Anthony has been strong lately

0  2015-08-25 by bizzlbone

This past week's TACS episodes in the NY studio as well as his appearance on LOS have been really good, and he's starting to give off that old Ant vibe I used to love. Only problem is every time the subject of Opie comes up he instantly turns into a scorned lover. If he could just finally make peace with that whole situation it would work out better for everyone.


I'm stronger and younger than Anthony and I know I could win in a fist fight against him.

Someone get this guy a drink and some footage of blacks doing things he disapproves of. I don't like his current Anthony.

hole situation


FAWK YAH peice a gahbage

Needs more open and honest discussions about race and more time for the Retards.

Only problem is every time the subject of Opie comes up he instantly turns into a scorned lover

Good. Fuck Opie. My hatred for that faggot is irrational, I understand, but I fucking HATE that son of a bitch.