What episode of O&A highlights how goddamn awful Opie can be?

5  2015-08-25 by doclemons

He's absolutely HORRIBLE in this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amawaslwzXA&t=3329


Like a list?

ME: So do I!!!

Wait for it...so douchey...and tasteless.

tweety tweet, holy fuck

This is 10-fold, the worst of Opie. I dare you to find one worse.


I always thought that Sam was clowning Opie by reading the same comment twice.

Don't think for a second that Sam isn't fucking with Opie 95% of the time.

every comment opie reads is NOT good, its not good

Opie is bad in this one? Fucking Anthony is THE WORST in that clip. He might as well just suck Danny's dick on air.

Ant and dannys relationship was always weird to me. Not only was Ant the only one that didn't think danny was a worthless pile of shit, but he was constantly trying to impress him.

It was the exact opposite of Opie and Erock.

Agreed, it's like Ant was always sucking up to Danny which made no sense

You mean like the classic movie quotes back and forth with Patrice? How horrible.

The clip where Opie bets Derosa money that he cant do 20 push ups.

ketchup wars discussion?

All of them


BUH ROOTAL, but it's Opie and Jim so it doesn't count.

Ant and dannys relationship was always weird to me. Not only was Ant the only one that didn't think danny was a worthless pile of shit, but he was constantly trying to impress him.

It was the exact opposite of Opie and Erock.

You mean like the classic movie quotes back and forth with Patrice? How horrible.