Sherrod and Big Jay this morning on OpieRadio

3  2015-08-24 by dflorio

Interested in their chemistry actually, who is listening?


Sherrod is somehow even more out of touch with pop culture than even Opie.

I'm never surprised when any comic is out of touch with pop culture. They're not real people, basically. Pop culture exists as a way for people with day jobs to waste time, and people with no bills to spend money. Then you get a bunch of 40 year olds who work at night and watch daytime TV to talk about it.

I could not be less interested in sherrod and big jays chemistry. Nobody should be listening.

It's surprisingly not that bad at all. Proving what we already knew Opie is the problem.

There can be no chemistry with Sherrod. He sucks.

Jay & Soder, Jay & Metzger, Jay & Shaffir or any combo of those guys is what i want to hear.

These are my exact thoughts. Sherrod is unlistenable.

Don't forget Jay & Silent Bob

Shaffir fucking blows.

Id take shafir over sherrod any day of the week

I would not. Sherrod is the drizzling shits, but Shaffir is worse.

Both aren't great though, we can agree on that.

He does. I'm over his astigmatism/lisp routine he ripped off of andy dick.

It's possible you're thinking of somebody else since Ari Shaffir sounds absolutely nothing like that faggot Andy Dick

No I'm well aware of who he is, since the Amazing Racist, but if you go watch the Big Jay roast for example you'll see how he morphed into Andy Dick.

I tried listening for 2 minutes. Jay was great and I think Kurt was on the phone. Then Sherrod overpowers everyone and I had to turn it off. If Jay, Kurt and Soder did a show together, it would be huge. Sherrod should be doing Philly black clubs and saying Hamburger as his catch phrase.

Or shuckey duckey quack quack

You should have gave it more than that. I only heard the last hour, but Sherrod was little more than a voice in the background of a Big Jay show with Metzger doing a phoner.

Sherrod's interjections were few and far between, but Jay and Kurt were great.

Good to hear. I just heard Sherrod and got sick to my stomach. I guess I should've stuck it out.

Very good show today IMO, the last hour or so when Metzger called in was awesome.

Does anyone know the track they played opening into the song? something "humanoid" or "humans" was in the title, and it was pretty awesome.

"Anxious in Venice" by "The Superhumanoids".

I listened to the first 30 minutes and it was funny. I guess the big Jay - Opie feud is over.

Sherrod is a can.

of black eyed peas

I liked it.but would rather have 4 hours of los or bon fire on in the morning

I dont understand how people think Jay is funny, but I guess I just missed the boat. They play his bits on about every comedy channel on Sirius. Ive actually tried to like him and listen to all of his stuff but it was so predictable. I guessed the punchline to every bit before he even said it

He consistently blind sides me w/ shit that cracks me up and gives me the giggles like a little girl. I think he's fucking hilarious.

You should see him live, all crowdwork, good, but he's no Vos

Can't hate on Attel crew, sacrilege

Yea but Richard Pryor in his hay day, combined with George Carlin at his best, & Chris Rock's "bring the pain" special all mixed together is still no match for the legend Rich Vos (playing both south & north NJ)!

Pikipse gold star road act


I Love Attel!

I loved him first!