Anthony got fired for tweeting basically the same thing he said on the airwaves about 3 years prior.

0  2015-08-24 by bdizzle45

6:24 for mobile.

Edit: I know this has been brought up before. But as far as I know, no one has actually used a clip that uses damn near word for word of what got him fired. Sorry for wasting your time.


Huh? so Anthony had been expressing these views prior and Sirius XM didn't fire him? Thanks for getting to the bottom of this /u/bdizzle45

He got fired because Sirius XM thought:

"This fuck always gets into these racial confrontations, it's not the first time, now he's carrying around a concealed pistol. Fuck this shit, we don't need the risk."

It wasn't the racial views I was talking about. It was the violence that SXM said was the reason for his firing. Nice try with the hate tho.

When did Ant say he hoped a black woman got shot. They said it was violence but I'l guessing that was so Ant can't sue them for him having an opinion about race. Their hypocrisy would show if one of their black employees said something similar. Ant could always contest to free speech when he said things on the air.

If you listen to the clip, Ant does tell the caller he hopes the caller gets shot.

And I'm sure they wouldn't have liked it if they heard it. Dosn't mean they can't sack him just beause he said it before. It sucks. He should have been able to say what he wants.

Someone's a little late to the party

When you say shit on the air you are protected by saying "I am just trying to stir up a debate/be entertaining/doing a bit/trying to provoke callers, etc..." When you are sitting at home on twitter you don't have the "I'm putting on an act for the show" defense. In the context of the show you can get away with more shit than you can when you are just twittering for your own sake.

Tell Imus that.

Imus wasn't on Satellite radio. He had sponsors to answer to. If you piss your sponsors off you are going to get in trouble.

The show is fairly irrelevant to the mainstream. It would take a listener (most of which are the "converted" to begin with that aren't bothered by Antthony's rants) to cut out a clip, then post it, then others notice it and then potentially it cross the path of someone wanting to make an issue of it.

Twitter on the other hand is immediate exposure to people outside of your demo. A tweet is a "clip" already cut out and sits there for all to see indefinitely. So it is much easier and more likely for a tweet to reach a non-fan and cross the path of the potentially offended. To which they in one click will retweet and expose to a much larger audience of potential offendies. It's candy from a baby for shitty, lazy celeb bloggers.

So hopefully, for the last time, THIS is why the tweets got him fired as opposed to anything he ever said on the air. Low hanging fruit. Sirius got a little heat for the tweets, as opposed to little or no heat ever from stuff he said because his on air comments were not exposed to a vast non-O&A audience. If a Gawker or such had this clip or one of the many like it, and wrote about it, he would have gotten fired the same. It's the exposure that was the factor.

Exactly. It's like how Tiger Woods' wife didn't care that he was cheating. She only cared when the National Enquirer made it known to the world. Only then did she take a golf club to his head. Same thing with Sirius. They knew what Ant had been saying for years but only divorced him once the rest of the world found out what Ant has been saying

You obviously haven't been privy to the numberssssssss brothaman.

Holy shit, you're the first person to bring this point up and have this point of view! Good job

you're about a year too late with this info, clearly you are a new listener because anyone who knows this show knows that he and opie and jim have said a lot worse things.

LOS always say they are the most offensive podcast on earth but that means nothing because OnA said and did some crazy shit on terrestrial radio.

thats why i think its lame that LOS brags about that like its hard to do on a podcast.

We heard you!

Anthony got fired because he said some racist shit, and the company already hated him and wanted him gone, and he had two Co-Hosts 1 who had already washed his hands of him, and 1 who was a complete coward and never spoke up when it could have helped (imo).

Well...No shit!

Sirius was looking for an excuse and as soon as the shit went down, Opie probably called Scott and expressed his concern and said that if Sirius wanted to fire ant, he was ok with that.

LOOK EVERYONE! I found Ant's private account!
