an insult (or even just a term) in his head and he absolutely has to use it as soon as possible, as many times as possible, even when it's not appropriate. "Size queen" was a big one a few years ago, he'd use it as a generic insult.

Caller: You guys suck, you talk about this shit every day.

Opie: Oh shut up, you fffuckin, size queen. Huh-huh-huh-huh, size queen.

Just like "cuck" here.

And every insult word he has ever used he copied directly from jimmy.

I think he wrote his comeback from his mancave.

The breast pump chump Hughes.

Waiting for the obligatory "you DUMMIES thought that was a real slam? It was suppose to be stupid! How stupid are you for not realizing I meant it to be stupid! That's the joke! You DUMMIES!"

You have to demonstrate that you are good before you earn the right to be deliberately bad.


do these FUAHAWWKKIN HATERS even listen to the show? it was obviously a FHUUUKKKKINN stupid throw away line PERIOD

I'm now completely convinced that Opie was the inspiration for Chip.


ME: I fucking BURIED that cocksucker.

I'm just happy out of all those replies, 2 were positive .

For HIV!


and he didnt even get the expression right, its two pump. credit where credit is due, gotta give the man a bonus pump


Words must get all jammed up in his senile brain. So many tweets that are just irrelevant and void of humor.

sniff Management loves the new direction of the show, brothaman. sniff Fuckin' haters, man... burp sniff

3 pump chump, that shit was funny as fuck in the 70's. I am sure he stole it from Howard at one point. Hoo hoo.


If he weren't so stupid, I would swear opie was fucking with us

fawkin skewled that fawkin nerd brugh

He should be beaten with a bag of bricks.

2 retweets, 9 favorites

I bet Bam wasnt a one pump chump.


2015-08-25 14:42:55 UTC

That's just dumb. Something a 3 pump chump would tweet.

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Is he admitting he only pumps once a minute?

Torpid sloths work slow, if at all.

Gavin McInnes pegged him perfectly.

shucky ducky quack quack

I wish I could make it to three pumps.

I swear, dis never happened before, awright!!

I just wanna be on da show

Go to break E-Rock.

Corny- assed chump. Period.

Hey, Opester - the proper term is "one pump chump."

You can't arbitrarily shoehorn someone else's words into the term to make it "sting."

A comedic genius such as yourself should understand that.

Oh yeah? The jerk store called and they're running out of you!

I wonder if he brings that line to the show?

You don't like the programming on my channel?! Well... well... uhhh... sniff... You're stupid!!

which is why Opie didn't say it

Especially when tits is a cuck and gets zero pumps he's envious.

I mean, I got off. Mission accomplished in my book.